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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    What it affects are "hooks" such as Blitzcrank Pull and Amumu Bandage Toss from being blocked my Wards. In one of the Dreamhack games a team would place a ward down when they knew they were slightly out of position (for Amumu to ult) and he'd get caught on it. Same with Blitz and chars like Teemo placing down shrooms (can no longer be grabbed).

    The issue atm is it also affects people who can "Jump" to wards for safety like Jax, Kat and Lee Sin... it wasn't intended however, just a side affect of making them immune to abilities. Apparently Morello's going to look at getting it reinstated.

    The only time i've ever had a problem as Jungle Udyr was when i didn't have a Golem Buff and had spammed all my spells repeatedly (say after 1-2 ganks). Otherwise i found it completely fine, and around Level 10 Golem isn't really needed anymore either.

    I think it caters to lane Udyr's more (though i shudder at that concept) since he no longer burns out his mana after 2-3 stance changes.

    There's been a lot of talk about incoming Vlad nerfs so was somewhat surprised as well.

    The 20 damage doesn't seem significant at Level 1, but it's quite a nice buff, lategame cooldown is interesting but as you say i don't think it'll be too noticeable.
  2. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    The problem with Udyr at blue is that the enemy know he'll start there. I used to start at golems which is possible, but harder. I think with this it'll open up more turtle stance jungle paths, making it easier for him, shall test! ^^ But yea, will also affect lane udyr. Hoping for more udyr - I love the guy, am just rubbish with him :p

    Shame about the spells on wards, I was hoping that champions would no longer have a free ward finder, even if you have to be close to do it. Especially since they removed it from corki a while back.
  3. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Personally i dislike Turtle Stance jungling... i tried it before and it's just the slowest thing... ever :p.

    I believe my alternate route with Udyr (with Phoenix) was to go Wraiths -> Wolves -> Golems -> Base -> Blue -> Red or something similar to that.

    Also as for getting ganked there... if you're with randoms then it's just a case of getting them to set up to protect you. Or if they don't, wait in the brush to ensure everyone's on the minimap first... i had a great juke by simply standing in the brush until i saw everyone up top (i was Blue Team), their Ashe came down and checked, saw the Golem there (but not me in the brush) and walked off, i then started when she left.

    And if you're in a premade then it's even easier... and Dreamhack (i know i keep referring to it, but it's the best example of high level play) showed that just because you know someone will start at Blue Buff (Amumu), it doesn't mean you want to try gank him. Instead they normally went counterjungling for Wraiths or double Golems.

    I'm unsure as to whether or not i want to see more Udyr... :p

    Like you said, he's also one of (if not) my favourite char. and he's the person that i fall back on if i want to win a game. However i also like the fact that he's rather niche and wouldn't want to see too many players adopt him as their mains lol... there's already a load of petitions on the forums to get him played more and the Noxus vs. Ionia match already advertised him enough :p.

    I'm not sure why they removed it on Corki... maybe because it was ranged and AoE. However if that's the case then i definitely agree with removing it from Lee Sin (i remember once we actually tried it but it failed... we must have done something wrong). Nidalee i'm not too bothered about since hers requires somewhat accurate guesswork in using it to detect them (and the CD is long and you no longer have a trap there).

    Ultimately i do agree there needs to be some consistency as to what can and should reveal wards.
  4. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I'm ok on turtle stance jungling, I can keep up with side lanes, which I'm happy with - but I'm more of an AP player than ad/tank, so I stick to those roles.

    And new Morgana art/picture ftl.
  5. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    This is tempting me to pick up Udyr Jungling again, i've been fairly settled on Nunu jungling but with Nunu tweaks we may be ready for the rise of Udyr?
  6. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    There is a hilarious video on the forums of a bug with Yoren (at work and can't access the forums but the post is something like "Someone needs to get fired over this").

    Yoren gets killed by an enemy but the hero doesn't die and he can still control his champion. However, every 2 seconds it registers a kill so his deaths keep going up until they max at 120 :D. I think one of the enemies has about 80 kills by the end.
  7. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Ha! His deaths actually go up to over 260!
  8. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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  9. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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  10. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Wow aB congrats!

    CandyPanda and Nyph were exceptional during Dreamhack... especially when they shutdown JiJi in the CLG match (i think it was). Shame they still lost it, but outfarming him 2:1 was no small feat.

    I was still surprised there wasn't any Scott "aBhorsen" Parkin in the lineup though :p.
  11. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Well you know man, i don't want to show them up with my 'skills'.
  12. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Anyone been able to play on EU recently? I've had server issues since the weekend and when I have managed to get on, my ping has been about 400-8000.
  13. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Throroughly enjoying Jarvan. I play him as tanky dps and he gets the job done. Good at initiating with his knock up combo.

