Wow, I wasn't on BT when you first started, but that's some nice work! Can't wait to see a custom loop!
Thank you! Yes this build has been around a while, I just never finished it the way it was intended, so that is what I am working on now. Thank you MeMo!
I liked it from the start, but the last version with SSD and Corsair gear is really perfect...and it must be faster also I guess...great work
Hello! Here are some more photos of the AIO-edition finished. Next update with the first steps of the custom-loop will probably be a few weeks. Best regards, Johan Nyman
Well now it is time to dissassemble this build again to make it ready for a custom loop. What I will use for cooling now will be this: RAD: EKWB XT 120mm BLOCK: MIPS Iceforce PUMP/TOP: Alphacool DC-LT This radiator is about twice as thick as the one on Corsair's H75, so now this case will be even more filled up. The SSD-holder barely fits now. So what is hiding in this box...? Well, one of THE most gorgeous blocks Ive ever seen, MIPS Iceforce, sadly MIPS is not around anymore. I bought this block from Performance PCs when I was on vacation in the US, the last one they had. Looking pretty neat I think, I will change out the mounting screws though as those are not my favorite. Radiator installed! As I wrote before, this one is a lot thicker. The SSD-holder was then installed and the cables hooked up to see how everything works. I installed everything to be able to start plan the loop and most of all, to plan out where and how to install the pump. A lot of browsing on Caseking has been done too, fittings and acrylic tubes need to be bought. Im excited! This was all for this week, I hope some of you still want to stay around in this neverending log, but I promise you it will soon be over. With kind regards, Johan Nyman
That CPU block should be a lesson to block manufacturers everywhere: STOP MAKING BORING FREAKING SQUARES! Build is looking good!
Thank you Tim, Im waiting for some parts right now, fittings, tubing etc. First time I will use acrylic tubing. Yes I really love the older designs of waterblocks.
Oi! Small quick update today, I found some better screws for the block which I installed. What do you think? Best regards, Johan Nyman
Oi Bit-Tech:ers I thought I would share a quick side-project I finished up this week. I needed a stable workbench in my office/workshop for my pressdrill, beltsander and sheetbender. Instead of buying something finished I built it myself, with storage options too. The tabletop is called Gerton and can be bought from Ikea, it measures 1550x750mm. The base of the workbench is built with 95x45mm and 45x45mm planks. So I started by building a "box" that the tabletop will lay on, then I added some legs on the sides. I also wanted some storage in the workbench, so I started building the base for two shelfes in the workbench, these also makes the entire thing much more stable. On the shelfes I will have plastic boxes where I can store smaller acrylic and aluminiun sheets, smaller powertools etc. The tabletop was mounted with some angled steelplates. Then I filled up the base of the shelfes with planks as well. I bought some plastic boxes in different sizes that fits perfect on the shelfes. These are very good as I love to organize all my tools, materials etc. So this is how it ended up looking, it is very stable. With this I will also be able to use my time more efficient while modding. Now I will work on finishing up CURV3D and my other project SAIL as soon as I can without stressing it. What do you think? If someone wants the exact measurements just leave a comment. With kind regards Johan Nyman
I mean, it would be nice if this project was finished sometime........ The pump Im going to use is Alphacool's DC-LT with top. The pump will be mounted on the side with a mount that I am going to make out of aluminium. This is how I want to run the loop, the case is small and it is already really not much space left. If anyone have a better idea though feel free to help out. Best regards, Johan Nyman
Its been too long, again. My neverending project. I promised myself to have this finished this year, it should be possible but I said that before too. Its hard to find the time to mod nowadays with work, kids and house. About houses, I finally bought one recently and it has a garage in the basement which I turned into a modcave. Before photo. After, the walls were painted white and workbenches built. Also some shelfs, bending tool, and other bits and pieces. Some aluminium in different shapes and sizes too. Back to the project though, right now I started working on the pumpmount. I cut out the pieces by hand or with the jigsaw. The DCLT pump Im using is really small so this mount should be way enough, especially since I will use rigid tubing, Ive seen some people use rigid tubing and this pump and dont have any mount at all. This mount will also be painted black and mounted in the bottom of the case with rubber grommets to remove some of the vibration. Next job is to do some coverplates for different bits and pieces. I will try to have another update in a week (read 1-15 months). With kind regards, Johan Nyman
Looking good. You've gotten some serious mileage out of that one chunk of plastic. At first I thought you didn't need a bracket, but you made it stylish enough to be an accent. Seeing the MIPS block just makes me sad.