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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    You'll want to start a thread called Any "breathers" out there? for that particular discussion :winking:
    adidan likes this.
  2. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Picked one of these up after seeing @Vault-Tec buying one in the purchases thread


    Back to fiddling with rebuilding, although as it's mesh it's not as onerous as trying to wind your own coils with wire, but still 100% more faff than just dropping in a new atty.

    First went with the supplied 0.15ohm coils, not bad, not great, tons of vapour but very little flavour, much less than with a regular coil, had to drop the wattage down from my usual 45 to 35, any lower and it dosen't produce for me, any higher and the wick struggles to keep up and I risk dry hits & burning (I run 90% VG).

    Now trying with the 0.25ohm mesh, oh my...., had to drop the wattage even further to 30 even though these are supposed to run at 45-55, but soooo much vapour, and a lot better in the flavour department, still not up there with my regular Smok atties, but pretty damn close.

    Is it a keeper? I'm undecided so far, it's performing better than any mesh tank I've tried in the past which were always to airey for me, and I'm not getting the throat hit that I like and am used to, but it's lasted 3 days so far without me reaching for my trusty Smok set up with is promising, so we'll see.
    Vault-Tec likes this.
  3. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Moving this to a more appropriate thread...! :grin:

    @Vault-Tec @mrlongbeard Are you guys still using your pre-TPD stock of 72mg nicotine? I used all mine before I first packed in vaping a couple of years ago.

    I'm also regularly buying new pods & coils, so maybe time to get a box mod and try the tank @Vault-Tec has been raving about.
  4. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Too late, we've already replied in the other thread :grin:
    Byron C likes this.
  5. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Yeah, I f'ed that one :grin:
    mrlongbeard likes this.
  6. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Mesh doesn't like high voltage. I never knew that for over a year, until I donated a full kit to my cousin and saw 20w on the coil pack lol. I guess I was on a totally crap setup, as at 24w it is blowing my mind.

    For me the best thing about the rabbit is the price. It means I can vape with much better liquid. As you said it is a bit fiddly at first, but a full clean out and wick change this morning for me was just as easy as changing a coil before tbh. Of course the more I do it the easier it will get, too.

    My biggest concern was where I was going to keep all of the bits. A lot of it is small and fiddly, and easy to lose. Hilariously the answer came fast. About 11 years ago my ex wife #2 and I bought these really expensive vape kits. They came in flight cases. Me being a male I fell in love with the box LOL and kept both of them.




    So aye, I am converted to making my own now. For me it is the money. As I said elsewhere, cheaper coils means better liquid. The £2 I save in coils a week now buys me a much better quality liquid.
  7. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Itaste 134 or something wasn't it? That was a funky looking device
  8. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    I have a drawer for spares and tools
    [​IMG]PXL_20230430_135848583 by MrLongbeard, on Flickr

    And this from back in the day when I would my own coils, come in super handy.
    [​IMG]PXL_20230430_135856792 by MrLongbeard, on Flickr

    And a separate drawer for my juice supplies
    [​IMG]PXL_20230430_135939893 by MrLongbeard, on Flickr

    Whilst stuff in use gets left on my desk

    [​IMG]PXL_20230430_140044750 by MrLongbeard, on Flickr
    Vault-Tec likes this.
  9. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Sadly that wouldn't work for me. I am back and forth all over the place. I have had to buy two chargers, two spare tanks etc. I need something I can take with me.



    VTR apparently. They both failed in the same way. The battery door at the bottom comes loose, gets jammed, and when you put the battery in it's flaky. Keeps cutting out. And yeah, very odd device tbh. Took one 18650 and you needed a tank extender (it's in there) unless you used the tank. Innokin? something like that. Had a rotatable drip tip on a ball.
  10. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Holy crap that's well organised...

    Are those magnets in the bottom of those plastic dividers/containers? Neat idea.
    Vault-Tec likes this.
  11. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Nah, just silicone feet they came with.
    Byron C likes this.
  12. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Yeah that is some bad ass OCD there. Wish I could do stuff like that tbh. Problem is that every week or two I would have to pack it all up and move it. I would need a rolling tool chest for all of those toys he has there :D
  13. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    I value my time more than I do a 10 - 12 quid every other week that a premade costs me, plus I've been vaping for going on 12 - 15 years, since before mods were a thing, before premium juices and vape shops existed, I've jumped through every hoop, tried most methods of vaping and getting juices, this is where my time and experience has led me.
    Every once in a blue moon I make a bad choice and buy something I hate and won't use, that's life nothing is guaranteed.

    Rip off? That's subjective, I came to vaping from smoking 40 cigarettes a day, I switched to vaping for 100% financial reasons rather than health, if I still smoked I'd be spending £40+ a day rather than £40 - £50 - £60 a month, I can afford it, I enjoy it, I'd sooner spend the money and have what I want now then mess about, I don't clean coils or try and eek the last penny out of my kit, my time is more precious than the money it costs.

