Columns Loving games to death

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 5 May 2007.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  2. Cabe

    Cabe What's a Dremel?

    14 May 2002
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  3. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    Interesting article.
    I find that the best way is to either ignore them, or smash their argument up into so many little pieces that it's too sharp to pick back up again.
    Gaming fanboys are one thing but OS and hardware fanboys are in another league (I think).

    Welcome to Bit-Tech anyway.
  4. rupbert

    rupbert What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2002
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    Welcome to Bit-Tech Joe :)
  5. crash32953295@msn.

    crash32953295@msn. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2004
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    Good article interesting read into your thoughts,

    Oh and Welcome to Bit-Tech
  6. Kamakazie!

    Kamakazie! What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2007
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    Yeah, good little introductory article.

    I dislike fanboys as much as the next person, but i do think that there is a time and place for them. For example, without all the Sonic fans to buy the last few awful 3D offerings (save Secret Rings because its pretty good), there wouldn't have been a Sonic left to appear in Sonic Rush, which is probably my favourite game on the DS. So I have fanboys to thank for that one.
    Undoubtedly they often do more harm than good, just it is not all bad.

    I don't think referring to a group that is constructive enough to put their love for a game down on paper in a creative way is a good example though. If stuff like that is well written, then many people can enjoy it without having the whole fanboy last rites read to them in every thread on every gaming forum.
  7. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    very good article. congrats and welcome.

    as for fanboys, i just love them, i love the way i can laugh at the stupid things they say, the "proof" and the "FACTS" that X console is better than Y, even saying they are comparing apples with apples when they say "the cpu from X console is 3 times faster than Y" even if they don't get their facts strait and that the GPU from Y is much more advanced than the GPU from X.

    i am a fanboy to, i am for truth and knowledge, when someone gives me some information i analise it against my own information and read about it everywhere i can so i can update my knowledge. :D
  8. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    All said and done though, PSP rawkses :)
  9. cpemma

    cpemma Ecky thump

    27 Nov 2001
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    "Aggressive fanboys" is tautological - by definition, a fanboy is a fundamentalist; a plain fan wouldn't try to ram his views down your throat and despise all opposing views. Black & White thinking is the biggest danger a civilisation faces, and we have it in spades, in every field.
    So the effect of fanboys is out of all proportion to their actual numbers, they're the ones who make most noise.

    Many fanboy gamers are already psychologically confused; they're forced into using the works of the Great Satan M$ to play their holy game. :eeek:
  10. g3n3tiX

    g3n3tiX Minimodder

    3 Jun 2006
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    I'm a Bit Tech fanboy.

    bienvenue sur bit tech joe !!
  11. bilbothebaggins

    bilbothebaggins What's a Dremel?

    1 Sep 2006
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    I'm a bit unsure if I correctly understand the semantics of the term 'fanboy', but anyway ... I think the problem seems not to be
    but rather in the rants and hate-tirades against other products/games.
    If someone tells me enthusiastically why "their" thing is great this can be a very positive thing. (Even if I find some arguments ridiculous or/and don't agree.) The problem is when people try to tell you why "their" thing is greatest ... because - well if something is the greatest it obviously is better that all that other "crap" out there, isn't it ... :sigh:

    Whatever ... me rambling again ... :)

  12. Morphine-Kitty

    Morphine-Kitty Dead account.

    22 Apr 2007
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    I completely agree with you on that Joe. Fanboys have just been pushing others away. While Gamespot is my favourite site for finding information on new games (don't flame me saying I'm biased :p), I'm finding the fanboyism in the comments to be so rampant I can't even handle to read them anymore. Like you said, they're just pushing others away, damaging the company they love too much.

    Anyway this fanboyism rise works out, good article and welcome to the forums Joe. :rock:
  13. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    I might come across as a PS3 fanboy (although my Wii and 360 might think otherwise) but really I just like to play the devil's advocate around here and try to defend the underdog. I'm usually "that one guy" on the forums that posts mostly optimistically when it comes to the PS3. I gotta admit, I'm fighting on the losing team, it seems, sometimes.

    I don't even own a PS3. :)

    I got into it with that PS3 fanboy loser CardJoe linked to one day on the Gamefaqs forums. It was pretty funny. I support the industry and try to find positives with all of the players, I have never said PS3 (or Wii, or 360) was the best system. I like em all!
    Last edited: 6 May 2007
  14. Nature

    Nature Minimodder

    21 Nov 2005
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    Wellcome to the Bit-tech, Sir Joe.

    "So; I'm Joe, I studied English Language and Creative Writing at University and I'm"

    at University?
  15. Nezodon

    Nezodon What's a Dremel?

    6 Jun 2006
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    Good article, as a player of MMO's i see alot of this type of thing and people will sometimes excuses the inexcusable because of unyielding support to the team who are working the the game.
  16. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    Welcome aboard, Joe. Don't let the fanbois get to you.
  17. Spaceraver

    Spaceraver Ultralurker

    19 Jan 2006
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    That would make a Christian or Muslim fundamentalist a fanboy too? :worried: j/k

    Oh, welcome to the forums Joe. Loved the article, and I just remembered where a friend of mine might store the monkey island games he and i played as kids.. :D
  18. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Nice article! The thing is fanboys don't operate in a logical fashion in the same way we do: when I proclaim I prefer XP to OSX, am I stating XP is a vastly superiour OS and OSX sux? No, just preference, but fanboys cling to unsubstantiated opinions with venom and strength of mind that one can't explain logically.

    Football fans have been known to kill for their team. Why? From a logical point of view, this is unknown. Unless you are a player or have some fested financial interest in a team, one football team doing well over another has no effect on your life what-so-ever, but people are still scarilly, scarilly pationate about their favourite team. It's this same blind mentallity that you see in many fanboys. I suffer from it myself. Doom 3 or HL2? Doom 3 every time for me. Is it a better game? Lol, no, not at all, but I've a fondness for the game that stems from the originals that transcends logic or rationality, I'm a big D3 fan simply because I am. It's self perpetuating, and the more someone informs me I shouldn't be because D3 sucks, the more I'm inclined to argue with them and stick up for it.

    You only really ever see fanboys when their particular love is being badmouthed. People are more likely to make a point and go on about something only when it is being threatened, telling a PS3 fanboy the PS3 is amazing is unlikely to yeild anywhere near the level of responce a more negative remark would do. Unfortunately this is part of human nature: I've seen couples refuse to break up even though they really should simply because no-one approves of them. Arguing with a fanboy is just fanning the flames, and you're never going to win because you can't reason their argument out, it isn't based on reason. Best course of action is to ignore them, and hopefully they'll go away.

    I think you'll always get fanboys, and certain things will attract fanboys (namely things that appear very good, though actually aren't under the hood). I also think that we'll never be rid of them, and only a fanboy can realise themselves the error of their ways, arguing with them will simply make them more stubborn and resistant to change. That said, the D3 engine is better than the Source engine, regardless of anything found in reality. So nerr.

    PS: Remind me to buy Joe a drink the next time I see him for linking a post of mine into his article.
    *does a little dance*

    *feels foolish and stops*
  19. serial_

    serial_ What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2005
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  20. Dr. Strangelove

    Dr. Strangelove What's a Dremel?

    13 Mar 2005
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    Does this mean we can "report" fanboys to some american anti terrorist org, and get fanboy-land added to the axes of evil? :D

    Anyway good article Joe and welcome
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