Eerily close to my last achievement. Finally got around to completing (heck, even attempting) the main quest a few weeks back, 224 hours for me.
Completed Bioshock Infinite last night. Took longer than a lot of other people, but then I don't have a lot of time to play games It was without a doubt one of the best games I have ever played. I found myself wondering why I had a mouse and keyboard in my hands while watching a movie, it was that engrossing.
Finished Shadow of the Colossus just a few minutes ago. Very impressed, a truly unique experience. Some of the best immersion I've had in a game. Gotta find a copy of Ico now…
Could finish Dead Island:Riptide for the second time if I get on the boat which finishes the game but I might have a wander about and see if I can complete every quest. Edit: Finished every quest and as I do not think there is any real replay value that is that. But I was quite stunned to see I had spent 46 hours on the game so good value as I only paid 20 quid for it.
Finished dishonored last night then put on dirt 3 for a quick race before bed and finished that too which came as a bit of a surprise. Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
I found myself wondering why I spent nearly full price on the dumbest game I've ever played. Different tastes. I have however completed crysis 3 a few days ago. Liked the game-play a lot and liked the cinematic cut-scenes too.
Just finished Crysis 3 for the second time and to be honest was not impressed. It seemed very short compared to most games I play. Another game I am so grateful I managed to get cheap though the MP.
It was short but a short campaign is preferable to something that drags on and on and on like bioshock infant. I found myself liking C3 a lot. The alien lair was impressive and much earlier on when you get your first alien encounters and aliens running at you in the tall grass. Extremely underrated game. Extremely cinematic. Also I don't buy this... "Just finished Crysis 3 for the second time " << You completed it for the 2nd time? Dude, if I'm not impressed with a game the first time round I won't complete it. I got to the second boss fight with the ghost mom in bioshock infant and that was all I could take. Even an hour before that I was praying the game would end. If I complete a game it's because I like it. If I replay a game twice it must be something special.
Must admit I am struggling to finish that one, I also cannot understand the hype as I think the game is incredibly overrated.
Bioshock has been the biggest disappointment for me. It's the one I paid the most for this year based on hype and reviews. I like the visuals and the girl is cute but that's where it ends for me. Hate the nonsensical story that drags on and on. The ill-conceived boss fights with the ghost mom. It has way too much dialog considering the voice acting and script is so hammy and over-the-top. I've learned my lesson though... It will be the last bioshock I play.
Starcraft 2: WoL Hard difficulty. Going for HotS Hard now. Actually not. WoL has 25 total mission, of which 2 are missed due to the choices you must make. HotS has 27 mission, and as far as I recall, none are skipped. Prob the reason for it feeling shorter is that HotS has far more "no base" missions which are generally far shorter missions than base/army building missions. /2cents
Thomas Was Alone. Fun little platformer. Had a few laughs with the dialog. Slows down a bit near the middle of the game but towards the end it became very good (although not very hard) and I began the genuinely like some of the characters. Also, the jump is one of the best of any platformer, ever. Spoiler Especially Sarah's double jump felt just perfect.
Hotline Miami Nice and speedy, fluent controls, fitting soundtrack. I liked it. I honestly didn't think it was as hard as some people made it out to be though. (maybe there was a “hard” difficulty setting I somehow missed…) Will definitely replay someday.
Metro: Last Light, with the normal ending. Very good game, perhaps not quite as individual as 2033, but certainly good enough to have me immediately going back for a second playthrough in an attempt to get the alternate ending. For the first playthrough it was very much a case of shoot first, ask questions later, but I have to say that stealthing it up and knocking punters out left, right and centre is very enjoyable
I've just got a Sega Dreamcast from a neighbour (to add to my collection of gaming devices) and I had a run through of Soul Calibur to try it and finished it in under 4 minutes with one of the fighters.
Just finished The Walking Dead part 1 & 2. Wow. This game is just brilliant. Gonna start part 3 immediately.