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Other Charity WoWathon

Discussion in 'General' started by LoopyJuice, 3 Aug 2009.

  1. LoopyJuice

    LoopyJuice Astronomical

    24 Jun 2001
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    Just thought some people here might be amused at watching three people try to level two World of Warcraft characters non-stop for charity. They are doing shifts of 16 hours on, 8 hours off.

    It started two days ago and basically they are terrible, abysmally bad at levelling and playing the game so it is going to take WEEKS to finish. Every day they look a little bit more drained.

    Oh and there have been quite a few people finding creative ways of slowing them down.

    Anyway here you go http://wowathon.com/

    They have donation triggers for levels so 1-60 was $1000, onward to 70 was $2000 and upto 80 is $5000

    I'll probably donate myself if they ever get near to 70 just to deprive them of another few weeks of sleep, and obviously because charity is good!
  2. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Ouch. Are they on a PTR, or a private server, or something? I can't imagine they're on a regular public realm, they'd get torn to shreds by /b/tards creating characters and griefing them endlessly...

    I've often considered trying to "speed-level", but it's just really boring. Did 1-15 in about an hour once though, of which I was quite proud.

    edit - dear god, I just read your post properly; they ARE on a public realm? I'm going to renew my subscription and visit them, I think :>
  3. antiHero

    antiHero ReliXmas time!

    19 Jan 2005
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    They should have gone for a rogue instead. Faster lvl with grinding. Undead is best there with canibalism.
    Good cause non the less
  4. LoopyJuice

    LoopyJuice Astronomical

    24 Jun 2001
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    Yep Bronzebeard - US, PvE realm though so griefing is limited to killing all their quest mobs (which has been done... a lot) and generally being annoying, no ganking sadly :)

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