    I have the skill tree set to 21 offense, 9 utility.
    runes I have flat armor seals, armor pen marks, magic resist per lvl glyphs and armor pen quints.

    I normally go
    Philosopher stone
    heart of gold
    merc treads
    force of nature if they have a lot of magic dmg, if not a suitable replacement
    turn the heart of gold into a randuins omen
    start getting a trinity force, going sheen than zeal, have enough hp and dmg that the phage isn't all that important.
    Sell philo. stone and get Atma's impaler

    If the team is all ad with only 1 magic dmg char and they aren't causing to much trouble I'll rush the randiuns, warmogs, than atma's and last item would be a frozen hammer for the slow and health. With that build and with all the pots I was somewhere near 250 AD, 4.9k health and 220-230 armor I believe.

    I still remember my first game as Jarvan I went 0/6/6. After 3-4 games I'm usually around 2 kills per each death AND have a lot of assists. Just throwing down my flag and running away whenteam mates gank gives me free assists!

    Sadly, still experiencing low elo hell and even normal game troubles. I dislike how everyone in normal game suggests how you should play your hero and that quickly leads to team bashing and verbal abuse. When I tell team mates I'm new to a hero they start going on about there's co-op vs A.I. and practice games for a reason. Normal games only track wins and losses, it really isn't that big of a deal yet people feel the need to spam the global chat about it and mock others. Even worse is when people do this meanwhile they are doing bad, if not worse than you are than blame lag or a bad team for not helping.

    I also really dislike when the other team gets cocky. I normally don't say much in games in the global chat unless early in the game someone says something. When it's clearly a losing battle and the other team starts talking smack really shows some classy sportsmanship. You can only /ignore so fast.

    Another issue I've had as of recently is team picking in ranked games. My friend's elo is around 1100, mine is 950ish so when we play together I'm normally last pick. People will ask who you want to play, and I normally jungle WW in ranked games. Most teams are happy with that but there have been a few game's where people take WW before me even though I clearly said I was going to play them, and they don't answer all game. To make matters worse, not to boast but the people that have taken WW after I called him haven't been very great with him. I had one game where the 2nd last pick and me were both picking and he took WW. I said I did call him but I guess you can't listen, guess I'll go Ashe. As soon as I locked in he switched heroes and was telling me that junglers and solo lanes lose games and that I was a stupid noob. It's just really annoying having to deal with people like this.
  14. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I think Dreamhack pushed up the Philo Stone usage... before it i never saw, nor thought much of it. In fact it was regarded as somewhat pointless before Shurelia's Reverie and even after it was mainly a support item. This was on US mind... generally on EU i saw it every now and then, but i wouldn't say it was a common early game item. I still personally don't like it and after the nerf to stacking, i wonder if it'll eventually fade out.

    As for ELO, i gave up on mine a few months ago ever since i went from 1250 to just below 1200 for the 3rd or 4th time, don't even know if i can be bothered with Season 2.

    And with regards to your Jungler and Solo Lanes guy, i had a similar comment the other day from a TF. We were losing and he'd already said "GG" but stated that he "didn't surrender"... kind of moronic considering he'd already given up on the game, however he stated that he'd given up the moment he saw me take a Jungler (Jarvan). Apparently he failed to notice that i got our Team first blood and managed to consistently gank bottom lane.

    And all this coming from a TF who kept trying to use his Ult to initiate teamfights, porting into the middle of the enemy team on multiple occasions etc. One time i got ganked at their Golem (silly me) and was trying to escape 1v3, i pretty much knew i was dead but he ported in when i was about 1/4 HP and then nearly died himself (i managed to distract all of them long enough for him to get out).

    Oh and in other news, EU have split their servers to East and West: clicky. Hopefully should alleviate queue times and they've stated that because of it they won't have to use an American Server for overflow hosting =].
  15. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    How is jungle jarvan? The philo stone early on is great for Jarvan because I like the mana regen since I am not relying on maintaining blue buff the entire time and the hp regen is nice to sit back on by the tower when your low early game. I like heart of gold better early on for the hp but the philo helps keep you in lane. With all the defence and resist runes early on Jarvan can handle harrassment pretty well.

    Back to the jungle jarvan, the reason I was interested in it is because Jarvan has some HUGE ganking / initiating potential with his spear / knockup and ult combination. Also with his shield if you pop it beside an enemy the slow is pretty nice though it is short.

