I'm certainly not in charge of programming or site development, but I think I'm fairly qualified to answer your questions... Basically, to cut a long story short this was a back end overhaul with some small tweaks to the front end (because the page was being rewritten anyway). There are many other projects going on in the background at the moment too, thanks to our development shopping list that never seems to get any shorter. We could dwell all day on more aesthetic tweaks to the front page, but then we'd never get any further down the shopping list. We're quite happy with the site's current look (it looks much fresher without the mass of black) and we would rather focus on adding more functionality for you, to make your experience on bit-tech much better than it already is. Obviously, the design will no doubt be tweaked again in the future, but now that we have more functionality (in the back end) it's time to start adding more functionality onto the front end for you. I hope this helps to explain why Jamie sounded a little dismissive of will's ideas.
The front page is very nifty looking. Not sure if I like the blue/red for links, though. The red is a bit bright, IMO.
I've just noticed, are the RHS ads meant to but straight up against the black header? I.e. with no blue division?
I think it's definitely different; I noticed the change immediately. However, I really like the changes. Nice job! The only thing I don't like, and this is me being picky, are the red 'visited' links on the homepage, but oh well. Gman22
Like it so far guys.. But could you add yer forum names to the about page, not all of us know who is who. Tim's is fairly easy. Even tho i liked Bigz.. N Arrteetee. Well, all i know is: Where are the Miniature RTTs. Me wants..
I suppose I'm a bit late in congratulating you on the redesign - but: This made me very happy! I've been trying to find a news archive for years, thinking that you had one on the site but it was hidden very well. The site as a whole feels a lot more integrated and the minor design changes are great.
I haven't read this entire thread but.... cpemma, I sincerely hope you aren't suggesting changing the default font of the website to Comic Sans. If indeed you are, may I direct you to the following web site: http://bancomicsans.com/
ooo no no no nothing like that. The section banner for the forums at the top of the page (it has the keys to the left of it) is wrapping round onto two lines, however done of the other section banners do this. This happens when I shrink the window to about half its original size when running at 1280*1024 and it only happens for the forums section of the site.
I can raise your link and see you, jimmy, with this one. I sit rubbing my hands in glee. Code: @-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.bit-tech.net/) { body {font: 12px "comic sans ms" !important; color: #111 !important;} } Now off to theme [H]ard in pink and lime...