Windows Star Citizen

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Parge, 10 Oct 2012.

  1. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Have you registered at the RSI site? Might be worth doing just to make sure.
  2. Blogins

    Blogins Panda have Guns

    3 Aug 2010
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    Yeap! That's all done! :thumb:

    Not sure if I should align with you reprobates just yet! :D
  3. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    Only proteshionals here!

    NIHILO The Customer isn't always right!

    30 Dec 2013
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    I hope more open up after the Dogfighting module has been released. I simply cant bring myself to invest in a game that i dont know if i can run or even enjoy.
  5. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Pew pew pew pewwwwwwwwww. WOooooooooeeeeeEEE.

  6. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Run depends on hardware. Install EVE they are very similar style of games.

    You will trade, Mine, Craft, Explore, just as you do in EVE. Only Dif will be the Skill and dogfight system id imagine. EVEs skill system takes years to fully complete. Very little is Known about SCs Skill system that I assume it will get some hope it wont.

    Needs a Skill / Level up system to stop it been a money or grind race to the best ships. ( Theres people out there who play enough to be in the best ships in a few days if as they have said before they are all buyable in a ship yard.)

    Imagine making a alt and you have enough spare cash on your main to instantly buy the best ship for its chosen role. Would not really make that Alt alot of fun to play with.
  7. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Its already stated that there will be no level up system, which is great in my eyes.

    Fortunately Star Citizen will be nothing like Eve with all the boring grinding and ‘click click click’ battles.

    Also, your assertation that installing Eve will help give you an idea of whether you can run SC is.... utter rubbish..... Eve is built on a 10 year old engine. Star Citizen is built on CryEngine 3. If you want to know whether you can run it or not - try Crysis 3.
  8. SirFur

    SirFur PC Gamer and LAzy B0nes

    8 Apr 2009
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    All I am gonna say is lol.

    Yes, EvE is about 'click click' but what actions you are required to do in a fight is needed in a short amount of time. You need reflexes such as those used in dogfighting, only in EvE you don't actually do the 'actual' shooting. Being able to do even half of what you do in an EvE skirmish whilst dogfighting will be pretty darned difficult. I have known only very few good dogfighting games (Freelancer and freespace) and EvE provides a sense of real combat without it, which actually is very good. Until we see and play the dogfighting in SC, I would be withholding judgement on EvE's combat system. (Even though, yes I agree it would so much cooler to have's just something that's quite hard to implement as well as all of what an EvE pilot can do...and it's also too late to make that transition anymore)

    As for the second point about it being on a 10 year old system......have you actually run the game recently? I mean the graphics are far beyond a lot of current gen games. The game gets two major upgrades a year, that almost always have an updated graphics model. The workload on the hardware is quite demanding tbh.
    Last edited: 13 Jan 2014
  9. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    EVEs 2000+ player battles bring my own system to its knees, So yeh its a pretty decent test. ( I get 3-4 fps at max settings in those battles and have to use low or medium to even play it )

    SC is limited to 100 players per instance is it not? Could it not suffer what Star trek online has suffered with its Lack of immersion where there might be 1million players logged in but you only see 100 of them at any one time due to instance caps.

    We will find out soon enough how combat will be with the dog fighting module, Will it go the way of X3 / freelancer. Or will it go the way of Star trek online did. Or even the way EVE is. Nobody can say 100%.

    EVE grinding hmm, You can macro mining and you need to do little else to get yourself a top end fighter ( takes about 3 days of doing little game windowed doing the same actions on repeat) with alot of higher level guilds recruiting who already own the plans to craft everything. Could not tell you what it was like 5 years ago though.

    I expect Star Citizens grinding to be harder than it was for me to get into EVE, However you go about making cash your grinding, Be it trade, Mining or quests.
  10. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Eve is very similar to that game that hasn't even been release yet and no-one knows what it'll truly be like until it is released. Considering it has dog fighting, no it's not a similar style of game, if it was then Skyrim and GW2 would be similar styles of games. Point and Click does not equal more action based games, even if the end result is virtually identical (dead mob). I'm not saying one is bad and one isn't, each to their own, but the styles are different.

