Current US riot situation

Discussion in 'Serious' started by KayinBlack, 31 May 2020.

  1. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Anyone got a spare planet somewhere in a cupboard? This one can't hold all the irony...

  2. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    d_stilgar and edzieba like this.
  3. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    And Priti Vacant pretending they aren't what she invited with her policies...

    Edit, just for a bit of fun, the newest Lucozade commercial leaked:

    Not entirely convinced it'll prove successful.
    Last edited: 13 Jun 2020
  4. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    She's not claiming entitlements because she's white then, but because she believes she is native? And her claiming entitlements without being native, is what makes her racist i.e. holding a belief of racial superiority? Ight. I see. Best be native before claiming entitlements. Insert natives of choice and their countries [here].

    It's angry Karen using what ammo she can in the heat of the moment.
    It serves to demonstrate the different order of priority the sexes place on reason and emotion, and the result of that.

    It's men and women's innate nature and proclivities, with men prioritizing reason (above emotion) and women prioritizing emotion (above reason). It's the nuts and bolts.
    I was pointing to the initial emotional response of defunding the police, at one point there were even suggestions of getting rid of them. All of it highly irrational. Feels over reals.

    If a rational approach is in play it means grownups took command of the situation, either way we'll see what happens.

    I wrote in the C virus thread that social distancing would be the least of our problems, kind of turned out to be true. I think we are in for some 'interesting' times with the upcoming election.
    Last edited: 15 Jun 2020
  5. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Do you think she would have asked a White woman where her ancestors come from? Of course not. White people's presence in the US is legit, Brown people's isn't. Did it ever occur to her that she is an illegal immigrant herself? Nope; her White presence in the US is legit, screw the Native Americans. Racism.

    You did not demonstrate anything, except your own misogynism (and the point I was making). Just repeating something doesn't make it true.

    And you were calling what you claim to be an immature emotional irrational decision a "female approach". Misogynism.
    d_stilgar, damien c, edzieba and 2 others like this.
  6. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Lets try the reverse.
    If she had been the majority population do you think she would have asked Karen where her ancestors came from? And if she had, would that have made her racist?
    Why ask yourself a rhetorical question.
    It was in the heat of the moment with no pause button to press with any time for reflection.
    Emotional >>> irrational >> unreasonable.
    Case in point, defunding the police, even with suggestions of getting rid of them.

    That's feels over reals.
    Pointing to the differences between how men and women order and prioritize reason and emotion doesn't fall under misogyny, it's not a display of hatred for women or of prejudging them.

    I pointed to something that was less than anything but flattering to women, something that also happens to favor men, and you got all salty, strident and accusatory calling me a misogynist.

    I wouldn't have married my wife, let alone created three children with her, if I hated her sex. :)

    Native Americans are already in the country, you're referring to illegal immigrants.
    Last edited: 15 Jun 2020
  7. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Misogyny isn't just hating women. It's also assigning them wrong motives or dismissing them because of a sex-linked trait, real or imagined. What you have presented in this thread is textbook misogyny.

    Not only that, you're completely missing the point about defunding the police. In the US, multiple places have done so, such as Camden, NJ. It deals with multiple issues-unfireable cops, no money for social programs, inappropriate responses but most importantly it reminds the police they serve at our pleasure, not we live at theirs. Defunding police does not mean disbanding normally, it means taking that budget and investing it in appropriate ways for the community-social workers, outreach, poverty mitigation strategies and drug counseling, to name some options. It tries to make sure people don't need to call the cops because the crime isn't happening in the first place. Cops are still part of the equation, just a smaller, demilitarized part.

    One of the assumptions of defunding police is that people are by nature good, and want to help each other. You have to assume your neighbors are good people because they are good people, not because they fear punishment. And generally that's true. Stop telling people they're bad and they stop living up to the name. It's amazing how that works.

    The only thing that is more ridiculous than saying defunding police is a bad idea is Texas' lieutenant governor saying that this would all be fixed if they accepted Jesus. No, that's how this whole thing started. White Christians set out to "save the world" by subjugating "lesser" people and they still 400 years later are trying to control them. In before "that's not Christianity," the cruelty has always been baked in. There is no redeeming factor found in Western Christianity in the entire space of the history of its interactions with this continent or its peoples. It's the same issue as before-stop telling people they're irreparably bad and only White Sky Massa can do anything about it. Give people their dignity and agency back and let them decide what to do with it.
    Nexxo, d_stilgar, damien c and 2 others like this.
  8. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Defunding the police was they would no longer receive funds, not that it would be redistributed.
    Things have moved forward from the initial reaction though, so the timeline is important to keep in mind here.'s Texas :D
  9. edzieba

    edzieba Virtual Realist

    14 Jan 2009
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    The claim of "men prioritizing reason (over emotion) and women prioritizing emotion (over reason)." is pure unrefined bollocks. Utter nonsense without any evidential backing. In combination with:

    It basically dismisses the thoughts of half the population out of hand over an idea that's fundamentally made up in the first place.

