Haha oh yes, to much mileage. I just want to be sure it will not move, thanks. Does it make you sad because you miss MIPS or dont like it? I actually picked up this block from Jeremy in person when I visited Performance PCs like 5 years ago. Thanks man! Come by next time you visit Sönsvall!
Mips Kit was fantastic, but hardly anyone knew about it. They kinda got washed away by the rapid expansion of everyone else in the industry.
Yeah I really liked them too, glad I was able to pick my block up. The Intel version looked really good too.
Another update incoming. Time to finish up the pump mount and build a IO-cover. I drilled holes in the bottom part of the pumpmount. Measured out where the holes needed to be in the acrylic as well and drilled those. Next part I wanted to make was a IO-cover. I started by measuring out the length of the IO as well as the widest part of it. I added a few mm and cut out a piece. I measured out where the bend needed to be and used my bending machine to do it. I lined up the piece over the IO too see where I needed to do cutouts. On this motherboard the only place where were the battery is. Cut that out with a regular metal handsaw. Lined it up over the IO igen and it fit except for a few mm that needed to be shaped of the bottom part. To mount the IO cover the left connector needed to be a bit higher. I solved that by cutting out two pieces, glue them together and file them down and then add it to the connector. The coming days I will paint all the parts, I always let that take its time as spraypainting aluminium can be difficult. I will be back when everything is painted and mounted. With kind regards, Johan Nyman
Nice work as always! Will be interesting to see temp measurements with the new watercooling gear, and looking forward to seeing the next mockup with hardware and paint!
I'm a fan of a sexy workshop! might do some thing to mine one day First time ive read through this log, i can see like me you struggle to get thick plex to conform... i always shied away from bending plex that thick cause i could never get it to not to warp Loving the update the backet needs some sanding but is a very cool idea and we have the same AEG Jig Saws!!!! These jigsaws are perfect for under table mounting makes cutting plex and metal a breeeeeeze
Time for some painting. Im using three cans, aluprimer, matt black paint and matt clearcoat. The alu-primer is highly recommended. Some black paint and then almost done! To mount the IO-cover Im using 3M's doublesided tape. Ended up looking like this, what do you think? Best regards, Johan Nyman
Well, time for the yearly update then... My dear friend Laine made this custom reservoir for me, I was going to go without one but this one actually fits in the build. Small pump, small reservoir. The loop is now fully planned out and the only thing left is two bends.
So... I might actually be finishing up this project for real, pretty soon. Today I spent most of my time in my workshop, taking apart pumps and swapping pump-parts, but now it works. I also got the mSATA SSD to work as a OS disk, so the 2.5" SSD is now gone which gave me space to route the custom-loop better. Also less cables as I dont need a SATA power connector anymore. So here are photos of CURV3D with the finished loop, its all leak-tested so later this week I will be filling it up, flushing everything and then add some blue color dye. The workshop, I love having my own space instead of using the kitchentable. The things left to do now is to clean up the build, buff up the acrylic, flush the loop and fill it up, install everything needed for the front LCD. After that this project is.... done? I started this in 2011, I cant understand how long its been. I am looking forward to taking the final photos of this build and be done with it. Best regards, Johan Nyman
Nice update man! Very tidy with the loop and wire routing. It may have taken you a few years to get here, but it's been worth it!
It for sure been a while, I checked and the first photo I found from this build is from 2011. I think I had a project log of this even back on SFFR. Thanks man.
"Done" You've said that before a few times. You will completely rebuild it again in a year or two. -Anyway, it looks great. It looks like you still have room for the ssd next to the radiator.
Oh well, where should I start? I started this buildlog in 2012, but the first photos I find from this build is dated 2011, thats 9 years ago. In those 9 years I got a job in the industry, got married, had two kids, bought a house. This project has always been there though, waiting to be finished and now it is. I took some time to get some good final photos of this and here they are. Lets start with this one, this is the evolution from the beginning up until now, hardware have been upgraded so has the cooling. Im satisfied with the result and will now leave this project behind, needed after 9 years. The loop is pretty straightforward, I only bent two tubes, tried having them follow the overall theme of the build, all the other parts of the loop was connected with fittings. This LCD have been with the build from the beginning, a LCDMODKIT 4x20 LCD, controlled with LCDSmartie to show different info. The only lights in the PC is these DRAM, white and blue, manual RGB. Some photos from different angles. The entire thought behind the project have always been to be a HTPC and now after 9 years it sits there by the TV. I want to thank everyone who followed this project and have been commenting, I also want to give a big thank you to Laine for all the help and brainstorming over the years. This build will not be updated with new hardware or rebuilt, it is now finally 100% done and it feels good. Onto the next old project to finish up! With kind regards, Johan Nyman