Windows Battlefield 4 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by sotu1, 15 Mar 2013.

  1. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I have used Mortar on TDM Sieene Crossing for the medal and that is all.

    It is kind of useless. Though it was imagined to have it's place at some point when the Dev's put it in.

    Only way to kill direct is on another Mortar or rubble.
  2. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Yeah in BC2 and 2142 (and it was awesome).

    Although between the one hit kill rifle and C4 the recon could be absurdly overpowered. Further back in BF2 it was still pretty OP against infantry on account of claymores, silenced hand guns and the total lack of bullet drop, but it was balanced by being short on ammunition and useless against armour.

    BF3's gone back towards BF2 type recon and gone too far, the two hit kill rifle's back from 2, but trying use a scope gives you away to a stupid degree whilst the offensive/booby trap options from 2/2142/BC2 have all gone. That leaves recon as a sneaky spawn point placer, which isn't up to much really.
  3. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    If I'm brutally honest, I feel with the DLC packs it's still a little early for BF4. I haven't had the time to get worn out of BF3 and crave a new BF4. That said, they can have my money and more.

    So long as they have an AN-94 I'm happy. I'd like there to be a public vote for 2 maps to make a come back. Mashtuur and Arica are my votes.
  4. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    I'd want most or all off the old maps to make comebacks in Frostbite, even if it meant as paid expansions.
    Op Harvest, Op Road Rage, Jalalabad, Dragon Valley, Kursk, Berlin, Steel Gator, Daqing Oil Fields, the Vietnam maps, I couldn't pick two!

    The massive open maps from 1942 like Midway and El Alamein would interesting for massed vehicle formations.

    Not that EA or Dice would do anything so brave as mess with the formula...
  5. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Was gonna get premium but this announcement plus the offer of $40 for Far Cry 3 on the Steam sale got my money. I'll just skip the expansions and wait for BF4.

    For BF4 I'd like to see them mix it up a bit. (Edit: The more I wrote this the more it ended up sounding like BC2 :D )

    Divorce the medic role from the Assault class. Assault is a little OP on infantry maps due to the fact that they can heal and rez each other, and considering the way rezzing works, it's -really- tough to take down a pack of medics that not only have access to the best close and medium range weapons, but can also insta-rez and heal each other. Assault right now doesn't really emphasize squad diversity. Give them the ammo packs back. Nothing more frustrating than losing a flag or an m-com after single-handedly killing 3 out of 4 enemies, only for the last one to kill you and instantly rez all of his buddies - basically makes your efforts worth f%$ all.

    Give support the medic role and put the explosives back in the hands of Recon. It was perfect in BC2. Demo/Recon is a fun role to play. It would be even cooler if there were assets on the map like in BF2 that the demo/recon player could destroy. Giving medic to the support class forces them to be a team player rather than just lay down an ammo box and dump lead from the same spot for a whole round.

    Give the Engineer the mobile spawn point and other deployable gear. It makes sense for the engi to carry around that equipment.

    I would also remove any restrictions on what type of weapons any given class can carry. Wanna play assault but use a sniper? Sure! You'll be a sniper that can resupply ammo. An engineer with an LMG? OK!

    Barring that I'd like to see some kind of points system that basically lets you build your own loadout totally custom - much like Black Ops II. HEY! Many RPGs use this kind of system. Table-top games like Hero-Clix and Warhammer as well. It works and it's fun if balanced properly.

    Other than that, I know I'm bitching a lot about medics here, but I'd change the way rezzing works:

    Headshot: Dead, no rezzing.
    Exploded: Dead, no rezzing.
    Killed by other means: Can be rezzed but you only come back at 50% health.

    I know others may not agree, but the way rezzing works now in BF3 totally ruins the meta-game balance. I'm not saying it needs to be removed, but it needs to be reigned in a little bit. It's an incredibly powerful tool to be able to bring back your downed allied. The fact that they come back at 100% health and a good player can switch to the paddles, rez, and switch back to a gun to keep shooting in less than a second is just nuts.
  6. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    One thing that bugs me is the delay in hit taking at spawn. I can understand it at spawn points but when spawning on other players I don't get it.

    On more than one occasion I've found 2 or 3 enemies only to unload too many bullets on a player who takes no damage, instead of taking 2 or 3 enemies down I get 1 and am then killed by another.

    In the middle of a battlefield I just don't get why that protection is there. If you see them spawn that's all good and well, you can focus on the e who they're spawning on and then redirect your attention - trouble is if they spawn just before you get any of them in your visual field.

    As for the medic split, could be a good idea, as too not having 100% health when you get revived. Assault should not be able to dump their own medpacs and sit on them taking a few more hits in a shoot out.
  7. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    I wanna see the superior map design of BC2 back in BF4 as well. Some of those maps were just really good. I don't know what happened with BF3. The engine improved but the gameplay took a step back from BC2.

    One of my favorite moments from BC2 was on the snow map where one team spawns near a big warehouse type building and the other team spawns in the outskirts of a small village, with the village in the middle. Tons of houses all over the map along with cliffs along the side for flanking/sniping. Real fun. Anyway, I was playing on that map and I was alerted to a sniper in the attic of one of the houses. I think he killed me and I respawned near by. I didn't have direct line of sight to him, but I knew where he was, so I pulled out my trusty Carl Gustav and put a missile at the roof. Blew up half the roof and killed the sniper inside. Stuff like that just doesn't happen in BF3.