    Because you have to use that cash on your alt to buy everything :rolleyes:

    Kind of agree, wiki says the engine was released in 07, so the engine is still that old (unless wiki is wrong). It is pretty though. :p

    So you're saying that having a lot of stuff going and looking at a pretty slide show is a decent test? Confused, are you expecting to have 20x performance in SC?
  11. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Well this is a silly argument isn't it?

    EVE and Star Citizen are not the same. One is a combat orientated space sim, with first person controls and some trading tacked on. The other is a third person/ship with a layer of abstraction away from the controls, but also has trading as a bonus.

    One has no levels, no skills and no RPG elements. The other has skill trees, levelling times and a distinct RPG flavour.

    So, which is EVE and which is Star Citizen? Think it is pretty obvious. Sorry, beyond the setting of "OMG SPACE" they are nothing alike, so I don't get the comparison. The only thing you can fairly say is equal is that they're both online multiplayer. You can argue about which system is more "skilled" to play until the cows come home, but it is irrelevant.

    Equally, the technical comparisons are irrelevant as well. They don't use the same engine, the same (or even similar) background workings (instancing vs. many many ships at once at the expense of FPS), or even the same controls.

    Getting an idea of how SC will run is best done with Crysis 3 because SC uses CryEngine3. It isn't an exact comparison, as the engine has been modified, but it gives you an idea. Using EVE as a comparison would be like telling somebody to estimate how well Tomb Raider would run by playing Sins of a Solar Empire.

    tl;dr Stop bitching. SC and EVE are in no way comparable, so stop trying.

    EDIT: I'd also say that the 2,000 player battles with 2-3fps is exactly why SC is going to be instanced. In a game that relies on player skill, reaction times and generally flying ability, if the game chugs along at those fps it will be unplayable.
    Last edited: 13 Jan 2014
  12. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    Still undecided if i should buy this game or wait until release, hmmmmmmm
  13. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    To be honest, it's $40 for the full game, plus alpha and beta access. That's not too bad at all, and I reckon what you get for that amount is better than you would get at retail release.
  14. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    Cheers Cei, it is not the price of the game putting me off at the moment, it is the lack of funds to be able to buy it with a few choices games wise going on for me

    If there is any copies left to purchase when i get paid i will make my mind up then :thumb:
  15. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    Two full games even...

    And I glad I missed that mess by being asleep! Come on guys we're here for SC, because we want to desperately play it together. Leave Eve alone. If you enjoy it and want to play it then go do just that, but most of the people here don't enjoy Eve for the exact reasons we're looking forward to SC, so its pointless to bring up Eve. I used to play it, more than 5 years ago in fact, and I found it soul crushingly dull. And SC is literally everything I've ever wanted from a game. Thats the comparisons I make between the two :p

    Also I fear Rollo may be flaming, so I really can't wait for the organisation stuff the come online this month!

    Oh, did you (Parge, Cie or Deadbolt) post a summary of your natterings in the end?
    Last edited: 13 Jan 2014
  16. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Not flaming just discussing.

    I have my Alpha / beta Access on SC already purchased.( Brought cheapest package that give me access back in orginal backing) Am looking forward to the game just think peoples expectations are like WAY to high. Me and a friend were discussing the lack of leveling the other night and both agreed it can work if done correctly.

    But theres little to no information been given at this time, Its what is putting off alot of backers who might want to play it but dont like to buy things with little to no information.

    In the end of the day its for all intents and purposes a MMO Space game the main bit where discussing at least. How they Intend to do a MMO game without leveling or Skill up system is something alot of people have thought for a while if it works and if it makes a decent game.

    We could see other games in the MMO genre come out with similar systems that give you huge worlds to just go explore in your own time.

    Dogfighting module will answer alot of peoples questions on Combat. Id also say most will be waiting for the youtube videos before making further purchase decisions of the game actually in motion.

    The Genre needs a space game wether it will be the best thing since sliced bread or whatever is open to debate and alot of backers are hoping it will be and have dropped major cash on it.

