Should the labels on the articles be doing this? Looks a bit like "Wodding" when i read it quickly and makes me do a double take! If its meant to be like that then i think it looks a little weird but it may grow on me.
I can't remember the site always doing this on short articles but in any case: Due to the double banners on the right (didn't there used to be only one?) it leaves huge amounts of spacing beneath an article which imo is kinda.. messy.
We've always done this - this hasn't changed at all He's sales staff, not editorial. Jamie and myself shouldn't really be on there either tbh We've always done this. A few of us wanted it changed (drop the bottom sky on news) but the powers that be wouldn't let us
Its always done that? Shows how much I actually look at the adverts then! Ahh well, thought it was worth a mention in case it was a bug The forum Caching thing seems to have stopped, may well have been my firefox. Weird!
Ye borked the RSS feeds! I got all the old news again, but I'm guessing that because you reposted them all in the new format, but my articles feed turned into another news feed.
Can't say I have the keyboard issue thing. Though, are the times that the articles were posted new? Cuase I really like that.
Hmmmmmm OK, my thoughts... The new lighter colours are nice, but the distinction between everything on the homepage isn't strong enough. Especially the news. From what I remember there was a black bar that was at the bottom of every main article with the published date and other info. That was a good way of separating the news, but I know why you removed it, but there does need to be something that distinguishes where one article ends and the other begins. I'd actually suggest something as simple as some more padding. In fact, the whole box needs some more padding. The text is too close to the borders. I'd also make the news images a little smaller, give them a border or round their corners and then give them 5 - 10 px of padding all round. The news on the right just needs some more padding on the bottom. Just my thoughts. I do like the way its heading though. Fresh!