Modding Aqua Computer Kryographics Pascal for Nvidia Titan X Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Dogbert666, 23 Sep 2016.

  1. Dogbert666

    Dogbert666 *Fewer Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    17 Jan 2010
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  2. amagriva

    amagriva Minimodder

    13 Jun 2009
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    Aqua Computer stuff...drool...built like a tank!
  3. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Maybe I need to be educated here but who is this review for? I mean other than personal interest that is made in to a review (which is fair enough).

    As I understand it each water block is pretty much made for a specific chip (CPU/GPU) and usually even more specific to the board (Motherboard/GPU) from the manufacturer and each block can perform very differently from another, even from the same 'family' of GPUs.

    So, with a GPU that very few will own, even fewer will WC and still even fewer will use this specific block... the information gathered is of benefit to almost no one.

    Would it not be better to review the most popular selling blocks for the most popular watercooled processors? Surely that would have far more widespread interest and be of actual benefit to a greater number of people?

    I'm not saying that elite products shouldn't be done, but for me they are the cherry on top... and it's a little hard reading when there is no icing, or even any cake.

    To temper this... I am immensely glad to see articles/reviews of monitors and WC products making a return.
  4. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Interestingly enough, this is the exact content I like about Bit-Tech, I wish there were more of it. Nothing bores me more than a simple "Here's a load of the most common CPU blocks and a standard CPU". Sure maybe it's more "useful", but as a WC enthusiast it's dull as dishwater, and at the end of the day a WC review is going to be for WC enthusiasts.

    Keep it up lads, hope you can grab your mitts on some more blocks for a bit of comparison.
  5. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I was in the middle of writing a long and complex reply when I remembered a recent, previous comment from yourself on another article review...

    Pretty much contradicts EVERYTHING you just said.
  6. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    That's the difference between monitors and GPU waterblocks.
  7. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Let's face it if you're dropping a grand or more into a GPU £85 is a drop in the ocean.

    From looking around a bit I've noticed that pretty much all TXP owners have put them under water. The card is heavily limited on the air cooling and the 1080 gets a bit close but slap it under water and it excels in every way.

    I find articles like this interesting. Just like I find the other end of the spectrum interesting.

    Having owned 4k and trying to get it to run smoothly (and then giving up and dropping off to 1440p admitting financial defeat) I do find this new Titan very exciting. Sure the chances are I will never own another one at launch but it's like the old saying "If you want to see what is coming to the desktop market watch the server/workstation market" only I don't need to do that any more because it's almost a level playing field with the enthusiast industry.

    At least I know in a couple of years time I will have a GPU as quick as this one :)
  8. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I would argue that your principles are in conflict. With regards to the Titan X and it's waterblock you find the highend articles 'interesting' while having no realistic desire to actually purchase and yet, at the same time stating that for your own personal benefits (or that of a third party) you wanted to cover the lower end spectrum with regards to monitors because that just happened to be what you were after and that the high end stuff was well covered.

    I would like to cater for both principles where the cake (the vast majority of content) is mid to high end, the icing (a small amount) is low end and the cherry on top (an even smaller amount) is the 'Extreme List' of what is possible.

    Personally I feel that articles and reviews should inspire but when said hardware is so drastically out of reach, it is rather difficult to feel inspired. For example, I have recently bought all the hardware to finally build my new gaming M-ITX system and everything I bought, I can relate to articles and reviews I read here... I did my research, I felt inspired and I spent my money on what I thought would give me the best returns towards my objectives against my financial limitations. It is also the main reason I am so eager for reviews about 1080 Ultrawides as that is what I am looking to buy to finish off my new build as I don't believe a 970 is powerful enough to realistically run a 1440 Ultrawide for gaming.

    My original comment was not about not having these reviews but that it seems odd or even wrong to start with the cherry while there is not cake to make it stand out. I don't know how many people are/have read the article but it hasn't inspired much of a WC debate as so far all the comments are in regards to the validity of the review in the first place. Maybe in time there will be much more content to flesh out the 'cake' but for that I will wait and see.
  9. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I understand your points and I do agree, but do you not also agree though that when you eventually come to that point of buying the next upgrade, you like reviews to actually show exactly what it is you are getting?

    I mean how many people currently say that they won't upgrade their CPUs for 3-4 or even more generations due to the lack of performance benefits?