    Your TF comment does not surprise me. There are a lot of people who will give up after a few early deaths and just feed the entire time, or make stupid calls. My friend who I play ranked with gets insulted all the time for going AP Tf. AP TF's card's hit like a damn truck. He lacks the AS that AD has BUT he has higher burst making him still very viable and with some CD more useful with his ult and whatnot. Along those lines, people don't know how to properly play their classes. If your a ranged carry you don't initiate unless your Ashe and in that case it's with an arrow. I absolutely hate when a squishy rushes in first and says EVERYONE GOGOGOGO than say WTF You didn't come and now I'm dead. People need to learn to let the tanks or tanky dps initiate team fights.

    Another thing I've noticed in ELO is people don't know how to place wards. At bottom lane they put it right in the bushes. What good is that if they are practically next to you when you see them. People fail to see the benefit of placing the ward between dragon / blue buff. That let's you see people coming from mid and you can cover your own blue and the dragon with 1 ward, yet people fail to see the benefit of a well placed ward. ELO can be very frustrating. Was playing earlier and the new thing is people who think they are amazing. You are in low elo, chances are you are mediocre or decent, you are not god... stop acting like it. If you truly were good you wouldn't have to boast and wouldn't be in low elo. FIGURE IT OUT PEOPLE

  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Jungle Jarvan is fine, although you're right in that you need to be mindful of your Mana when you don't have Blue Buff. You can choose quite a few routes so you're not just limited to starting at Blue either. I think i listed my setup a few pages back, i personally like to build full tank on him just so i can Ult on someone and not worry if i either catch multiple people or whether or not i can "take" them.

    IMO AP TF is the stronger choice between AD/AS or AP, simply because his AAs still scale with Stacked Deck and a Lich Bane combo is rather painful. Also he's outclassed by other AD Carries IMO since apart from stacked deck his skills lack synergy with AAs.
  17. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    FFS /RANT.

    Just had three terrible games in a row, including one where i was dominating as Annie... the problem being that i couldn't dominate mid lane due to Nidalee (her Mana Regen > my Harass) and their Vayne was getting slightly fed. I could still 3 shot their Vayne and Ashe if i got my positioning right with Tibbers and W, but they soon learned to stay on opposite sides of the lane. I just subsequently got focused each teamfight and without me we didn't get very far.

    Next game was the most frustrating. My friend was playing Jarvan and laning with me, but happened to take most of our early game kills, i was Ashe and as such was hurting slightly in the money department. Whilst it was good that Jarvan was fed, his scaling into late game wasn't as extreme and thus i went into Carry farm mode and split push whilst i told them to keep them busy in mid. Our Nidalee and Vlad were pretty worthless though since you couldn't rely on them in teamfights and Vlad especially would get caught or Nidalee would get Urgot ult'd, forced to fight and then they'd all die in mid. Nidaleee then had the gall to then start whining that i wasn't sticking with the team and i was being useless.

    Now there are some things i'll admit to doing, i'm not arrogant to the point where i think everything i do is right. However:

    a) An underfed Ashe is a useless Ashe (i was 1/3/5 out of our laning phase).

    b) Their Lee Sin had been fed up the ass by said Nidalee and Vlad and was something like 10/5/X.

    In this situation me being there wouldn't have changed anything. As such, the only way to even this out was for me to get more farmed than the enemy team. Which is exactly what i did, i managed to get around 200 Creep Kills at the 20min mark (they were around 100) which got me both Inf. Edge and Last Whisper.

    After this i then joined our subsequent fail "reverse ganks" (i.e. we get ganked and fight to help save someone). And since previously Jarvan had been our most fed player, they focused on him whist i completely destroyed everyone else.

    It didn't last long however since our fail Vlad barely did anything in teamfights after Ult'ing, our Nidalee would do the retarded thing of Cougaring in, getting hit and running away instead of sitting back throwing Spears and Heals. And ultimately their Amumu had caught onto me and decided to stick next to me making sure that i was being punished everytime i wanted to get someone.... and he'd farmed up a Thornmail and Sunfire Cape.

    Last game was appalling too... Trynd who did the usual "i'm Trynd, i have my Ult, i'll dive into all 5 of them" and then died... useless.
  18. rular

    rular What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2011
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    used to play alot league of legends but could not pass 1200 elo either had afk in my team ppl who would rage on player selection cuz their character was picked and would spam LEAVE OR ILL FEED.
  19. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Can anyone actually get on the EU servers in the evenings? I haven't been able to play for 2 1/2 weeks now. When I have managed to get on the servers, it usually lags out pretty quickly.
  20. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    1-0 with Jarvan in ranked atm :)

    As for your issue b0ng0, I think its an issue with the EU servers in general. I play on the US ones but there was one day I could not connect so I paid a visit to the forums and there were enough people complaining about lag and dc'ing, specifically on the EU servesr. I have also noticed more lag / dc's on the US servers by other people, and i've experienced a bit more lag than usual also.

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