So, much, epic, macro detail, can't move! Amazing, and Dj, the sharpie effect is really cool, did you do that on the ballistix? I hope they were dead
Yup those are the ballistix's and they weren't dead, but now I'm not so sure oh well at least they look nice
I can't say I shoot a great deal of computer equipment. I was asked for a hard drive shot however when I was working as a commercial photographer, so I produced this.
Nice photos everyone. Ficky pucker, I also like that the picture you took doesn't suit the phrase under your name...
My DLP tv finally bit the dust (a fan controller failed 2 weeks ago, followed by the color wheel exploding on monday). I could get a new color wheel, but it's just not worth the hassle... Anyways, I popped my modded 35-80 on and got some macro goodness of the DLP chip:
Ultimate thread revival! Honestly though, I thought this needed bringing back, all the hardware pr0n was great!