    Juices are 100% safer now than when I started (IMHO), due to industry self regulation rather than any nonsense from the TPD, I used to request lab reports for the juices, base and flavours I would buy, hell I even had some tested myself, at this point I'm confident that the juice I can buy is as safe as it can be.
    Aside from mislabelling strength or not having the required child resistant packaging I think you'd struggle to find a juice, flavour or base that's been recalled because it's chemically unsafe, industry self regulation get ahead of issues (overblown) such as diacetyl etc. in liquids.
    If you think a juice or flavour concentrate has dangerous chemicals in it, ask for an MSDS or BoM form the supplier and check them out, or report them to your local enforcement authority.
  14. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Yeah for me I started doing it because of the costs of smoking. My ex and I would go through a pack of Superkings each every day and half a pack of baccy each. The last time I bought SKs was in 2012, and they were £9.80 or something a pack. The baccy was over £4, so between us we were going through £25 a day. Utter madness. That and I started having difficulty catching my breath etc.

    Thankfully I have always liked the fruity flavours more than anything sickly, so I managed to avoid popcorn lung as well. Been vaping for 11 years now and I haven't felt this good lung/cough wise since before I started smoking at 13.

    I would also be sitting on cardboard boxes if I still smoked.
  15. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    I get what you're saying, but I do find it interesting that you mention wasting time, but would waste time investigating all these suppliers/requesting reports etc and reporting them to authorities though? Hardly like they're in reality going to do anything about it other than tax them a bit more and let them get on with it/at best close up and open a new business with a rebranding of the same shite.

    So many people just blindly buy off the dodgiest random shops//scene yt backed websites/social media over hyped scene dicks/brands/market stalls with zero regulations that quickly pop up and disappear - those places never give a feck/care if they're caught, just the same as the fake fags/booze shops that there are countless of around in every city/town...

    A lot of the 'scene' brands used to be heavily bashing stuff with diacetyl and making bold claims on the labels just out of greed alone to avoid pay as much to mix it with the flavour concentrate.

    Yeah 13 years I've been doing it and making my own stuff, I must prefer in general the flavour options vs smelling like a rank cig and subjecting everyone else to it stinking out mine or their house/car/business and tasting rank to your missus etc... Also the bonus that there's no tar in juice is also a hands down winner for me. I used to get around 1-3 chest infections a year off smoking, and never have since nor popcorn lung or any of the bs associated with vaping, so again win.

    I personally hate cigs and prefer rollies, can't stand the taste/other crap in them. I agree though £40ish a month on juice vs a day is way better.

    As you said though time is worth more so the last thing I'd do is investigate every random brand company/shop and ask for reports that could be never proven true/report them, I'd just make it myself in fives mins and continue using the batch I already have whilst the new ones maturing and rinse and repeat, it takes less than 5 mins to mix a litre, you spend more time either measuring it or pouring out pre measured size bottles of it. So hardly a big deal.

    - None of this is saying you're wrong and you're entitled to your opinion, everyone as you say has their own opinion and that's subjective as is what we consider worth spending our time/money on :)
    Last edited: 2 May 2023
  16. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Just did my first complete coil swap. Very easy now I am getting used to it. Am now on the Huckleberry and it's lovely. Will deffo be getting more of this.

    What I do need to do is get some VG. I just reduced my nicotine to half, and noticed the bottle looks half empty before I have even begun. So I will shoot 2ml of VG in next time.
  17. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    No it isn't a keeper, the flavour is just so muted when compared to my usual Smok coils, so back to the Big Baby Beast (seriously who comes up with these names?) I go
  18. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I'm keeping mine. I have to change the cotton every 3-4 days but it's so easy and so cheap. That said the huckleberry burns up cotton even faster. And as nice as it is I won't get any more. Not only does it wreck cotton fast it also burns up and sticks to the coil, ruining it also.
  19. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    EDIT: Pressed enter too early...
  20. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I use a Smok Nord pod kit at the mo, and I've spent more on pods & coils than I did on the whole damn pod kit. 5x coil heads and 3x replacement pods cost around £20, and I've bought replacements at least 3 or 4 times so far - the kit only bloody cost me £40 to start with!

    So. Time to move on to a "proper" mod again.

    I do plan to try one of these Dead Rabbit RTAs that @Vault-Tec has been raving about, but that'll have to wait until another payday now. I've just spent £75 on all this kit, and that's after a £20 discount I'd built up in loyalty points. The TFV Mini v2 will do for now, with it's hideously expensive replacement coils - bloody £13 for 3!! (Although this is at a bricks & mortar store - doubtless I can find them cheaper online).

    With the discount I had, it came out to around the same price as if I'd bought on Amazon - I'd rather my money went to a local independent store than Amazon. If you've ever in or around Cardiff and need a vape shop, I'd highly recommend Zapp. Like I said you can get much cheaper online, but this store's been open at least 7 or 8 years now and they've always been absolutely great.

    Also, so far I've tried this...


    ...and this...


    ...and I've not been impressed. The blackcurrant stuff was just... meh... nothing to write home about really. And the rhubarb stuff is just weird. Waaaayyyyy too sweet and sticky and just doesn't really taste that good. Had to pick up a bottle of Heisenberg so I can actually have something with some flavour for once! :grin:
    Vault-Tec likes this.

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