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News Are you ready for the F.E.A.R.?

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 3 Aug 2005.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    I have no confirmation of whether there will be a shader model 3.0 path in the game yet, but there might well be one added if NVIDIA can get Monolith and VU Games to sign on to the TWIMTBP program.

    It was an ATI Get In The Game title a while back, but the GitG logo was removed from their website. The spokesperson that I dealt with at VU Games stated that they're not sure whether they're going to get on one or other of the developer relations programs at this moment in time.

    Far Cry shipped as a Shader Model 2.0 game and was patched to support Shader Model 3.0 and Pixel Shader 2.0b. If Shader Model 3.0 isn't required, why is R520 going to be based on a Shader Model 3.0 architecture? Surely that is proof in the pudding that Shader Model 3.0 is the way forwards.

    There was also the infamous 'Save the Nanosecond' presentation that was leaked in its full form, including the presenter's notes:


    click for biggy.
  2. The_Pope

    The_Pope Geoff Richards Super Moderator

    3 Jul 2003
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    Please don't fight guys. Darkedge will admit to being an ATI fanboy - I can't remember what put him off NV, but that's just the way it is.

    However, SM3 is clearly the way forward, otherwise ATI wouldn't be making their next part SM3, would they now? And the Shader Model version isn't the be all and end all of things: we have seen SM3 pwn SM2; we have seen other titles where there is no difference between SM3 and SM2. We have seen games (I'm not naming names) that claim to be SM3, and may well be, yet visually look less impressive than top SM1.1 games.

    It's not what version is used, it's how you use it. It's fair to say that SM3 games probably only look demonstrably better when the developer chooses to ignore / alienate 50% of the market and spend time developing elite SM3 effects which aren't possible in SM2. There will be a crossover point sometime soon, but the important thing is to check out the F.E.A.R. visuals and spooge - if they happen to be "only" SM2, then you can be extra impressed :p
  3. Da Dego

    Da Dego Brett Thomas

    17 Aug 2004
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    Eh, biggles isn't fighting. :) He's just answering a post. I thought he responded in a quite diplomatic way, particularly compared with mine (can you tell I lost my patience?).

    I, however, just get sick of the blatant fanboyism...people actually read this stuff, ya know? It's one thing to post a logical argument that is based somewhere in reality, as you just did (not just what it is, but how it's used)...totally another to start spouting how the world is flat and really we're all puppets to a greater marketing scheme telling us it's round. Nor do I appreciate the insinuation that the BT staff are a bunch of idiots who can't really read the big words and so only skim the little stuff. But, that's just me. :worried:

    Anyhow, back on topic, which is I think the point you were making there, pope. :)

    I'll be impressed by the game as much as the graphics...from what I hear, it's incredibly unnerving...and not in that doom "dark, flash, monster, shoot" way...that it's very ambient. I'll be looking forward to this, no matter SM3 or 2 or 6 or whatever. Just as long as it's well written...we haven't really had a good, genuinely well-written game in a while.
  4. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    3 is better than 2 because it's a bigger number :p

    My daddy can beat your daddy up.
    /childish sarcasm.
  5. Darkedge

    Darkedge Minimodder

    26 Nov 2004
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    It's a step behind yes but isn't such a leap forward as you seem to believe.

    HDR first possible with sm2 on a rad 9800 (the grove demo for example remember that?). Yes the increased instruction set of sm3 makes things easier and allows for more complex effects. HDR does NOT need sm3 as you claim.
  6. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    Errr, where did I claim that to be the case? :rolleyes:
  7. Darkedge

    Darkedge Minimodder

    26 Nov 2004
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    Sorry was just Nvidia who claimed that you had to have sm3 for HDR - got confused.

    Oh no I didn't:

    I'm not sure what turned me off nvidia apart from bad drivers and the deplorable ************ way they released the gf 4 versions was what pissed me off the most.
    A gf2 with improved memory handling is still a gf2 NOT a 4 series.

    However "Surely that is proof in the pudding that Shader Model 3.0 is the way forwards."
    All it proves is one company is playing catch up. Same reason the xbox 2 is the 360.

    Heck if it makes things better i'm for it, but lets not rush features into games that the majority of people can't see. Sm2 has higher penetration so far (or 1.1) and I'd bet that no programmers would be using sm3 if it wasn't for nvidias development money in the TWIMTBP program.

