When it comes down to it, every Christian holiday, is just an excuse to sell as much crap as possible to the gullible...
I mean isn't that the true meaning of easter... Going out for a meal and a drink with friends... only to overdo it a bit and re-emerge several days later feeling like you'd died.
The funny thing is that "politically correct" was originally never used in earnest. It's popular usage initially started as being a phrase that was used ironically as a way of criticising slavish adherence to dogma. It's meaning was gradually morphed and mutated by the right-wing until it basically resembled what would now be called "woke". "Woke" is just today's version of "politically correct"; both terms have had their meanings deliberately mutated beyond their original uses, and are now employed as a catch-all term to rail against anything you don't like. The Guardian has a good "long read" article on the subject ("Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy"), but there's a more succinct summary from Encyclopeadia Britannica:
Anyone who doesn't think that there's an element of truth to the theory that the "right wing" are using "wokeness" as a scaremongering tactic may want to have a more thorough look at the matter. Anyone who thinks that there isn't an element of truth to the theory that the "left wing" are using "wokeness" as an excuse to push social changes that would potentially cause more harm than good may want to have a more thorough look at the matter. The view's quite nice from my fence in the middle, thanks for asking. I'm a bit sad that a "Happy Easter" thread got derailed, but hey ho. And the chocolate is tasting nice.