Free upgrades for compatible cards.
It's looking like it rarely works though, and you lose your Displayport on certain cards. You would need a card that is able to maintain at least close to the clocks of the 580 or it will just crash when loading up games. The 580 is nothing but a binned and slightly refined 480 any way.
Slight grammatical/lexical errors. Feel free to delete this post once found to be helpful, or indeed unhelpful.
1- Grab a second hand 480 and flash it. 2- Increase overvoltage, cooling and credit card limit for power bill. 3- ??? 4- Profit!
That would be very hard to achieve, because just in order to keep the stock 580 clocks stable you also need to tweak the software. So basically if you sold it to some one they would put it in their PC and it would crash, meaning you'd get it back. As I said, the 580 is a binned and slightly refined 480. What I mean is as AMD continue on making these Polaris chips they will get a bit better and will slowly start to clock higher meaning they've refined it. Same as anything really, CPUs, GPUs etc. They may then be binning them too to make sure they are fully stable at those clocks. A 480 is not the same, thus you will probably have to ramp the fans up etc to cope with the extra heat clocks and voltage.
The 'of' is optional when saying "comes courtesy [something],' and I can't see any change you've made to the other emboldened section of text - but I'm perfectly happy to assume I'm just being dense.
Fair enough. I found the first sentence I highlighted not very clear, which is most likely me being dense.
How's this: 'the process is as simple as flashing RX 580 firmware - but there's one major caveat [...]'?
Perfect! Feel free to comment on my professional performance from your armchair. I shall try to maintain the same level of patience.
Hey, I welcome it - if something's unclear (or, as I frequently do, I've dun goofed with a typo) then please do point it out so I can make it betterer!