    Not arguing but still don't see a massive advantage to sm3 over 2 on a technical side. But I'm sure the r520 will beat the 7 series into a bloody pulp when it comes out, on sm3 too. But then ati may add sm4 and the battle to catch up happens again... j/k
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2005
  8. The_Pope

    The_Pope Geoff Richards Super Moderator

    3 Jul 2003
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    How about we wait 24 hours until the demo is out, then we can discuss this in an informed fashion. Then we will see what the game does & doesn't support, and maybe we can do some ATI vs NV screenshot comparisons, eh?
  9. Sheldog23

    Sheldog23 What's a Dremel?

    11 Jan 2004
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    I am totally stoked about this game. The atmoshere looks really creapy. I love creepy. Hope it doesn't dissapoint with half-baked story though. Can only but wait and see.
  10. gometro33

    gometro33 What's a Dremel?

    11 Jan 2005
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    Holy crap is that trailer scary.
  11. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    That quote is in relation to the Shader Model 3.0 patch in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - you couldn't use anything other than SM1.1 on ATI hardware until yesterday.
  12. atanum141

    atanum141 I fapped to your post!

    22 Jul 2004
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    i got the demo last nite....will give an update when ive installed an played some of it :D
  13. Darkedge

    Darkedge Minimodder

    26 Nov 2004
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    sorry bigz got confused.
  14. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  15. Da Dego

    Da Dego Brett Thomas

    17 Aug 2004
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    Atanium, UPDATE!!!!

    I'm at work, can't play it yet.
  16. atanum141

    atanum141 I fapped to your post!

    22 Jul 2004
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    UPDATE:Ok ok i admit...i downloaded the wrong bloddy file....and also ive found out that its coming out a 5pm...which is in an hour and a half away :duh: :duh:

    but...i did download the video for the demo.MY GOD IS IT GLORIOUS!

    the vid is crap quality..but it does show what the engine is capable of.

    if u rember the bit in the matrix move where neo/trinity went to rescue morphious...and on the way they destroyed half of the lobby.well if u remember that the ud remember all the flying particles... well thats what u get when ur shooting the crap outta everything.

    THIS GAME HAS AMAZING PARTICLES EFFECTS....the physics is very similar to HL2(e.g. shooting lights...boxes etc...) ive never seen particles that detailed before and at such a fast rate.multiple sized objects...bullet rounds...blood(plenty of it also! :D ) and just sheer carnage.

    The A.I. impressed me.....they attack in groups also from multiple areas...they split to check surrounding areas...and they are also quite tough....but amazing to watch when u blow one away.

    also the game has melee attacks!!! so with ur gun in hand u can do a sliding kick...roundhouse and some others..also it has that rifle butt attack from Halo.

    also the producer guy was saying that this game is action but they want to scare u in a pcyhological manner...and not make u ******** ur pants....

    he was conastantly comparing the action of the matrix with the scary background of the Ring movies.

    i think theyve made a good game from what the vid showed...also it has BULLETIME!! yeah so like max payne u can do slowmo' jusmps and round corners whilst in bulletime.

    the graphics looks crisp,sound is well done also.im so looksing forward to this game.the particle effects really got me.overall should be a good game.

    seems like alot of detail has gone into the game...and it shows...it aint a half-assed FPS.

    ill watch the vid again...just to make sure i aint left anything out.
  17. The_Pope

    The_Pope Geoff Richards Super Moderator

    3 Jul 2003
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    where did 5pm come from? It's 6pm GMT innit?

    It will probably appear here: http://www.vugames.com/file_list.do?gamePlatformId=1833 though we're asked to hit up http://www.whatisfear.com

    I was told by Vivendi UK PR that security surrounding the release is tight, to avoid any leaks, and that Vivendi USA have done some sort of exclusive distribution deal. Which sounds like Fileplanet, though they also suggested it might be Gamespot. Either way, they'd better have some serious bandwidth, and please dear god not be subscription based :(

    We'll let y'all know as soon as we can whether it is worth the download. The question is - do I dare stay up *another* to hours to 3am to get it? I'm not a night owl like some of y'all, and sometimes these things don't launch on time.... :(
  18. (PTK)

    (PTK) What's a Dremel?

    19 Jul 2005
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    I'm Excited!!!! That's all. :):):):):):):):D
  19. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    bit torrent > all.

    This is what P2P is best used for.
  20. atanum141

    atanum141 I fapped to your post!

    22 Jul 2004
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    ohhh yeah i forgot to add...ATi have got their name on this game.
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