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Multi Games you didn't complete

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by SuperHans123, 16 Sep 2021.

  1. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    Those are rookie numbers.
  2. SuperHans123

    SuperHans123 Multimodder

    27 Dec 2013
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    Witcher 3.
    1st mission, some dopey noonwraith in a well. Didn't have some potion to create a magic circle.
    Killed 4 times whilst fending her off with just a sword.
    I'm out.
  3. MiNiMaL_FuSS


    24 Dec 2003
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    Never finished the Witcher 3, got quite far twice (well it felt quite far but who knows!) can't face starting over a third time.
  4. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    I never finished Morrowind, despite playing over 300 hours of it. There was so much to do in it, so much stuff to see and explore, but the main quest just dragged. The Thieves Guild quests and finding the cure for Corprus were definitely the high points of what I did play. Ran out of steam when uniting the clans.

    To be fair BF3 did come at the very height of FPS homogeny, you could be playing BF3, Call of Duty MW 2 or 3, or Homefront, or Killzone 3 and it wouldn't have looked any different. The campaign's only redeeming feature is that it's better than BF4's, which didn't even work.
  5. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    How did this thread get so far with no mention of Alien: Isolation?

    Alien: Isolation. The game I wanted to love, but then I got to the medlab level and had to evade an RNG by hiding in lockers for half an hour without a save point.

    I loved it up to that point. But those open you-vs-alien sections are basically just you bashing your head against a death screen over and over. It's like having to win a coin toss 10 times in a row to proceed. Completely ruined the atmosphere and tension, because getting killed became boring rather than terrifying, which is the worst thing I could say about a horror game.

    Once I inferrred from comments that much of the rest of the game would be like that, I uninstalled it.
  6. SuperHans123

    SuperHans123 Multimodder

    27 Dec 2013
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    One of my all time favourite games.
    Very rewarding, fantastic setting, dripping with tension.
    FWIW, I rarely hid in lockers, crouched the whole time and just sneaked about as opposed to hid.
    Well worth a replay.
    boiled_elephant likes this.
  7. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    I had to swallow my pride and play on 'easy', as it was too terrifying otherwise. I actually quite enjoyed it after that. The Alien turns up less often, and you can hide quite easily. Hell, most of the time, you can escape from being right in front of it if you simply go under a desk.

    I would say it's worth having another go, as the environments nail the feeling of the Alien universe. And once you get the flamethrower, keeping it at bay becomes a lot easier.
    SuperHans123 and boiled_elephant like this.
  8. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Let's do another two from me:

    FarCry 2

    This actually crosses over with 'Games I hated'. Brown and bloody boring. Respawning checkpoints - ugh. Weapons that constantly broke. Hardly got into this game at all. A crap successor to its two predecessors.

    FarCry 4

    IIRC, I think I made the mistake of completing FarCry 3 (I played it a few years after launch) then pretty much heading straight into its sequel. I played almost 17 hours (according to Steam) and then just got bored as it was just the same old stuff again. A shame, as FarCry 3 was good enough - just took a while to get going.

    I've actually completed FarCry 5, but only because I was doing it in co-op: I certainly wouldn't have bothered otherwise. Won't bother looking at FarCry 6 as my co-op buddy and I agreed we'd rather do something different.
  9. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Man, Far Cry 2 was such a frustrating disappointment. The respawning enemies, the constant don't-die/don't-break-down busywork, the baffling lack of friendly AI despite the story containing the implication of friendly AI...it was just Far Cry 3, but ****.

    Oh and Higurashi When They Cry, which holds the record for the least time I've played a game. I made it about 5 minutes in before feeling like a time-travelling alien trying to enjoy an unknown planet's entertainment media. It was just so bad and weird and bad, and the reviews were so glowingly positive. The subculture effect...
    Pete J likes this.
  10. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    As above. It's probably easier for me to leave now and go over to the "Last Completed" thread. The list here would be too long, but I'd start with Company of Heroes (since I had to reinstall and it lost my 70+hr campaign save) and Deathwing (because it's installed on a different drive). Started BF3, Fallout 3 and Bioshock Infinite as well - all on hold.

