Why the hell don't motherboard manufacturers still put a driver disk in the box, I've just installed my asrock x870e nova and I can't download the drivers as a need to connect an ethernet cable but my router is downstairs and I can't carry the heavy arse pc as I have an aneurysm of the aorta and my daughter has taken my laptop to uni...so buggered, this why they should still put a driver disk in the box even if they are older driver as it will get you up and running, tried downloading to my phone with no luck thanks
This all depends on your phone but for the most pary they'll be similar / use similar wording. On my Samsung it's in settings > connections > mobile hotspot and tethering Just plug in your phone via usb and enable the settings, windows 11 has the drivers built in (and so do most modern Linux distros).
OK tha Cheers buddy, will it work with windows 10, as I've got win 10 on it until I upgrade to win 11 thank you