Iceland is about to get very hot and ashy, mount etna is throwing a tantrum, and we're well overdue a cataclysmic event, as is the Yellowstone caldera.... *It should be noted for those of a nervous disposition that the current status at Yellowstone is green, IE. normal
All you need, is one of these on your head:,aps,71&sr=8-28&th=1 BTW, don't forget, the planet is cooling down slowly, so all this volcanic and seismic activity will stop, eventually...
None of which will cover your colossal melon, though. You make it far too easy to take the piss, you know.
I've just cleaned out the grate in my fireplace from last winter as the sweep is coming tomorrow so I've had enough of ash thanks. Yes I should have cleaned it up after open fire season but frankly I don't give a crap(bag)
My kitty is an early warning system. Before the 4.7 hit us in Dunedin she bolted and sat in the gap in the wall (presumably an old kitchen to dining room thing rather than a random hole). Still looked at me like it was my fault.
We could do with some volcanic ash cooling to combat global warming (if we conveniently ignore the CO2 volcano eruptions put out!)
If, And it's a MASSIVE if, an eruption were to happen in the Grindavik area, It won't be ashy like the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption. Sam