    If you were going to buy a 1070 or 1080 next week and OC it under water, wouldn't you want to know which of the masses of blocks out there are the 'good' ones?
    If you were going to build a full WC loop, wouldn't like to know which pumps are silent and which sound like a kettle boiling at the summit of Mount Everest?

    So while these reviews are 'interesting' I find I 'learn' very little because NONE of the information is, or ever will be relevant to any future purchase I may make.

    I am not suggesting either that BT should review EVERY water block... but neither do they review every GPU or motherboard, instead selecting usually the top selling models or particular models of interest from the likes of the top selling brands such as ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte and EVGA...
  10. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Dudes, dudes. This is Bit-Tech. This is where the geek things live. This is where we never ask "why", but "what if...". This is unapologetic computer porn. This is shiny, shiny copper strapped to a high-end GPU clocked to its limits. Because pixels are beautiful.

    So quit your fussing and your being all sensible and rational. That's not what we're about here.

  11. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    Nexxo nailed it, and as usual SchizoFrog is trolling the article comments. This *is* like bit of old...
  12. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Well, I found it interesting...

    I would watercool mine if it wasn't for the fact that: A) I plan to upgrade on a per generation basis from now on, so can't be faffed with getting new waterblocks, draining the system etc each time; B) the volume I play games at drowns out the fans (even at 100%); C) they hold a steady 1925MHz (yes, they do - I checked) under load, so getting them over 2000MHz isn't really going to add more noticeable performance; and D) the case they are now housed in doesn't have room for watercooling.
  13. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    There's quite a massive performance benefit from me going from what I have now (TX) to something like a TXP. At least 50%. So yeah, I would totally be interested in that and when it's affordable for me I would definitely switch.

    Right let's firstly start with the blocks. You pay for looks with those IMO. At the end of the day they are just a slab that fills with liquid. Some are ever so slightly better than others but you generally do not see reviews where they say "Wow, this block is better than all of the rest because it shaves an extra 10c from the overall temp!". In fact I rarely see any water block reviews at all. Put it this way, I'm pretty sure that my £9 block from China will water cool my CPU to an extent where it would be quite crazy to pay £70+ for one. Sure, it may go a bit manky to the eye but I don't care about that.

    Pumps however? yes, I would want to know which ones are quieter but a block is an inanimate object and just sits there doing nothing.

    I think what has happened here is just good old capitalism. Kryo, like all other enthusiasts, have realised that in order to get the most out of the TXP you absolutely must water cool it, as it's getting to the point where a tiny skinny alu cooler is not enough to tame this sort of power.

    Every enthusiast forum I visit has basically come to the same conclusion. Without water you are only 15% faster than the 1080 overclocked in some instances because of throttling.

    So Kryo have sent Bit a block to play with for any one that did not know this or those waiting to buy a TXP.

    Bottom line? if some one sent me a TXP and a block for it I would do the same thing.

    Either way surely if this article isn't for you then maybe just find a different one to read?
  14. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    So now I am a forum 'troll'? Might as well 'get my coat' as honest opinions aren't welcome here and I am sick of elitist ****wits.

    EDIT: I'll be deleting my forum account once I find out how.
  15. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Duplicate Post:
  16. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Given they cheapened out and removed a load of MOSFETs on the VRM layout, I strongly bet you were power limited. Really hope the "Ti" isn't cropped that much from the X so 3rd party power designs can finally push GP102 properly.
  17. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    Blimey. Sense of humour bypass or what?! I thought bit was all about extreme hardware and crazy graphics cards? Where did it all change?

    I for one found this article very informative - I just need to decide between an EK or an Aquacomputer block!
  18. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    My sense of humour left the building when a forum moderator called me a troll for expressing and explaining my opinions.

    You mean like the recent reviews of AMD's 470 and 460 GPUs? What about the Pentium G3258 Anniversary Edition? To me Bit has always tried to cover as wide a range as possible. That is what I liked about CPC and I stayed ever since... until now.

    Good, I too found it informative... just not beneficial and I am sure I am not alone in this. My head is full of all sorts of 'High End' info that is absolutely useless to me when it comes to putting my hand in my wallet. After all, if it isn't to induce sales, why do companies submit their products for review in the first place?
  19. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    Why are you being so irate?! It is a good article, and no article is going to make an aesthetic decision for me. I own both sorts of block for other cards, so I'll decide based upon my preference.

    The article did, however, confirm to me that adding a block is well worth it. Ergo it was beneficial.
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2016
  20. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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