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Multi Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Hex, 2 Feb 2017.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I don't think there is a way other than to perhaps Fast travel around a map, that might work. Otherwise there does not seem any real logic on how time moves as I have noticed that it is suddenly night.
    are you playing on your own if so missions get a little easier when you can Q Kill more than one enemy, I found one mission virtually impossible when I could only silently kill 2 enemies at the same time.

    As others have said it is pretty repetitive, not sure if it has a story, some missions like flying the plane are rubbish and I now avoid as vehicle control is some of the worst I have come across in a game. But I am still drawn back to it as it is fun going for all the collectables. And there is not much else out there. I have just looked at my Steam back catalogue and have reinstalled some older games.
  2. rma

    rma Minimodder

    19 May 2010
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    You can see the current time if you bring up your drone or binoculars...


    Considering their promo material all talked about "playing the way you want to" and "missions being very different between day and night", it's a mystery as to why they left out a way of "skip to 01:00" etc.

    It's also very annoying you don't have a knife for silent takedowns.

    If you find a room/tent of sleeping enemies, you can't sneak in and take them all out silently.
    If you fire a single silenced pistol round, everyone else in the room jumps up, guns at the ready.

    I've had some success with flashbanging the room/tent first, then they just stumble around and you take them all out but there's a chance that will be heard by someone else.
  3. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I see no point in the constant respawning of the Unidad forces as it brings absolutely nothing to the game.
  4. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest


    Plus, the constant respawning of enemies to bases. You liberate a load of rebels and then 10 minutes later they're back in cages again. It gives zero sense of progress. It's FarCry 2 all over again.
  5. phinix

    phinix RIP Waynio...

    28 Apr 2006
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    Aaaa! So It's not just me then! :)

    Few night ago I was playing it, trying to clear out Unidad camp, but they kept coming and coming and coming.. I just got tired of killing another waves of troops. I thought it was some kind of glitch.

    In this case this is really stupid...
    Same as this lack of option to jump to certain time of the day. I need to leave the game for 20 minutes to get it changed to night...:duh:
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    You would have thought that they would have learnt from Far Cry 2 but obviously not?
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Provided you don't alert them and have the purple chevron(s) appear on the top right of screen you can kill then with a respawn.
    I now have a sniper rifle that can take out a helicopter with one shot but it is a total waste of time if Unidad are alerted as they just keep coming so all that is left is to leg it.

    I have just finished an area where there are no missions as such just collectables and if memory serves they were all in Unidad combat camps so a bit trickier.
  8. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    I totally agree with the comments about constant respawning - it's extremely annoying.

    What I also find very annoying is that you clear a base, destroy the AA missile launchers, take off in your chopper, fly 50 feet away only to find the missile launchers have magically repaired themselves and are now firing on you - it's just bonkers.

    I wish that all the areas I had liberated would stay liberated, with the option to re-populate them all when I choose to after clearing them all out. I'm pretty sure that this happened in the later Far Cry games.

    I have enjoyed playing it though - I've now upgraded everything to the max, collected every document, completed all missions and visited every ? indicated on the map.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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  10. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    Haven't come across that - I definitely have 100% on it and have received the achievement for it too
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    There will be no danger of me getting a 100% as I have given up on the missions that involve the plane.

    Bolivia has substantial rainforest cover in its lowland areas: the Bolivian Amazon covers 229,985 square miles (59.6 million hectares) of which roughly two-thirds is forested. About half of Bolivia's forest cover consists of primary forest.

    So where are the forests?
    Last edited: 3 Apr 2017
  12. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    This. You liberate everyone and kill the local leader... yet things stay the same. How is that a sense of progress. If anything Unidad should move in in-place of Santa Blanca, as they are the local 'police', as annoying as that would be it would signify a step forward.

    I'm 16hrs in and just going to do enough to pick-up most of the kit and finish the story, then never look at it again.
  13. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    I picked it up over the weekend and am really enjoying it, bar a few things...:

    The above liberation stuff... Why not go GTA:San Andreas Style.. You liberate, then occasionally they get attacked, you go and save them.

    The physics of the motorbikes just p*** me off

    The clunky interrogation system

    The mission progress saves... The mission 'checkpoints' are SO far apart, and you end up spending 10 minutes getting back to the point you screw up.

    Otherwise, really enjoying the story, the graphics and particularly the gunplay.
  14. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Did you know you can't die while doing the interrogation? If you're in the middle of a gunfight and they're going to escape, just leg it and catch them, then you are invincible while conducting the interrogation and your team mates will finish the job around you.
  15. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    I've definitely been downed out of an interrogation. Are you playing with people or AI?
  16. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I play on my own and I have noticed the blood spurting out of me as I am hit by many bullets but I chat on regardless.
  17. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Same. Playing with AI.
  18. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Being somewhat conscious of my own mortality, whenever i saw myself getting shot, I did the natural thing...

  19. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    So I was half way in an interrogation and the Santa Blanca people shot the guy I was holding first, then I died immediately afterwards.

    Also, does anyone play as the female option? The VA is very good.
  20. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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