Which project do you think deserves the big prize this month? Congratulations to Nick Falzone (@greensabbath ) for winning first place in last month's competiton. And congrats to the nominees for this month: @alain-s, @nhenhophach, @neSSa, @pccustom, @miculago, @4LIEN Click here to see all the photos and logs and happy voting! You will need at least 50 posts on this forum to vote in this poll. This rule was implemented to reduce the number of accounts being opened solely to vote on the projects of friends/family. VOTES POSTED IN THE COMMENTS WILL NOT BE COUNTED.
You may or may not have heard about the passing of Jason Pierce, the modder known as Spartan Mods. He was involved in a tragic car accident that claimed his life and also that of one of his children. His wife and other child and are in hospital, who have just been moved from ICU after a couple of weeks. There has been a gofundme campaign started to help with the hospital and funeral costs and if anyone would like to donate they can do so at the link below. https://www.gofundme.com/f/ku43t-funeral-and-medical-bills
Sorry should be working now. https://bit-tech.net/features/moddi...onth-in-association-with-corsair-july-2021/1/
Thank you very much guys of bit-tech for the nomination! I'm super happy! R.I.P Jason, very bad things to hear!