Lovely photo's Arb, Glad you enjoyed the Z6. Thank you, I had no idea about the pool until sometime last year when I saw someone else post a photo on Flickr, Like the location for Tower Bridge, I only found out about that location last month, thanks to an Instagram reel. I got myself a new lens, From Viltrox, the AF 20mm F2.8, So here's the very first photo taken with it, on a damp, gloomy afternoon in my garden. Blossoms by Sam Masters, on Flickr Sam
Thanks Sam, we have been walking a lot in London when we go up for shows and done a lot of stuff along the river on both banks. I particularly like St Dunstan in the East on the North bank, a great combo of angular architecture and flowing organic plant lines. Those wet blossoms are so delicate, very nice
Been doing some editing of late and have a couple more from the money sink trip: Recycling Day Il balcons
Thanks @ModSquid it's Christchurch Priory from across the river Stour. Somewhere I have an epic XPan pic of the priory tower, I'll see if I can dig it out
Took the Viltrox out for a walk before work, it was gloriously warm and sunny (For a change) This is one of my favourites from the walk. Daffodil by Sam Masters, on Flickr Sam
Ha! I just copied this to upload... Those daffs have all gone now, but the tulips as below are still going strong...
Found an old CF card which had a few snaps from my time on the Isles of Scilly, mostly St Agnes if I recall.
I seem to be uploading a lot of vertical photo's recently, oh well, today isn't any different. Evening Calm by Sam Masters, on Flickr Sam
I promised myself, I'll upload a photo that isn't vertical..... But... Then I took this shot. St Mary's Church by Sam Masters, on Flickr Sam
I look in here often, to see what wonderful pictures @samkiller42 has posted and, think that I would like a better camera.. Then I remember there's no point because, as a photographer, I have all the talent of a rusty spanner! I'm better at other things...
Thank you. I'm happy to see people do like my photography, although I do sometimes feel like I'm spamming the page. Don't forget the phrase, 'The Best Camera is the One you have on you' So please, snap away (even those rusty spanners) and don't forget to share your images (Flickr, Instagram, Smugmug, Vero etc) and just enjoy capturing the world around you, It's ever evolving (For good and bad) So it's nice to capture it as it is, and how it changes. Speaking of which: It's a Bee by Sam Masters, on Flickr Sam
Some good bee shots there Sam, liking the in-flight delivery one too . Here's one which has been "bugging" me as well, but it turns out it's not my alignment that's winding me up, it's the architect's use of the wall: What Centre? by Dave G, on Flickr