Oh, me: I did! Playing with the same username as this forum. I'm really enjoying it so far, I can't play tracer very well. I'm enjoying mercy, bastion and Robo-knight guy though.
Full game announcement, it isn't free and it's coming to consoles! http://eu.battle.net/overwatch/en/buy/
Yeah, they've said it was designed for console release from day 1. I'll likely get it on PC though because there's no cross-play and I'd like to play on whatever the majority of my friends use. Might use controller though (I play games from a sofa, kbm gets painful fast!)
The demo open beta starts on Thursday (5th) and runs till Monday (9th). I really recommend giving it a go. It's going to be a bit rough while everyone learns the game, and I bet there will always be that guy who picks tracer no matter the objective, but after playing the closed beta a lot I really really like this game.
Good question! If I try to launch the game now (pre order open beta) I get a message saying "No overwatch licence found" and an option to buy the game. I'm assuming on the fifth I'll just be able to load the game up. So your best bet would to just install the game (mine auto updated) and hope for the best come the fifth.
Info on the schedule for Early Access beta and Open Beta All Access: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20100169#schedule EARLY ACCESS BETA: OPEN BETA: I had an offer of an early access key, but Battleborn literally just came out. So I can wait for the open beta!
Thanks for the heads up. I signed up for the closed beta but no luck there. Looking forward to giving this a go!
Brilliant game! I got to about level 28 mainly playing as Torbjorn. It was blatantly obvious some people were using aimbots though which is sad considering the game hasn’t even been released yet! Then again i guess i’m kinda guilty of auto-aiming as my turret just shot whole teams to pieces until they finally realised they had to work as a team to rush and kill me to push forward or manage to get a Tracer behind me. Will probably purchase.
I know he's simple. I know there's nothing complex to his play style. But Reaper looks god damn cool, and there's nothing quite as fun as teleporting behind their team, killing half of them then immortally gliding away. Or just dropping in the middle of them from above and throwing a Death Blossom Plus the white mariachi skin
I can't remember all the peculiar names so I came up wih my own names, for when I'm playing with friends. D.va = Mecagirl Junkrat = Demoman Hanzo = Archer Lucio = Frozone McCree = Gunslinger Reaper = Zed Reinhardt = Charger Roadhog = Pigman Torbjorn = The Engineer Widowmaker = Sniper! Zarya = She-Hulk Mercy = The Medic Soldier 76 = The Soldier Pharah = Rocket Louncher Symmetra = Portalgirl Genji = Yasuo Mei = Miss Freeze Zenyatta = Robomonk
finally pulled the trigger and bought it this evening. bloody hell wheres the night gone. that was lots of fun