Haven't noticed that either, the game looks wonderful for me, some of the best visuals I have seen. I managed to play for a few hours last night and without a single issue - saying that, I have been paying more attention to what is going on around me. I have spotted some odd things going on. We saw a car ahead of us on a road appear to have a head on crash with thin air (as the back end flipped up into the air), it then violently spun around 180 degrees and drove back past us looking perfectly fine. We also saw a couple of boats stuck together, just randomly spinning around in air above the middle of a river.
I am assuming that it is harder because it should be played co-op rather than single player which will explain why it is so hard to get anything done. I have just spent nearly 20 trys trying to find out where someones right hand man was. And even though the baddies could not hear a bullet striking metal as I took out the alarms they could hear a silenced shot from a 100 yds. Final;ly found out where I needed to go jumped in the really poor to control helicopter and got hold of my prey. Jumped in as vehicle to deliver this person to wherever but the vehicles seem to get damaged on by a blade of grass and although there were other vehicles to be had getting the prisoner to change cars proved difficult as suddenly I was fighting an army with the team members who were worse than useless. Needless to say I died and I have to do the whole thing over again as the save points although shown on the screen obviously did not register as back to the beginning of the mission I found myself. Can I be bothered, I don't think so?
The save not registering is another known issue, trying a couple of work arounds, but in doing so I discovered that fraps was taking up around 85Gb of space on my C drive though what with I have no idea..
Cannot decide if I like this or not though I keep going back to it so i assume I like it though I suspect that as I am Kronos no mates playing this on my own is not ideal. I do have a couple of questions though. If I pick up a weapon is it added to my loadout selection? If you fight Unidad what do the 4 purple V's indicate and do these b*******s keep respawning as I took down a bunch yesterday along with their helicopters and still they came? How is it that when you are doing a mission that requires you to be undetected that the enemy cannot hear a metal bullet hit a metal alarm tower yet can hear me take out one of their buddies hundreds of miles away who cannot be seen and I have used a silenced weapon?
> If I pick up a weapon is it added to my loadout selection? Nope. Not sure when you lose it as I don't bother picking them up. I do know that whenever you fast travel you are set back to your current loadout so you lose it then. Pickups are unmodifiable, so I don't bother with them. > If you fight Unidad what do the 4 purple V's indicate... The Vs are the alarm level. L1 is usually just foot soldiers. L2 is purple cars turning up with 4 soldiers in each. L3 adds a single chopper L4 is multiple choppers, including some attack choppers with missiles! If you keep fighting them they will keep coming and increase the alarm level. There is no 'winnning' against the purple bar-stewards! You need to bug out and hide. Easiest thing to do is jump in a car and drive away until you get the 'unidad patrol lost' message. > How is it that when you are doing a mission that requires you to be undetected... Ah, the mystery of stealth in GR I'm guessing the alarm is a special case, so you can shoot it out. If your bullets hit walls, they make sound and will alert people nearby. Perhaps other soldiers, maybe someone you haven't seen (you are droning the place first, aren't you) saw him drop? Bodies hang around for a while, so other soldiers can stumble upon a corpse and raise the alarm. Again, if you get a 'hunted' warning on your minimap, relocate and hide (prone in long grass or bushes) and wait for the hunted to fade. Are you using your 3 SP soldiers and their Q shot to help thin the opposition before you move in?
Cheers about the weapons, seems a bit of a waste. So what is the point of Unidad? I tend to drone a couple of times but I have had the message mission failed because I was detected as I missed with the first shot but got with the second the last enemy, so I was detected by whom I wonder? Did not know about the 'hunted' reaction, thanks. The Q shot is about all the SP soldiers are good for.
Can some p;lease tell me how the hell to fly the planes? I have pretty much sorted the helicopter thopugh I am probably faster takling the bus. But the plane is another matter altogether. Turning seems iffy and climbing I have not figured out at all even though I have googled 'Flying a Plane.'
I know what you mean about flying, it's not great in the game. I gave up trying to fly with the keyboard as it was driving me nuts I've now plugged in an xbox360 controller for driving and flying and use k&m for everything else
Isn't great when suddenly you discover something that completely changes the way you play the game. I discovered that by using either the drone or binoculars that I could Q sync kill multiple enemies even if I could not actually see them. Long as the orange circle showed up. Certainly makes some missions that much easier in single player.
It sounds like you don't know how to make them fly fast. I didn't until a friend saw a YouTube video and told us about it! Step 1 - Get to the choppa! Step 2 - Gain some height Step 3 - Press SHIFT and W at the same time - the chopper will start to dip but then return to horizontal Step 4 - When the chopper starts to dip a second time, release the W (but keep holding SHIFT) You should now be travelling at a much faster speed. You gain height by 'pulling back on the stick' with S You dive with W It takes a bit of getting used to but I can fly around quite well now. Tip - chopper rotors should not make contact with the ground! Another tip - if you see grey "spotting me" indicators, that's a SAM locking on - the missile just wants to br friends with you and will rush over to say hello
Will try that. now how about a plane which is quite ridiculous though I have managed to get it in the air, but getting it back on the ground other than by crashing is proving difficult. I cannot believe that Ubisoft released this game where driving anything is so rubbish. Obviously they do not give a dam on the quality of their games.
I played a bit last night, looks ok, not perfect though. So I'm guessing you need to run around and find missions yourself?
The yellow ones are the main missions. You interrogate people to find other side missions/items that help you build your skills and arsenal. It's incredibly repetitive, but if you enjoy tactical shooters it has enough to keep you going.
Yep, for me it looks like Far Cry 4 all over again. But I like to wait for night time to run a mission Can I just fast forward to night time, like in Far Cry, or do I need to wait till it gets dark?