Next Poster have to post their questions starting with Have You Ever... Have you ever played edit a moderators post?
haha yes i still do sometimes at night.. thats why i don't want to live in the country.. to quiet and creepy have you ever.... not answered the phone because it was someone you didn't like
No. They made me keep my seatbelt on until we were too high. I have to say though, join the mile high club. Very good fun.
you didnt ask a question? Yes if its have you joined the mile high club. Have you ever drove a car whilst under the influence of alcohol?
Yes, once at an illegal level, many times at a legal level. It was only a couple of blocks, and i wasn't even tipsy or lightheaded, just a little buzz goin as i had just downed a few, but i was on my p's so i wasn't supposed to have anything in the system Have you ever been taken for a ride on the internet?
yeh, one of those dodgy emails that "predicts your love life". it ended up sending all my answers back to the person who sent it to me in the first place! i ended up sending it to my rather attractive English teacher. which leads me to the question: Have you ever crossed the line with a teacher?
Yes, but not like that. I reduced my RE teacher to tears in my first year of school. She really couldn't handle our class, though ironically she taught me A-Level Ethics much later and we became good friends. Poor Mrs Barnes. Have you ever pissed yourself?
yes, in about year 1 when the teacher didn't let me go to the toilet ... come on I was about 4 at the time have you ever laughed so hard what you were drinking came out your nose?
No surgery, but I couldn't walk for a bit after falling out of a tree... have you ever (properly) crashed a vehicle?
I'll answer profqwerty's. No, but I have been in a crash. When I used to go to school on the coach from Wittering to Arthur Mellows in Glinton, Peterborough, the bus turned down the road off the A47 to go to Upton and a large white van rear ended it, causing pretty much the rear of it to nearly fall off, send it careening round a corner on two wheels, narrowly missing a solid looking busstop shelter and land with a heck of a bang (thankfully) on it's four wheels. What a mess. That was back in 88 I think. There's a roundabout there now though. Have you ever.. parachuted solo? Ah ffs, no-one's going to answer mine
Yeah, the last time I drove a car. I took my dad out for a spin, wasn't used to not having power-steering and wasn't very good. Hit a 30 MPH speed sign at 50 MPH on soft ground and got it lodged under the car. Whacked my head pretty good and repaired the car by tying the front to a tree and slamming it into reverse. Sold the car and haven't driven since. Not pooed myself, but stood next to someone who did. They leaked all the way up the stairs on the cream carpet. Yes to nakedity. I've been naked prettu much everywhere. In a recent poll, all my friends had seen me in the buff at some point. Have you ever been mistaken for someone of the opposite sex?
Yes, does this count? (been in real ones, too) Have you ever had any teeth knocked out? EDIT: Yes, Joe, when I had long hair in 8th grade.
No, but I have had the end chipped off from a fight. EDIT: lol beaten to it. I did once walk through a room... Have you ever shoplifted?
Yes. It was a small matchbox type car that wasn't in a box. I've also sneaked away with a couple of highlighter pens, too. Have you ever, ever felt like this? Where strange things happen, are you going round the twist?