    I get cross with myself when I start games, leave them for a bit for something else (mainly indies/arcades due to time constraints), then come back to a 65% complete campaign to find out I've forgotten the tricks/skills/controls/whatever. I did previously go for every achievement in a game, less so the multiplayer ones but including completion at the hardest level (mostly a holdover from the Xbox, before Steam had widespread achievements - still think they should add a Gamerscore to each and do it properly) because CBA with re-plays, but like @Pete J says, I do nowadays think it might be better to just enjoy the experience at a "normal" difficulty and get many different experiences experienced.

    Disappointed to see the comments re: Alien and Witcher though. Was looking forward to attacking those.
    Pete J likes this.
  11. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    I feel like this is a post I could keep upgrading as I remember. I'm old enough that I have forgotten entire games existed..and I do mean the ones I played! My Amiga years are littered with the corpses of unfinished games.

    Uh obvious ones are the first Far Cry..it was so pretty but I never got far through it before I got annoyed. Crysis was basically the same. So pretty, but as soon as the aliens arrived I lost interest. I'd rather go and play FEAR again and nail some dude to a wall.

    I finished the first Ass-Crud game as it was new and exciting. But the Ubisoft ruined it with a collect-athon diarrhea in the 2nd and they copied that into every game after that. So not touched them since. Glad now I know they are sexually abusing their employees.

    Hmm my Steam list has many unfinished games. I'll have to look sometime.
    SuperHans123 likes this.
  12. rma

    rma Minimodder

    19 May 2010
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    Far Cry 6... Worst! Far Cry! Ever!

    I've played, loved and finished (well, let's say I struggled through FC5) all of the previous FCs but 6 was terrible.
    Wish it had been available on Steam as I would have refunded at the 90 min mark!
  13. Sgoaty

    Sgoaty Minimodder

    4 Feb 2005
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    Doom Eternal, I was enjoying it but something else grabbed my attention and I didn't get back to it.
    I loved RDR2 and completed the main campaign but did't get too bogged down with the side missions and hunting etc.
  14. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    They're 100% amazing and worth your time. I'm just weak-willed and impatient.

    That thing about returning to a savegame and forgetting all the controls and play is too real tho. If you do Witcher 3, do it like a dense novel: start to finish, however many weeks it takes, don't play anything else really involving and don't let it languish unplayed for too long. I forgot it all and now can't bear to restart it or relearn it.
    SuperHans123 likes this.
  15. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    The Witcher 3 now there is a game I never saw me not finishing. I played the first 2 games all the way through. But the 3rd one hit me oddly. I've never been able to explain why I can't get into it. I "should" love it. Maybe the way it starts? Game kinda just assumes you are 10 hours in and settled..and I'm not. Dunno. The start was all wrong in a way I can't explain.
  16. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I get that actually. Like the tv series, it drops into the plot running and only really deigns to make sense many, many hours later.
  17. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    I have heard it said that the first season needs to be watched twice. I think that depends on who you are to some extent. I'm fairly used to anime stories taking weeks to make sense, but I'm guessing most people aren't.
  18. Byron C

    Byron C asphinctersayswhat

    12 Apr 2002
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    One of the first few anime series I watched was Neon Genesis Evangelion. Took me way more than a few weeks to make sense of that! :lol:

    I agree about The Witcher TV series though, I enjoyed it a lot more on second viewing. I enjoyed it on first viewing - I mean, who doesn't enjoy Henry Cavill in leather trousers, frankly - but the story and the world made a lot more sense the second time round.
    Fizzban likes this.
  19. SuperHans123

    SuperHans123 Multimodder

    27 Dec 2013
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    To say this was the biggest disappointment of the year for me is an understatement. Arkane, immersive SIM etc etc
    Tried it twice now, bailed forever.
    Confusing, soulless, brainless adversaries, annoying ****-talkers music from a Seventies tv series.
    Stealth? Forget it.
    Pea shooter weapons.
    Hacking? Point a 'hackamajig' (Not made up, that is its name) at a clear strobe light to hack, that's it!
    The list goes on.
    Last edited: 17 Dec 2021
  20. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Read Dead Redemption 2

    Not sure why and it's still on the PS4. I may boot it up again this Christmas.

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