    Star trek the last big space mmo game was a disapointment. Can Star Citizen do better we shall see by sometime in 2015.
  17. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    I don't think rollo's post was flaming, or intended as a dig at Star Citizen.
    The wording of part of his first post may have sounded that way for some, but he was probably not purposefully trying to work anyone up.

    I think most people use EVE as a comparison is mostly because there isn't any other space-themed MMO that can be used as a reference... nothing notably successful at least.

    With skill systems, it's been tried many times on twitch games and from what I've seen, every one of them has had major balancing issues integrating skills with any meaning whilst not making more work than needed.

    I'd say skills and levels wouldn't suit Star Citizen as the game is being designed more to fit into the idea that anyone can fly any ship, however while you can fly a high powered killing machine you may not be familiar enough with it to adequately fly it in combat... nor would you have the suitable control over the guns to out gun a ship with a set of talented players aiming precise shots at your weak points.
    Most of a ship's advantages will revolve around how much practice the pilot and crew have had.

    Overall I'm in the same view as Cei that they're currently only similar in the space setting... and perhaps the generalisation of some roles on paper (miner, explorer, pirate, trader and so on).
  18. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    I keep having a recurring dream where I'm in my Avenger and come across a Bengal carrier, so I ask permission to do sight seeing on it, and just gracefully fly around it... If I can do just that with a Rift HD, I've got everything I want from this game :p
  19. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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  20. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Actually, there's been a lot of information given about SC, but it is all squirreled away in videos, subscriber content and endless small updates. This makes it incredibly hard to put together, especially if you're only casually keeping yourself involved. No doubt it will all coalesce at some point in to one big mass of information, but that won't happen soon in the alpha stages.

    How to do it without levels? It comes down to a bunch of things:
    1) Pilot skill. This is the key thing, and with more playtime should come a better competence at being a pilot. Some people will be amazing due to natural abilities. This can also be influenced by things like controllers, but probably only marginally. Somebody with a cheap Xbox controller will fly nearly as well as somebody with a full HOTAS & pedals setup with the same basic skillset.

    2) Ship. Like it or not, with equal pilots, an Aurora isn't going to outfight a Hornet. Picking the right ship for the right job is going to be important - but variable skill levels will offset things a bit. A corvette flown by an idiot can probably be killed by a bomber flown by somebody competent.

    3) Equipment. This is where the other stuff comes in, such as trading. Much like ship choice, equipment choice will be vital - it'll give you an edge over a basic ship if you've upgraded your shields/weapons...but to do so you need money, so you need to engage in trade, accepting missions for payment etc. In essence, this is where the base of SC comes from. Make money, spend it on equipment to make your ship better, or a new ship. However, there's a limit to what you can arm a ship with, acting as a hard level cap at which skill is everything.

    Star Trek Online was disappointing for many reasons. Firstly it was a copycat MMO, with the skills taskbar ripped straight from WoW (Press 1 to fire phasers, 2 for torpedoes, 3 to turn faster, 4 to boost shields!), clunky ground combat and generally poor mechanics. Most of the blame for this lies with the developer to be honest. SC looks completely different to STO though.

    As for future purchases? I haven't bought anything since November, and am unlikely to do so. Right now I want to get hands on.
    I understand that EVE is the only successful space MMO, but really, they're so different you can't compare anyway. You're spot on with the skill aspect though.

    There's a rather large Word document on a Google Docs drive that outlines a proposed structure for the BitSec fleet. I'm waiting for Parge to appear online on Steam to give him the link for review, then release. However, the general consensus was:

    1) We need a logo. Parge and I are funding the prizes in the logo competition that has been posted.
    2) In many ways we are stuck waiting for the CIG organization pages to launch, after which we can get our teeth stuck in. Discussions are hard in a single thread. As such, we're somewhat marking time until these launch.
    3) A provisional structure has been written by myself, and is pending agreement. It's split in two - a temporary structure where most decisions are taken by the High Council that is in place until we get towards the persistent universe launch (?beta or retail). After that, we have a full organisation chart that maps out roles and responsibilities. However, section leaders in the temporary structure will be involved in planning.

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