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Obama becomes the 44th president

Discussion in 'Serious' started by woof82, 5 Nov 2008.

  1. Darth Joules

    Darth Joules Minimodder

    29 Feb 2004
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    Historical election. :clap: I'm over joyed that Obama and the Democrats have won with such a landslide victory. And more so with the Democratic party looking to have majorities in both Houses. They now have a strong mandate for change so let's hope they put it to good use. Credit to McCain though. I actually liked the guy, but Palin gave me the heebie-jeebies.

    Worst part of this election will be watching Gordon Brown being a sanctified two-faced git in his congratulations to Obama, as with all the other world leaders that have been "pals" with George W. Bush's administration. But at long last we get to say goodbye to the worst President the US has ever had.
  2. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Well **** me dead. This is certainly unexpected, for me.

    Wonder how long he'll last before some backwater idiot tries to shoot him..
  3. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    True, it is a humble speech, but at the same time there is a distinct lack of genuine deep thought emotion imo. Then again, I've never given a speech to a few Million people...
  4. LeMaltor

    LeMaltor >^_^

    3 Oct 2003
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    Well done USA :)
  5. Prestidigitweeze

    Prestidigitweeze "Oblivion ha-ha" to you, too.

    14 May 2008
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    More to the point, the emotion expressed was distinctly lacking during his campaign. I lost a lot of respect for McCain after he brought in the usual campaign strategists to engage in muckraking -- especially since he, unlike Bush, stings a little every time he transgresses against the humanity of his opponent. He didn't have to agree to characterize Obama as "the One," or an "unknown quantity" out of Edward Said, or choose a running mate who characterized Obama as a shady immoral "socialist" about whom "the truth [sic] needs to be told." He didn't have to profane his legacy as a person of integrity any more than Hillary Clinton did, yet he chose that road -- however uneasily.

    I also find it odd that some of us have chosen to praise and imbed McCain's lackluster conciliatory speech while utterly ignoring Obama's brilliant acceptance speech. I say that not as a democrat but as a writer -- I understand why you'd appreciate McCain's graciousness, but how can you tip the scales so drastically against eloquence? Do you really think rhetorical skill is the antonym of sincerity?

    Is there something so inherently unacceptable about Obama that you can't give those who voted for him this chance to savor the moment? How often in recent American history has an eloquent writer become a President and a silver-spooned lead-tongued anti-intellectual stepped down? True elitism is not the display of intellectual virtuosity but the exercise of exclusionary strategy, as the Bush family well knows.

    The majority in the US have understood this -- for the moment. It's time for the rest to catch on.
  6. Journeyer

    Journeyer Minimodder

    31 Aug 2006
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    Very well done USA.

    Though I fear he will either be assassinated, or subject of an assassination attempt during his first year in office.
  7. atanum141

    atanum141 I fapped to your post!

    22 Jul 2004
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    Knew the midwest would be Rep all the way through, sad to see that but atlest Obama got quite a few of the key states.

    I think this is a step in the right direction but change won't happen overnight. It's going to be a slow and painful process but it's a good thing.

    I only hope someone in the UK political system has the charm & clear leadership skills steps up to the plate as we really need it about now. Brown is a joke.

    EDIT: Why the **** was Jessie Jackson there? this guy hated Obama and openly insulted him? This guy is a plain scumbag.
  8. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    A lot of us on this side of the pond probably haven't watched it. It hasn't been shown in its entirety in the mainstream news here (yet) :)
  9. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I share your concern about the Messianic qualities that people are projecting on him. We in the UK felt euphoric and hopeful at Tony Blair/Labour's victory over the Tories in 1997, and look how that turned out... so yes, this is a Good Thing --so far. And now we'll really see.

    But what else can we do but give the guy the benefit of the doubt? Obama has been handed a poisoned challice: the US economy is in tatters (and trust me, you don't know the half of just how bad it is), 1 trillion dollars of tax payers' money has already been used just to stop it from collapsing altoghether, not to actually fix it, so Obama has practically no money to work with to effect any of the changes that people are now hoping for, for at least the first few years. The US is stuck in a no-win situation in Afghanistan and Iraq; damned if it pulls out, damned if it doesn't. Meanwhile both fundamentalist Muslim countries and Israel will be gunning for him, ironically because he is too moderate for either side's taste. South Korea won't like him too much either and every other country that has been alienated into hostility by Bush will now poke him to see if he's a pushover.

