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Gaming Duke Nukem Forever Hands-on

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 13 Oct 2010.

  1. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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    you know I completely forgot about Doom 3 or that there even was a Doom 3, lol I even played it and still I forgot about it, I always talk about Doom and Doom 2 but 3 just slipped my mind completely, I guess that tells you how good that game was lol. But ya heres hoping that its not like that.
  2. minus0ne

    minus0ne What's a Dremel?

    10 Jul 2009
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  3. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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  4. AiA

    AiA Minimodder

    25 Jul 2009
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    Trailer was cool, had to watch it with out sound (at work)
    Looked like Duke had some trouble with his shoe laces at the end
  5. robots

    robots What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2010
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    I'm not interested in the supposed 'humour' or the chicks or the alien gore. The only thing that I care about is the gameplay, and to me, that was what Duke did well. FPS's were (and still are to some extent) so boring and stale and nothing is new, but in Duke, they added a bunch of new things that were a lot of fun. There was the jet pack, there was the holo duke, the shrink ray, the laser trip bombs, and some other stuff. It was all that, combined with the decent basic shooter gameplay that made it really great.

    Whether I am still interested in playing the same thing all over again, more than a decade on... I'm not sure. I think I probably will enjoy it, mainly because FPS's refuse to move on. There are no other FPS's with that many fun gadgets. Crysis had the suit which was ok, Arma 2 has vehicles and realism, but in general, FPS's are still boring FPS's, so the holo duke, laser trip bombs, and jet pack is probably still going to be as fun and unusual now as it was back in the 90's.
  6. bobwya

    bobwya Custom PC Migrant

    3 May 2009
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  7. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    That is a good point. FPS have been really stale for years now. I don't even remember the last FPS I used a jet pack in! And jet packs are awesome. FPS have improved at creating set pieces and scripted moments.... and that's it since the mid 90's. Sigh. I haven't really enjoyed any not from Valve. I think that Duke will be a return to putting fun at the centre, and that's enough to make me want it.
  8. maximus09

    maximus09 Forever n00b

    8 Jun 2009
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    Thanks again V3ctor, I checked yesterday to see if I had the demo key and I did.

    Aparently if you bought Borderlands on Steam in October last year you will get the key. There is a link above the DLC of Borderlands called CD Key or it might appear when you start up the game. Then you can use the key on the Duke site to enter to the exclusive area and wait until the demo is released :) :thumb:

    I agree and I think there have been incrimental improvements in FPS games such as story and atmosphere of Bioshock, gadgets such as in Crysis and also limiting strategy such as in Condemned. Also lets not foget Half-Life 1/2 which gave some great environmental interactivity and storyline. And Portal for problem solving.

    Actually I think Condemned was a great game on the PC, a good level of difficulty exaggerated by the sense of only being able to defend yourself with a piece of wood or bear fists, but it also gave me a nice feeling of emersion especially when you could attack people when they are down. The downfall being that is was very linear.

    And I think that most recent FPS games are trying to take advantage of all these things depending on the genre. But I have yet to see a game which can incorporate all of these things successfully into one coherent whole. And I think DNF will only have some nice gadgets, good interactivity, some emersion and character. I doubt it will have much story, atomosphere or problem solving though. But maybe it will have just enough to make it a good game despite the sense of reminiscence.
  9. robots

    robots What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2010
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    They take themselves far too seriously now. They are humourless, trying to be cool, trying to be scary, trying to be realistic, and forgot about what games were meant to be about... having fun. In the 90's it was still the glory days of FPS's and the competition was far better. Companies were fighting to be the most fun and the most special. They started diversifying with games like System Shock and Deus Ex that ware blending in really good RPG elements in to a good FPS. You had games like Quake and early Unreal cornering the fluid deathmatch "gibfest" part of the market, games like Delta Force going for realism, games like Tribes going for online cooperation, games like Thief trying to do something more than just shooting, and then Duke just trying to be the most fun it can be. It was a great time.

    But since then, there has only been some minor evolution in most of those types of game, and the "being the most fun" style seems to have got forgotten for some reason. So I suppose a new Duke Nukem even after all this time, is still going to be worth playing.
  10. Kilmoor

    Kilmoor lurker

    12 Jan 2010
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    My, my- how quickly we begin to feel entitled to something that we didn't know existed five minutes ago.

    I can't bear the critical scrutiny and demands of the reviewer. What, oh what must the developers do to please you, your ego, and your unbelievable sense of entitlement?!
  11. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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    Well we have known that this existed for 10+ years now and ya a lot of us feel that leaving loyal fans high and dry like that for that long should be able to get our moneys worth but I dont agree or disagree with what the reviewer said at least not yet, once I get my hands on the demo then I will make my own judgement call and put my two cents in. :)
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