Well let's get straight into the business! So there is this cool'ish and new'ish social media, Fitocracy, for people who like to move and exercise. You can post your workouts and other exercises you have there (like cycling, running, etc). The nice thing about it is that you actually gain points to level up (yeah, sounds funny, but might keep some people doing stuff, I just consider it to be fun. The service is easy way to keep record, which is mainly why I use it so I can share it easily with people who are intrested working out, etc...) I know that there is many of us who go to gym, run, do bodyweight exercises, like to ride bikes and just generally stay fit'n'healthy. So I was just wondering does anyone use this service already, and if not, is there any reason other than you didn't know it exists? I think it would be nice to have own group for Bit-Tech there, so we can monitor each other and encourage to keep going and all that nonsense? Someone with big cojones could do that, maybe? Also consider using this thread as a official Bit-Tech Fitness thread (if that's okay, since I think there ain't one yet?). Talkin' about all kinds of fitness/workout related cheesecake stuff. EDIT: THE OFFICIAL BIT-TECH GROUP
Fitness? I used to rock that. Then I got a job in IT, renewed my World of Warcraft subscription, and the rest is history.
Well now you have something to do after the gym! I wonder if that happens to me after I graduate Well at least two and half years to spend before it!
Looks interesting. I like that you can add activities. Means I can use runkeeper and this at the same time. Signed up - will give it a go and perhaps create a bit-tech group later if no one else fancies it? Username: rinsewand. Add me =) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeaaaah! Keep the usernames coming if you register yourself so it's easier to catch people from Bit-Tech And yeah, my username, suprise suprise: Yariko
I'll start adding workouts as of Monday. The weekend is my down time Hopefully we'll get some more peeps joining the group. Nice idea Yariko.
I'll join soon, first i just need to finish all this junk food in my flat, buy all supplements that have worked before, and i'll begin!
Nah, start doing stuff and the rest just happens. I eat junk food and drink Guinness (by the gallon) but it is all balanced by doing exercise. No supplements required, no additional costs Just go for a walk, jog, take the stairs, carry the shopping a few meters more.... yada yada yada... Don't spend money on pointless supplements unless you REALLY need them, i.e. if you are pregnant, then money is not your major issue...... All the best S.
Haha! Yeah, Fitocracy has some possibly off-putting characteristics, but if quests and achievements help some people keep going and motivated, it's good that there is such a things. I just don't pay too much attention to them (or not yet at least )