    People may see him as a saint, but he has to work in Hell. Moreover he is the first Black president so he cannot be seen to fail on that account either. But let's face it, given the truly Epic Proportions of Fail he has been handed on a plate, even if he turns out to be a very mediocre President he will still be doing exceptionally well under the circumstances. His only advantage is that people --including the governments of most democratic countries-- really want to believe in him, and want him to succeed.

    As Woodstock says:
    You simply had no other choice. I mean, what was the alternative? McCain and Palin? That would have been certain doom. Better face the stormy waters on a rickety dinghy and a prayer than face certain death on a sinking ship.

    Exactly. But now is the time to make an historic annnouncement:

    (ahem) OK. Here it is. I was proved incorrect. I doubted the American voting public, and my doubt and pessimism was misplaced. They proved smarter, braver and more motivated than I gave them credit for, and have forced me to reassess my opinion of the American people, and of my own cynicism and pessimism. Those of you who said Obama would win were right, and I was wrong. I humbly acknowledge that I was mistaken.

    Haramzadeh: you now can do: "Nah, nah, nah-nah, nah!..." at me. :)

    As for McCain's speech: what else could he do but be graceful in defeat?

    Obama's speech was beautiful to listen to. It may be the usual political ******** for all I care, but it was just a pure joy to hear an American President who can string a full sentence together again; to listen to a political leader who at least actually sounds as smart as you are.
    Last edited by a moderator: 5 Nov 2008
  10. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    Palmer is president!! Now where's Jack Bauer? :D
  11. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I haven't yet watched Obama's speech. As a writer, too, they way written word is conveyed also makes a difference though. I think the ability to present yourself and address your followers/the populus is as important as a well written speech. I'm not talking Hollywood with a Score over the top, but not just a simple regurgitation that gives you the feeling of the strings being pulled from underneath.

    I'm not American so haven't even watched most of the campaigning - in fact, this is the first time I've sat and watched/will watch either speak.
  12. alextwo

    alextwo <a href="http://forums.bit-tech.net/showpost.php?p

    29 May 2003
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    The better man won.

    It's a fantastic image change for the US even if Obama can't live up to the hype.
  13. UncertainGod

    UncertainGod Minimodder

    18 Oct 2007
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    Wait, so the American people as a whole woke up and did something sensible?

    That must be a sign of the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
  14. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I don't care if he doesn't, to be honest. It will be a miracle if he just manages to get the US on a fairly even keel again.

    Just seeing him and his family on the podium: a Black President and Black First Family, makes me realise again how historically epic this event is. The curse of racism has been broken, and in one fell swoop the US has gained Credibility Points +1000.

    :lol: Have you got your zombie plan?
  15. LeMaltor

    LeMaltor >^_^

    3 Oct 2003
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  16. Prestidigitweeze

    Prestidigitweeze "Oblivion ha-ha" to you, too.

    14 May 2008
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    The ability to formulate and articulate ideas persuasively should be de rigeur for any statesperson, just as being conversant in medical language is necessary for any doctor. That Bush trained Americans to regard competent rhetoric as inherently insincere is nearly as criminal as his involvement in the mortgage crisis. The idea that you should elect a President with whom you'd like to have a beer leads to the Star Search mentality, in which people vote for reassuring mediocrity and against intimidating excellence. It leads not to the best person for the job but pity crowns for amateurs.

    As to this being the first and last time you'll watch either man -- that sounds like rank optimism on your part! May things go well enough that you're spared obligatory auditions, though I fear Nexxo's right about the Sisyphean task Obama faces. (Sadly, I expect you're going to hear about it.)

    Edit: LeMaltor: Thanks for that.
  17. LeMaltor

    LeMaltor >^_^

    3 Oct 2003
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    I've just watched the speech, not sure if people outside the UK can view it, maybe there are BBC World links? But anyway it's a great speech :D
  18. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Fair play to John McCain for taking it like a man.

    I'm pleasantly surprised at the result, I was cynically thinking McCain might win, but hoping for Obama.

    As Nexxo has said though, whoever won would've had a very difficult time of it in their term. It's going to be tricky tbh.
  19. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Definitely. Not only does the level of spohistication of your language determine the level of sophistication of your thinking, but it is also vital in communicating your ideas to others, in being able to be dimplomatic in your expression and to understand what others are trying to say to you.

    Bush' comments on the credit crunch?
    Very eloquent, Mr. President; way to stop the markets from panicking.

    A German article relates how Bush is, quite literally, a joke in UN political circles now:

  20. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I enjoy reading your well thought out arguments. Please stay!


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