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Steam Black Mesa Source Release date confirmed

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Gunsmith, 2 Sep 2012.

  1. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    I really didn't think that the crouch jumping was a pain at all... Got used to it after about 5 minutes!

    Finished. It was awesome. Possibly the best FPS I've ever played.
  2. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I gotta admit I fell back into crotch jumping almost immediately. Kind of makes sense to lift your legs as you jump - who wouldn't?

    I've only put in about 3 hours (on hard.. now I'm worried about later levels) but gotta say like the rest of your I'm massively impressed. Both in execution and in the fact that HL1 was so good at making you forget it wasn't just room-room-room-room-room-room-room due to the constant elevation and scene changes. Valve should have done this. They've missed a $ now. I wanna give these guys some coin actually.
  3. play_boy_2000

    play_boy_2000 ^It was funny when I was 12

    25 Mar 2004
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    I think you're missing the point. Everyone is complaining about only this one section, and the rest just spam quicksave. I much prefer to only use the autosave points, but after dieing for the 15th time, I felt that requiring 10+ perfectly executed crouch jumps (not to mention avoiding mines that would go off for no apparent reason) runied the dynamics of the game.

    At the end of the day, a game needs to be fun, not a f*&^ing pain in the ass.
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    then these people are **** and should be left to die in a puddle of their own excrement.

    it is fun when you're competent.

    people expect to have an easy ride these days when tehy should put some practice in.
  5. play_boy_2000

    play_boy_2000 ^It was funny when I was 12

    25 Mar 2004
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    Surely you could have fit a reference to Hitler in there somewhere.
  6. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    too early for hitler references, let me sleep on it a little and i'll get back to you.
  7. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Sit me with Gunsmith on this one, but with less of the agro ;)

    It's classic action adventure, not FPS.

    F6 is there to be used!
  8. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    check point save points?? what is this, Halo?

    quick save was and is still the best save system ever.
  9. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Probably a bit strong that Gunsmith, even if the sentiment is right. :p
  10. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    you know me, always running at 11.
  11. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Well please try and dial it to 9 with the offence in future. :p
  12. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    umadbro? :D

    It's not like crouch jumping is hard or anything so there's no need for the elitist attitude. It's just that because pretty much every game has done away with it these days it seems like a bit of a relic of old video game design that was needlessly revived - they modernised everything else about the game, why not the platforming elements too? But I suppose they want to be faithful to the original and I'm cool with that too, it's still a brilliant game after all so I'm not going to complain.
  13. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    I think they kept it because it took skill... I mean, what, youre using two keys instead of one? Are we all so special we can only cope with one key?

    Its just everyone is used so space to jump call-of-duty-ness now
  14. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

  15. .//TuNdRa

    .//TuNdRa Resident Bulldozer Guru

    12 Feb 2011
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    Modernized? The gameplay has remained exactly the same, the AI was improved, admittedly, but it still plays damn near the same as it did back in 1998. Crouch Jumping is an interesting skill, anyhow. It's something I rather miss now I've been reintroduced to it after such a long absence, like being given Lean again after all this time.
  16. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    It does remind me that modern games really are dumbed down for the console generation, auto aim being the biggst crime in my opinion. I'm wondering of the updated version of Doom 3 will do away with the crouch jump need as well now giving you a permanent light. I always played Doom 3 without the duct tape mod, it is dumb not to have illumination on the weapons (they did in the film) but it adds to the challange.
    Speaking of torches, I notice that Black Mesa has done away with the time limit for the use of the torch, you can now keep it on all the time.
  17. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    It was a long time ago, but I don't remember there being a time limit on torches in the original Half Life; I thought that was something added in HL2.

    I could be wrong (and frequently am).
  18. Deders

    Deders Modder

    14 Nov 2010
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    There used to be an energy bar for the suit that would recharge itself, you'd need to conserve energy to run.

    I remember there being a torch icon and I'm sure it could run out but again it would recharge itself when it wasn't on. I used to save torch energy and use the light from the end of some of the weapons to navigate through vents and stuff.
  19. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    Yeah there was a battery for the torch.

    IIRC, the little power pack things (rectangular blocks with blue windows) that now power up the suit, I think they would fully recharge the torch in original HL. Can't quite remember as it's quite a while since I played, I just remember in the training area, you had a dark bit you had to navigate using the torch, and on each corner of the platform, there was an energy pack.
  20. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    The torch worked the same way it did in HL2, you had a limited amout of use which would recharge when you switched it off.
    The suit power was topped up with the power packs/energy cells left in crates or just lying around as well as at the HEV charging stations. Often the first aid and charging stations were found together, pretty much the same deal as HL2. As I recall the torch was independant of the suit power, that way you could have no suit power for a while but to recharge your torch you just had to stop using it for a bit.

    On a differnt topic, perhaps I'm new to the business of acheivements ( I tend not to pay much attention to them) but isn't it a bit odd for you to get a reward for killing yourself in a designated way? Black Mesa has rewards for killing yourself with your own snarks, drowning in reactor coolant etc, etc.

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