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Gaming Dragon Age 2 Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 8 Mar 2011.

  1. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    put in the texture pack.. looks like it's all environment textures

    dx9 everything turned up- some reason they won't let you use the new textures.. it works in dx11 though

    pics below is dx9 maxed vs dx11 maxed.. look at the wood and the background- the difference is pretty big

    I get no frames dropped in dx9- guess need a better card =E.. it's not unplayable bad in dx11 with all the options on but not stuck at 60fps- so it's annoying

    anyone give it a go maxed with a 560?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. RGUK|Alex

    RGUK|Alex Camping like a pikey

    3 Mar 2011
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    >Slice somebody in half with a sword
    >Body explodes
    >Sword remains perfectly clean
    >Disappointed face
  3. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    went in the fade and my dwarf rogue got tricked by demons- I figured no biggie, forgot he was all tweaked up for damage.. he one hit me first shot with bianca and I exploded xD

    game is stable.. no issues there, just looked at the clock last night and 3am :lol:
  4. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Not tried the texture pack. Figured as I only have DX 10.1 card I wouldn't be able to make much use of it. Been running the game at high settings with DX 11 renderer and everything cranked up to max, and the game plays perfectly on my HD4770 lol. Hardly need a beast to play this.

    Finished the game last night. Took 51 hours all told. Were a few things I really disliked, like the lazy level design and using carbon-copy areas. But otherwise it was very enjoyable and they did improve some aspects of the game. There was a nice injection of humour too.

    DA2 could have been better and it should have been. But it was still great fun playing through as a Mage. Couple of the big battles felt pretty epic. More fun than I thought it would be after trying the demo. I'd probably give it an 8/10 overall.
  5. omicron

    omicron Baud.

    8 May 2004
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    Regarding the ME2 comments:

    ME2 was far, far better than ME. Bloated interface, awkward controls and endless busywork does not a good RPG make.
    An RPG doesn't have to resemble an excel spreadsheet in order for it to be good.

    Tempted to pick this one up, but I think i'll wait until it drops in price..
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2011
  6. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    have to agree with sausages posts.. pretty much spot on- I didn't think the ending was bad at all.. some pretty cool moments like when that midget opens fire in his brothers mansion xD

    the end battle was good too.. the sound was really about as good as it gets.. like how you hear the tug horn when the statues came to life- felt a lot more movie like

    have to disagree about simple is better.. would have liked to customize my companions armor
  7. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Just installed. Going to give it some more time but it feels like half the game DAO was. I was looking forward to it. I miss the tactical view already. :(

    It may be that or it's because it's one of the few games I got on pre-order, maybe it's the unusual feeling of spending more than £10 on a game that is making me feel this way. :)
  8. TheUn4seen

    TheUn4seen What's a Dremel?

    22 Oct 2009
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    Quick summary afer three playthroughs:

    -overly simplified
    -level designer should be tied to a tree and beaten severely for re-using everything a thousand times
    -then he should be beaten again for empty streets in a big city
    -a bit too much action and not enough "other stuff" like character and relationship development
    -technicalities - crashed too often for my taste, code optimization is crap (for dx10/11, and dx9 could look much better)

    Despite the flaws I had much fun playing. It has a really good story - the main plot is weak, but companion missions are probably the strongest point of the whole game. I certainly don't feel I wasted my time and I'm looking forward for the next part.
  9. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Now where have I seen this cave/warehouse/house before....? :)

    On a 2nd playthough mage styley. It has grown on me but not as much as the original. Perhaps that's just the way with sequels? Saying that I have ME2 still waiting to be played and DS2 waiting to be bought so I suppose I'll find out.
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