New graphics APIs - and just as gaming on Linux gets a hand from Valve. Nice!
Shame OpenGL got eclipsed by the MS DX the earlier days, OpenGL games always looked superior to DX titles.
This is amusing considering I complained about the lack of updates in my post on the Valve story *egg on my face*
Wonder if the Raspberry Pi can support OpenGL ES 3.0 - will have to do some digging over at the forums... Either way it's good news.
COMPUTE SHADERS! YEY! Now I can finally interleave gpgpu calls in with opengl. Without this, it was impossible to implement things like tile based deferred rendering (a la Frostbite 2), due synchronisation issues between OpenGL and OpenCL. Pretty much everything in this release is something that D3D11 already had, but this is a big step towards parity between the APIs and is something GL sorely needs.