As the beginning of this project gets closer, I've been receiving a steady stream of parts and materials. Of those parts and materials, the carbon fiber is probably the most integral. With it, I'm hoping to take what I hope is a pretty cool concept to begin with, and take it to the next level. While there are many cases made of aluminum or even wood, a case constructed of carbon fiber is a much rarer occurrence. Fellow modders Langer, MKmods, jhanlon303, and rendermandan, have all worked with it in some capacity, and I owe them credit for inspiring me to use it here as well. With that in mind, I went ahead and ordered an orange carbon fiber/kevlar blend. This particular fiber will be used for the side panels and ribs on OSIDIAS. So, without further delay... And one more pic... More to come!
A few years ago I had the privilege of watching the Principia College (Missouri) Solar car team mold a massive piece of carbon fiber for their solar car. They had to re vacuum-bag the same panel several times. Preparation and patience got it right. The Principia team didn't finish first, but they beat Texas A&M, MIT, both Stanford cars, while having one of the smallest budgets.
Lol, it all started innocently enough, then kind of snowballed... I never really expected a planning thread longer than half of the worklogs. Thanks man! I'll start as soon as I get Hutch finished. Should be another month or so. Hey, no problem! The render is a work of art! Thanks mate! I'm hoping the bagging and molding goes well. I don't really want to waste CF if I can help it. I've got a decent amount of experience with fiberglass though, so I'm optimistic.
Oh dude, that stuff looks the part! I'm going to be eyeballing this, but i'm afraid i'm not even at the level of aluminium yet, so i'll have to keep dreaming for now.
Yes indeed. Thanks! Lol, thanks Xtra. Yes, it should definitely make a great fall/winter project. That's when I have the most time to work, as it's too cold to do anything else!
Without a doubt! This will be my first winter in the new shop, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've got things organized and I'm ready to get some serious modding time in. Summers are really a horrible time to get any work done. There are so many other things that require my attention. Now, this is completely off-topic, but how many of you have visited my site lately? Not only is it always updated first, but I posted about an upcoming experiment... I'm getting set up to do live streaming from the workshop. I'm not entirely sure how successful it might be. Heck, it might even be a complete distraction. I thought it sounded like fun though. For now, I'll send out messages via my @craigbru twitter account when I stream. My plan is to be tested and tweaked in time for the beginning of this project. Stay tuned!
Not a bad idea. People would just need to subscribe to it. Not sure how bookmark worthy I am yet though...
Awesome Craig! I seem to remember the guys over on TBCS doing a mod-tv streaming thing a while back. Paul Capello and a few others had web cams set up in their shops with a button link in their sigs. It's a cool concept, that was never fully explored IMO. Makes even more sense now that the technology is better and connections are faster than ever.
Really? I hadn't realized that. I may have to go search a few old threads to see if it's referenced. I've got a pretty fat pipe, but I'm unsure what kind of connection I'll have for 'free'. I'll be using ustream, and a custom wordpress plugin. I've basically just got to set up my new shop PC, and them I can give it an official test run.