Ok so i bought a new monitor and my HD 5770 isnt quite cutting the mustard any more. I was going to buy the MSI gtx 560 from scan hoping it would be on the 'today only' deal today but it wasn't. They do have however a MSI gtx 570 card on offer for ~£245 which is a bargain. the question is whether to fish out an extra £35 on the 570 with the stock pcb but still have some overclocking headroom or go for the 560 which can match the 570 at stock and has an awesome cooler?
I'd go 570 everytime. While at the moment the high clockspeeds make the 560 performance look good in the benchies a few years down the line when the going gets tough that same 560 is going to start running into a lot more architectural roadblocks than it's bigger brother. Having less ram, a narrower memory bus, less stream processors and ROPs etc all add up reguardless of the clockspeeds. You know what they say, A system is only as strong as it's weakest part.
+1 for 570, £245 is a bargin for a 570 even if it is standard cooler and standard pcb, means in future you can either buy an after market cooler or stick a water block on it, and overclock the bee jeeeessuss out of it with msi's afterburner software also although the 560 could match a 570 with a good overclock you've got to think that you can also overclock a 570 to, not to as crazy levels obviously but still good enough to bring it in line with a stock 580
Whenever I've gone for the 'sensible' option I've regretted... so I say get the best you can afford. GTX580 anyone?
thanks guys, just what i wanted to hear. Other people's voices convincing me to spend more money..... This way when the girlfriend gets pissed with me i can say that the voices made me do it!
What about Gigabyte GTX480 SE for £224.99 plus 10% off? That would be just over £200 and that would make it around £40 cheaper than the GTX570: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18253177 Yes it has higher power consumption than a GTX570, but it is slightly faster than it due to the higher frame buffer, and with the 3 fans Windforce custom cooler it's actually cooler and quieter running than a standard GTX570.
Great call but remember it only works once, maybe twice, if you are lucky. You'll have to think of another excuse for your next purchase. Now, maybe a Sandy Bridge upgrade for the rest of your rig...