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Windows Half Life 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by SuperHans123, 3 Apr 2014.

  1. Votick

    Votick My CPU's hot but my core runs cold.

    21 May 2009
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    They need to make a new engine.
    Still can't belive they used it again for CS:GO.
  2. Pliqu3011

    Pliqu3011 all flowers in time bend towards the sun

    8 Aug 2009
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  3. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    Why not, Source has been an excellent engine and has aged brilliantly.

    I don't think Global Offensive was meant as a new game really, more just a big update to modernise CS:S.

    This has got to be the reason why HL3 or Ep3 is taking so long, they must be going to use the new engine. That would probably suggest HL3 rather than Episode 3, as I don't see why they couldn't have used the current Source engine for Episode 3 to finish that story seeing as the rest of the series were in Source.
  4. Podge4

    Podge4 Oi, whats your game?

    17 Nov 2009
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    There could be a slim chance when Source 2 is completed that HL3/Ep3 will drop to show off new engine.
  5. Votick

    Votick My CPU's hot but my core runs cold.

    21 May 2009
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    because all shooters are the same.
    The only thing that made HL2 stand out was the Physics which now everyone has mastered.
    They need to bring out some kick ass graphics and take a leaf out of Unreal's book on making great looking games.
  6. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    I also have my bets on HL3 debuting Source 2 and Vavle VR.
    Announced and shown at the same time for a knock out live presentation.

    It will just over shadow everything at the time.
  7. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    I think for most of the fans though, it's the story that needs to be finished off.

    I personally wouldn't care if Ep3 came out on the current source engine even now.
  8. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Couldn't care less about the graphics. I just want to finish the story (Hell I'd buy and read the graphic novel - having to wait this long is taking the pish)

    TBH, Valve not bothering to finish the story in a timely fashion is just being damn disrespectful to those that bought and played the earlier instalments.

    I could be wrong of course. Maybe they've always had BIG plans for the later instalments, and just releasing another instalment to the story wouldn't be right. Maybe their visions NEEDS virtual reality to pull off, but methinks it's more of Valve being fickle to what they work on.
  9. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    Valve have been very clever. We're still talking about Half-Life and bringing Valve into a subject matter.

    Personally, i think finishing off the storyline would be a bad business decision and they're probably going to head towards multiplayer gaming rather than single player. I would assume we will see a few teasers once there's a big push on the Steambox.
  10. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Was there not something about HL3 being delayed because the motion capture wasn't good enough for the vision they had? Or have I lost the plot?
  11. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Touché, still need to try those...I have the first one, but (in an example of shameful hypocrisy) I've been avoiding it because I haven't felt like playing a long, corridored single-player FPS :D
    That's a pretty good point. Knowing gamers the way we do, there's no avoiding the fact that any effort they made now, no matter how on-expectation or off-expectation or exceeding-expectations, would generate tonnes and tonnes of spoilt "meh"/"not that great"/"not what I hoped for" backlash.
  12. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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  13. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    Don't get me all excited again, :D

    Same description on all of the R9 390Xs on there. Could mean it's coming soon and DX12, or it could just be OCUK playing silly buggers too, :D
  14. Pliqu3011

    Pliqu3011 all flowers in time bend towards the sun

    8 Aug 2009
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    Nope, I'm not getting hyped.

    I've scrolled through the sourcefile behind the first link and it looks just like some kind of generic engine configuration file - nothing to get excited about I think. The Source (1) engine used "hl2" in the names of a lot of stuff unrelated to Half-Life 2, like the executable. I guess it's just Valve continuing the tradition for Source 2.

    The second is probably some kind of joke. If people in the industry, even hardware manufacturers, knew that HL3 was about to come out, we would've already known. You don't keep such a big secret.

    On closer inspection... It does seem there's some HL-specific content in the file. Entities named citizen and hunter, and a few mentions of the Combine in the descriptions. Hype levels rising by 0.001%.

    Still, we've known for years that HL3 is being worked on, with similar files and entity names popping up every now and then (and I believe even Gabe himself mentioned that at least some people were working on HL3 a few years ago). I don't think this is anything special.

    Very relevant Valve talk, definitely watch this bit if you have ~8 minutes to spare. There's a good chance this "accidental leak" is deliberate, to gauge the community's reaction and as a reminder that HL3 is still being worked on.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2015
  15. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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    Granted, but it would also make optimum financial sense to have the release of The Most Anticipated Game Ever™ roughly coincide with, and bolster, the release of their new engine, platform and hardware ecosystem.
  16. forum_user

    forum_user forum_title

    4 Jan 2012
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    I completely agree. And coinciding with Valves hardware 'Universe' makes me mega excited for them, but especially for me!

    Shaky prediction:

    Just like all big blockbuster films are shot using 3D cameras, but get a 2D release alongside ...

    ... HL3, L4D3, TF3 ... (and more Valve goodies?) ... will coincide with the release of Valves/HTCs headset to bring all their blockbusters straight to VR, and standard screen versions alongside. This guarantees my money, and makes perfect business sense for the new hardware.

    Couldn't come soon enough :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
  17. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I know it's the height of hubris to quote oneself, but
    still totally applies as a damper to any potential movement on this subject...
  18. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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    Unless there's a major paradigm shift in how it's consumed, like VR, in which case we'll all be too distracted by novelty to notice. I know I certainly couldn't hold on to my cash if the Vive shipped with a free beta of HL3 and the promise that they're waiting for me...in the test chambeeeer.
  19. Pliqu3011

    Pliqu3011 all flowers in time bend towards the sun

    8 Aug 2009
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    I get what you're saying, but isn't that more or less true for just about any of Valve's franchises? The anticipation for Team Fortress 2 was huge and, though I'm sure some did find it rather 'meh' when it finally released, many others definitely found the game "worth the weight wait". Even Half-Life 2 itself faced the same problem of huge expectations.

    Let's not forget that Valve are masters at their craft. They know how to make good games, and how to handle the pressure that comes with making a sequel to a beloved classic. They know that some people will be hugely, and vocally, disappointed with whatever they do (even something as simple as DOTA2 patches etc.).


    While I don't think this leak in particular was anything important, I do agree it makes sense for them to do something with Half-Life 3 with the release of the Vive. If not now, I don't know when.
    I suspect that - if they are indeed planning to release HL3 in the "near future" ValveTime(tm) - they'd show a teaser at the conference when the Vive releases. Of course they'll show off a few upcoming VR games at the end and then, in a "one more thing"-moment, the lambda^3 sign will pop on screen, the audience will explode, the internet will explode, and the Vive would get attention even from people who weren't previously interested in VR.

    I doubt an actual game would be released any time before the end of 2016 though (optimistic guess), but maybe in the meantime they'll release a HL3 VR minigame where you're a citizen putting together a Magnusson device or something. That'd be cool. (A man can dream... ;))

    Hype levels rising by 1%.
    boiled_elephant likes this.
  20. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Very true. I do anticipate that it would be an absolutely corking game - I just also anticipate a huge, tedious tsunami of bitchy nay-saying and whining about what's wrong with it, and for my part I find that that kind of negative attention makes it hard to enjoy a thing for what it is.

    But yeah, I definitely wouldn't mind if they actually did make it. It'd be awesome. I just know that a lot of the people most eagerly anticipating it would be the same people clawing each others' throats when it came out over whether it deserves to be cast in platinum and mounted on top of the Arc de Triomphe or burned at the stake (spoiler: neither, it's just a game).

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