Due to a disconnection issue, I administrated the match back to the score when the game disconnected at the request of @ModSquid. @HeroSimon just confirm no issues on your end with this.
Thanks, President @Goatee . We did have some issues this end (the Bloodweiser sponsorship of the two games that afternoon did not help the rulyness of any of the coaches) but I reckon this is fair and probably doesn't affect anything too much table-wise. Got some interesting clashes ahead though...!
Just waiting for @HeroSimon to confirm and I will confirm the round. Additionally you can register for the Bloodbowl 3 Beta on PC (PC game using latest ruleset) - https://bloodbowl-thegame.com/#/home for those interested
I don't think I'm going to be a Day 1 purchaser due to budget, but I am liking the idea of those dynamic pitches. I'm hoping they bring dynamic balls in as well, per the boardgame, plus an option to play sevens would be wicked. Playing the beta at the moment and have some issues with parts of the new layout (the action ring (!) for one is a bit cluttered (!!) but trying to get used to it) but something I noticed the other day and possibly on the above theme was that I triggered some form of mantrap obstacle on the pitch, which looked interesting, but when Spud shoved me into it nothing happened and no explanation as to why/why not. Don't know if this isn't active in the beta, but it will be a cool new addition when working/explained.
@Goatee are you able to forfeit/disqualify/whatever my team? I'm not going to be able to play anytime soon.
Chaps - many apologies due. I have been severely slammed for the last few weeks with little game-length time to field a team, but there are signs my head may be about to break water (oo-er...). A violent digital outlet would therefore be most welcome. I have also had a word with the pitchside reporter as a summary of the recent first game of this last round is overdue - that one saw the Chaos Calves fighting for the right to take the crown of "Most Undertrodden" from the Ungroomables, in their dust-up against the "Chorfs" (their coach's epithet, not mine). Brief, blood-spattered notes inbound. @Midlight - djoofancyabit? Shall we "dance the Nuffle" on the turf in each others' blood? I believe the mice can be prodded into action either Fri/Sun eve this week, or Mon-Thu next week probably any time (with some sporadic short windows of non-availability around junior coach pickup times etc.). Let me know when's good. I realise we've all fallen off the BB wagon slightly of late (ahem! @HeroSimon and your failing alerts!) but let's keep the momentum up - this has been a rad little league we've had going. Suggestions for a refresh have so far included: splitting the league into two divisions for next season (longer-term idea) a one-off exhibition league with each coach fielding the same pre-agreed (comedy value) team a similar one-off exhibition league where each coach's team is voted on by the other coaches President @Goatee to review all suggestions or put to a vote - let's get fist back on bone! Grrr.
This weekend is no good for me, something about fathers day and surprises. Mon- Wed are good next week, around 8pm usually works best as far as childrens bedtimes etc.
Hopefully it's a pleasant surprise - I've found anything that involves glitter or baking normally backfires. Let's go for Tues at 8pm and that gives us the buffer of Weds if anything comes up to derail us.
I think there is still some glitter in the carpet from christmas. About 2 years ago. Tuesday it is then.
Short version, no. Longer version. Thing are less intense than they were a couple of weeks ago. Grandma is no longer alternating between screaming and crying, visit to the fracture clinic went went well, she is more or less on schedule and seems to have avoided any serious nerve damage. However she still needs constant supervision, if I'm not at work I'm watching her or cooking meals/cleaning whilst somebody else watches her. Realistically we're on week 3 of 12 and it's unlikely that she won't need 24/7 supervision until week 10 at least, until the bone is fused and she's able to use both arms we literally can't turn our back on her. Please forward my apologies to HeroTom, but I can't see myself being able to sit down and dedicate an hour to a Bloodbowl game anytime soon, sorry. #Edit. I had a chance to fire up my PC today and have withdrawn The Ungroomables from the Bit Tech league. Again, sorry everybody.
I am unsure whether that noise I can hear is best described as the "pitter patter of tiny feet" or the "impending drumbeat of doom". It's not the kids...it's the 'Spikes! Emerging from the tunnels to fight their last game of the season! This reporter has pear hooch in hand, all other distractions pushed brutally to one side and has received word that the coach is currently going through the roster.
After a fully adrenalised night, the North Londonheim coach awoke in the same chair with a vague recollection of a good time and an acceptable result. However, there was a BSOD involved (evidence of which shall be posted once the logs can be screenshot), so the management team has been briefed to accept the loss if required. I think we were 1-1 with some good SPP when things wrapped up and I just needed to verify the game, but for some reason, I can't now do that in the dashboard. @Midlight - happy to take whatever result you think appropriate as it's clearly something on my end (would appreciate any tech support with this!) @Goatee - happy to go with the League ruling once screens have been subbed (I'm here for the camaraderie, not the laurels) As I said to the missus on the wedding night, this hasn't happened like this before. On my own, yes, but not when piling into a zero-fps game with minimal other system demands. WTAF indeed. I still have no idea how a clean install on admittedly home-built hardware results in this many issues. I had a good time anyway so am happy to defer to the League's ruling. There were many queries at this end as to whether or not some of the "narrative" was fit for broadcast on Cabal TV but I think the shouts from the other dugout confirmed a good time was had by all. Let me know how you guys want to play it and I'll conform. Screenshots due shortly.
Been laid up with Nurgle pox. I can reset the game, accept the result or something else. @Midlight whats your preference?