    That's why it's misogynist.
    Nexxo, damien c and Bloody_Pete like this.
  10. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Ha. Nope.

    An easy example, anger is an emotional response - surely more women than men would be in prison for violent crime following that 'logic'?
    damien c likes this.
  11. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    Christ, it's not every day that you come across a genuine old-school misogynist dinosaur.

    Well unfortunately, it pretty much is, but even so, Walle is showing his arse here.
    Fingers66, Bloody_Pete and damien c like this.
  12. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    "We are here to protect the statues by pissing on them"

    I also wonder if "Craig" here or "Ken" or whatever the meme is today will still be a racist twunt after this.




    Because looking at the size of the guy who just saved his racist ass he could have snapped him like a twig.
  13. Fingers66

    Fingers66 Kiwi in London

    30 Apr 2010
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    "Banks, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, said he had travelled to central London with other football supporters to "protect statues", but admitted he did not know which statues.

    He was said to have drunk 16 pints during Friday night into Saturday morning, and had not been to sleep."

  14. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Yeah just who we want 'reppin the England innit? :rollingeyes:
  15. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Some of you English know how to drink, damn. :D
  16. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    1. I think that you misunderstand what 'defunding the police means';
    2. You make the assertion that it is an emotional decision; you're not stating a proven fact.

    It does, because:
    1. It is unsubstantiated reductionist bollocks based on a total misunderstanding of subtle cognitive differences between male and female brains;
    2. you posit that reason is superior to emotion (also reductionist bollocks based on a total misunderstanding of cognitive function), hence implying that male thinking is superior to female thinking. That is prejudging women and misogynistic.

    You don't need to love a woman, or even respect her gender, to marry her and have children with her. Plenty of misogynists are married with children. You like her sex? Big deal. Plenty of misogynists like pu55y. They just don't care much for the human being who owns it.

    Now tell me that you respect your wife as an equal partner in your marriage, whose thoughts, opinions and decisions hold the same weight and value as your own, and we'll talk.

    I am referring to Native Americans, whose presence in the US was and still is not accorded the same legitimacy by White people as they accord their own. That is why they were driven from their homes, their country was taken from them and they were all but wiped out.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2020
  17. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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  18. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Post #368
    It's the innate nature and proclivity the sexes have for the way they order and prioritize reason and emotion, and those differ.
    At this point a display of your indignation.
    True, there's plenty of different reasons for marriage, and I let you speak for yourself, just as I did in post #366.
    I run a tight ship and a ship can't have two captains of equal authority.

    With that said.

    I am living up to what is expected of me and she is living up to what I expect from her, as long as those are met I will remain Captain and she will remain 1st mate, the girls are all happy to crew.

    We are complementary, we're a good team and we have fun.
    Karen was asking a Mexican woman about where her ancestors came from, she wasn't asking a Native American woman. I didn't pick up on the segue ...
  19. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Sometimes I wonder if it's all staged, but then I have to remind myself.... that it's a Karen..

    "A Karen in the wild is called a complaint"

    Which husband likes his Karen more, this guy, or the husband of gas station Karen.

    I bet my bottom dollar it is....
  20. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Let's get down on something here. "Mexicans" are Native Americans. They are indigenous to the continent of North America. Many of them are here in the US because that's where their land was. The girl who gave the Karen the five-fingered answer was Dine, not Mexican. Indigenous to the NM, AZ, UT area. White people call them Navajo, which is honestly a slur their enemies used for them. Just because some of them are from south of the border doesn't mean they should be treated any different from anyone else. Nobody goes hungry in America because of "illegal immigration," they go hungry because of idiot politicians, corporate greed, and the absolute immovable mountain of American indifference.

    You know why I don't get asked where I'm from like that girl did? Because at 6' 4.5" and 220lbs I'm simply too big for most to mess with. They pick the easier targets. Because they're cowards at heart. It's what drives privilege, prejudice and hate. Fear that they're equal to you, and if they are then what you've done is reprehensible. It's easier to override these feelings with the hate, the racism, the classism, all the -isms. And we all suffer when they continue to be propagated.

    Honestly, this is disturbing. Complementarianism is still a denial of the equal worth of women. I thought as a society we were moving toward egalitarianism and leaving this worn out **** behind us. But honestly, women are the better decision-makers if we look at historical record. Hell, look at who's killing it on COVID-19 response. Women leaders. But the patriarchy (generally led by Evangelical Christianity) erase that history whenever they can. Turtle Island here was pretty much run by women and you see what they did to us for that. Repeat after me: in peer reviewed studies, women were no more emotional than men. If you read the studies, you will see that socialization plays a bigger role than biology. In other words, let men express their emotions, and maybe they'd be healthier.

    Any time you want to look at a 5,000+ year old book for answers, ask yourself if they would do what they did then if they knew what we know now. Generally, the answer is no.
    edzieba, Vault-Tec and Nexxo like this.

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