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Gaming Gran Turismo 5 Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 30 Nov 2010.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. Jasio

    Jasio Made in Canada

    27 Jun 2008
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    I guess I'm a tad biased because I've always been a GT fan -- but I have to agree with some of the major gripes with this particular release, particularly the painful long wait time and the general feeling of "Meh". It's still a great game, but I can get a similar (graphic) fix in almost any other modern racer.

    Also - Dear, Bit-Tech why do you always post articles at exactly the same time I check the site? I've been the top commenter way too often >.>
  3. Memnoch-fr

    Memnoch-fr What's a Dremel?

    13 Sep 2010
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    After reading the article, I was expecting a better score than 7. Ah well, except for long loading screens the part that interests me (SP) seems good enough :)
  4. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Quick question for anyone who actually has GT5: Out of the 1,000 or so cars how many are actually unique? Is it a case like previous GT's that there are a large number of cars but only really 100 or so once you remove the duplicates?

    I will most likely purchase GT5 as I enjoy racing games in general (and GT5 does sound good, not ground breaking but good) but I can't help but think that the extremely long production time is unjustified when compared to the likes of Forza 3.
  5. Plugs

    Plugs Minimodder

    5 Nov 2009
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    Based on that review I'd have given it an 8.
    Great gameplay, not so great menu's, disappointing additions (damage), no online tie-in

    its the gameplay that matters to me, menus i can deal with, and damage isnt a huge thing (if you try not to crash)
  6. mi1ez

    mi1ez Modder

    11 Jun 2009
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    Well, someone's not been watching this season!
  7. Spanky

    Spanky Multimodder

    14 Apr 2010
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    I think ive got a lot to say about this even though i have not even played it. To say the least it looks beutiful and stunning and you cant really help be taken with it in that way. However calling it a 'real driving simulator' is a tad OTT, in fact its not even bloody close.

    If the reviews had come along and said WOW this really is somthing else i might of been convinced to go out and buy a PS3 with this game, im a mad fanatical sim racer and have been for a very long time. I so wanted this to happen.

    Why cant these guys make a SIM for SIM racers rather than somthing that your granny can pick up christmas day and win her first race? Why do they do this! I desperatly want a sim that looks like this and drives and feels as good as it looks, the compatition... the fight.. none of these things seem preasent.

    If i could advise anyone who's into hardcore sim racing is just stick to Rfactor, you wont get your pants pulled down over the price and the mods for it are just mind blowing! Made by men with beards who live in sheds, and they do it out of love and not some shiney coin for their pockets. Race2play.com is my home,my love, my life and i wish i could convert the 'arcade' racer into bringing the real fight to the table.

    Just my 2cents :D
    DarkLord7854 likes this.
  8. Siwini

    Siwini What is 4+no.5?

    14 Sep 2010
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    Takes too much time.. * that, I stick with nfs
  9. g3n3tiX

    g3n3tiX Minimodder

    3 Jun 2006
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    At least it's out, we can start talking about DNF again ! (/troll; /offtopic)
    With too much delays there is a point where the quality of the game just doesn't improve anymore. (talking about GT5)
  10. general22

    general22 What's a Dremel?

    26 Dec 2008
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    As somebody who owns GT5 ill give my mini review.


    - Physics are superb, turn off all the assists and its great fun although I would recommend a wheel to control the cars effectively.
    - "Premium Cars" are awesome. Great interior views on those and top notch graphics.
    - Tracks look good in general if a little sparse but most of the real life tracks are pretty sparse anyway.
    - Heaps more supercars in this game and newer cars as is the norm with a new iteration of GT.
    - B-spec mode is a good bit of fun now that it has been overhauled.


    - The remaining 800 or so Standard cars can vary from decent to cut and paste from GT4. It is good that they are in the game but they aren't up to the level of the Premium cars and let the game down overall. None of them have an interior view either. However the driving physics are still fine on them though.

    -Online is a bit silly at the moment. It's technically smooth and pretty lag free but there are no car restrictions and other features you expect from an online racer.

    - Menus are **** and illogical. I think they have gotten worse since GT4.

    Also there are a few duplicates but there really is a huge variety of cars in GT5. Load times are decent once you do the initial install.
  11. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    The problem with them making a proper sim is that they could end up alienating casual gamers who want a racing game that *feels* like a sim but at the end of the day is just a game.

    Unfortunately for those who want a pure Sim the casual market is far bigger and thus thats where the money is.

    TBH though for me I would prefer a more casual game that can *feel* like a sim. If I want to drive I will actually go out and drive on some good driving roads (A4069 over the Brecons Cheesecake).
  12. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    there are times when I want something more then Dirt 2 but not as hardcore as GTR2.

    GT5 fits that gap nicely.
  13. exceededgoku

    exceededgoku What's a Dremel?

    19 Oct 2006
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    The graphics are terrible, I think you're all confused by what happens when replay mode and photo mode is activated. The fix is just tons of blur and post processing. Whilst you're playing the graphics are horrid, but that's not a big problem to be honest. Woldn't really expect any better from a 7900GT. Overall though the games alright, definitely feels like I've got a beta build but I enjoy it which is what matters right?
    Forza 4 will be better, no doubt about it. Especially since FM3 has soo many better things going for it than GT5. Standard cars are horrible to use, I always drive in cockpit view and how can I call this game a "real driving simulator" when my driver is attached to the front bumper on a 8 bit representation of a car?
  14. tozsam

    tozsam What's a Dremel?

    11 Jun 2010
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    TBH they could do whatever they wanted to the GT fransise and everybody would still buy it. It's the PS primary IP atm.

    Personally I will not go out and buy a PS3 for this game. If it gets released on PC, as there were hints of, then thats a different story, till then I'll stick to rfactor.
  15. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Completely agree with this review. I get annoyed by some other issues, but it's definitely a wasted opportunity on Sony's part imo. I might even bump it down to 6/10.

    p.s. Braking != Breaking (page 2, 2nd sentence) and GT has always had licences.
  16. Er-El

    Er-El Minimodder

    31 May 2008
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    Thank goodness for Bit-Tech's review scores that actually reflect what's said in the review.
  17. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    I'm yet to play this game properly yet but Forza 2 was one of my favourite driving games, just the right amount of realism, customisation and fun.
  18. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Personally, I think the AI is a complete bag of arse.

    I am not a racing driver, I am not a driving simulator driver, I'm a crashing simulator driver.

    Put me behind the wheel in Burnout Paradise and I rule the roost.

    Put me behind the wheel in Gran Turismo, I should be crappy.

    However, GT5 - In the events I can enter :/ - I'm winning with an unnerving regularity. In fact, so far, the only race I've entered and come less than first was when I cam second in the VW camper van race on the Top Gear circuit, and that was because some gitface shunted me and I missed my chance to overtake on Gambon.

    I spend more time pratting around in the NASCAR grade cars in Arcade than anything, because the notion of spinning out at 200mph in 4th gear is too fun to pass up.

    I enjoy the game, but not for the reasons I ought to enjoy the game. So far.

    Oh, and is it just me that's bored to tears by that B-Spec thing?
  19. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    whats the damage like? are there realy higher levels?
  20. mpr

    mpr What's a Dremel?

    26 Jul 2010
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    Physical and Mechanical damage affects the cars in various ways from performance, handling, and aerodynamics... supposedly... I haven't got that far yet.
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