Bits Bit-tech to be at London International Technology show

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 15 Oct 2010.

  1. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
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    Lol noob creche, kinda got a ring to it:D
  2. Kris

    Kris Lord Lolwut

    6 Jun 2008
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    And lets not forget networking: I'm sure many have had strange problems with setting up their wifi routers.
    A small program where you explain some of the kinks in getting a home network up and running might be helpful to some.
    For example: for someone who is new to routers, it might make it hard for them to realise what does "port forwarding" mean(when they need to do it to "unblock" their online game or something of the sort).
  3. Blarte

    Blarte Moderate Modder

    15 Jul 2008
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    I actually giggled out loud at the "show you some of my scars comment" .. serves me right for reading this site during work hours ...

    * Set up two PC's using idential Hardware specs but air cool one and water cool the other and then rant about the pros and cons of each set up once some magic and trickery has been performed on each machine...(overclock)
  4. Blarte

    Blarte Moderate Modder

    15 Jul 2008
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    for good measure ...throw in some semi naked ladies dressed only in cheese cake ...sure fire stand attraction
  5. Daytona178

    Daytona178 What's a Dremel?

    1 Apr 2010
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    As we know Hyper Threading and triple channel memory don't increase FPS in game benchmarks (so normally an i5 760 is just as good as a 1366 CPU at the same Ghz when only gaming),,,but what about in real life situations with loads of crap is running in the background? This is what I propose:

    Have two systems, one an i5 750 @ 3.5Ghz & a I7 920 running at 3.5Ghz, 6GB's of RAM in each and the same video card, motherboard, etc. Start off with both being a fresh install and run the game benchmarks, then start loading on extra software and see how it affects benchmarks. So firstly load a big bulky anti-virus, then load iTunes, then load a youtube video, and just keep adding stuff to see if HT and Tri-channel RAM make a noticeable difference in these circumstances. I would be curious to know the results!
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