My Pc Processors: Amd athlon 64 X2 3800+ Memory: 1024mb ram Video card: Nivida 7025. Hard drive: 1 20gb 1 80gb 1 30gb Drives: one cd-rom drive
I thought this was the feedback thread to the pimpin thread, and not the pimpin thread?? Btw Pook, link to your log is invalid. Cheers
kool yo...all ur case is there anywhere where i can get my case moded for a low not really that high tech and i jus want to noe the price range -thx
hi people this is my case ALIENSKULL, made of the zero ! CITY IS ITAJUÍPE-BAHIA -BRAZIL IMG][/IMG]
Quite personal this casemd was done in 5 months, and was done from the zero, besides gaining 1st place I eat better casemod of the CAMPUS PARTY BRAZIL and 1st place eat casemod more creative of the CAMPUS PARTY BRAZIL 2008, embraces to all of you
Re: plingboot's steampunk USB stick. I'm not normally one to use such words, but that thing is gorgeous. Very well done, Sir, very well done.
As my first post I would like to say that i like alot of MOD's here and that you can give me some feedback om my rig for all the pic's and spec's go to my website