    Oh and I really hope they don't farm out the UI again. It SUCKS in BF3. Too many sub-menus and clicking around just to do simple stuff. Again, a step backwards from BC2.
  8. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    A much better balance between ground and air is a must and this is coming from someone who spends most of his time in the air.

    Limited flairs and removing the ability to eject once you are damaged (just like in the new air superiority) nothings more annoying than seeing an ace jet pilot hammering the hell out of your team and you finally nail him with a stinger and he just bails..

    Pilots have it too easy regarding attack from ground troops.

    Igla's that actually work and have a decent range, by the time you lock and fire, they flair, acelerate away and no more lock :(.
  9. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    How does that not happen? Lost track of the number of snipers and assorted-class bush-wookies that have fallen to RPG/AT fire at range, into buildings (not to mention those that have been killed by the resulting rubble!) and all manner of such.

    BF3 just has a much grander scale that it made it appear like these things happened less frequently, but they are just as common. Though, that being said, if you hit a sniper or pretty much any infantry with an AT shot, the flood of crying "noob" is almost instantaneous.

    Agreed with the balancing. It irks me no end how easily people will bail out of jets/choppers and actually any vehicle as soon as you've scratched the paintwork. I whore AAA a lot and it drives me nuts that I'd have a huge score (considering I'm providing AA cover) and little to no kills as people just bail and I only get awards for vehicle immobilised and destroyed.

    The Stinger/IGLA is pretty damn powerful at the moment, but balancing AA has always been extremely tricky, even in BF2, it was all or nothing most of the time.
  10. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    I agree with the no spawn protection thing. Seems retarded that you should get immunity if you spawn on someone without watching their feed to see if it's safe to spawn.

    Can't say it's ever really bothered me. The disable for me is good enough.
  11. ziza

    ziza What's a Dremel?

    21 Dec 2010
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    I hope this comes with less bugs, without the web interface, and with a better campaign.

    I hope this becomes a sequel of BC2 in my opinion the best battlefield so far.
  12. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    The stinger is powerful but only if it actually hits and then they just bail anyways.
  13. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    That would be easy, make the jets much, much faster and hit them with a wider turn radius and re-introduce stalls.

    Keep their weapon ranges the same and they have less time on target whilst having to break off earlier, they can't slow down for fear of dropping out the sky. Increase AA ranges to compensate for the extra speed.

    I'd love BC3, but they seem to have commited to the I can't believe it's not Modern Warfare plot. I'd love to see the end of Battlenet too (or at least access to options from it, and home run 'single player' to practice flying on. Not going to happen with EA though, they just fricking love all that arbitrary complication.
  14. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    I think it's more the setting and scale of the destruction of BC2 that made it feel so special. That map has buildings blowing up all over the place, and placing a well aimed rocket into that roof and punching a hole in it just felt so memorable and special to me. The destruction in that game felt so much more dynamic. The destruction in BF3 feels so much more pre-defined. I really don't know how to describe it other than that moment I remember from BC2 just stands out in my memory as something that was amazing and dynamic. BF3's destruction and the effect it has on gameplay isn't anywhere near on that level.

    In BC2 you can pick apart entire buildings. Even things like concrete barriers in BC2 could be shot through to make a little murder hole for you. In BF3 most buildings have destructible walls and will only fall apart in pre-defined spots. The buildings themselves and the basic layouts remain unchanged by it. Some odd buildings can be collapsed, but it's nothing like in BC2.
    Last edited: 18 Mar 2013
  15. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    The destruction in BC2 proably felt better due to the smaller maps and the 32 player limit but it was all scripted and the same buildings placed all over the map.

    BF3 has more destruction that is still scripted but the urban maps do have quite alot- karkand/Markaz Monolith etc, though less collapsible buildings.
  16. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Yup. Enabling the centurion to actually do major damage at a longer range rather than just there to deal with baserapers would be a plus as well. Most of the time I see nobody in them as they're pointless due to being too far from the action or having a blocked LOS by mountains and the like.

    They're only really ever used when battles happened above your heads in the base camp.

    I know, I have seen team mates under fire and spawned on them knowing exactly where the enemy is - if you don't move you just have to wait until their clip is down. It's not right. I have seldom done it as it just feels like cheating TBH.

    Most of the time I'm on the other end of that fiasco though.

    I'm not sure why they brought it in, yes at spawn points it's annoying if the enemy is waiting for you but players don't have to spawn there. It's not a base, we do have the choice.
  17. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    I agree that a head shot shouldn't be revivable, and that after a rev you're at 20%, then 50%... not straight to 100. Should also take longer to recharge paddles a la BF2.

    I think that there should be a combat medic class which allows PDW's and shotguns, and they have less armor and more sprint.
  18. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

  19. B1GBUD

    B1GBUD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Accidentally Funny

    29 May 2008
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    Bring back the commander role, and make it so only the squad leader can be spawned on. It makes playing SL much better when you know your squad has to rely on you for spawning.

    Oh and voice comms would be great too.... please!
  20. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    Full trailer is expected on the 27th i think with an announcement and a few details, i cant help but think this will be BF 3.5
    Yet anther modern warfare era, :miffed:

    There has been so meany hints about Battlefield 2143 within BF3, but now seems it will be a side money spinner just like BF1943 was, instead of a full game.

    Really wanted BF4 to be a full on 2143 game in Frostbite 4 or something! :(

    Calling it now, this thread will never beat my 12,500+ reply BF3 thread!!! dam you sotu1!

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