Hardware Razer Mamba

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 11 Apr 2009.

  1. capnPedro

    capnPedro Hacker. Maker. Engineer.

    11 Apr 2007
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    One hundred and twenty ****ing pounds?
    It had better come with a complementary Scalpel (to remove an arm and a leg)!

    If it was £50-60 I might consider it when my G5 finally bites the dust. But £120? Nah.
  2. BioSniper

    BioSniper Minimodder

    5 Feb 2002
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    I would love to replace my deathadder with this but:
    1) it has the same finish which if scratched too hard or if you have hot sweaty hands peels off pretty easily/bubbles up.
    2) £120? naaah, £50-60 would be ample.
  3. 2bdetermine

    2bdetermine What's a Dremel?

    2 Apr 2009
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    Look @ all the useless, not so green fancy packaging, no wonder it cost an arm and a leg and not to mention the cost to the environment.
  4. Slyr7.62

    Slyr7.62 «ŚŁÂŶÈŘ»

    14 Dec 2007
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    +1. Having a DeathAdder currently, I'd say getting a Mamba would be paying $130 to just have a wireless "DeathAdder imitator". :grr:
  5. AltruiSisu

    AltruiSisu Yep

    29 Oct 2008
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    these were my exact initial thoughts while reading the review. you others with deathadder comments, i also share those thoughts.
  6. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    Have had mine for 3 weeks, first problem was the packaging, I was ready to smash it against something hard when I finally managed to get it off.

    Second problem was indeed the USB connector, took me 5mins to get the bloody thing to lock in, and another 10 to remove it, that said, when you put it in, that sucker just doesn't budge, which is good. Downside obviously is that it's a PITA to remove.

    I've got 2 Deathadders at home as well, so going from those to the Mamba was comfortable, I much prefer the Mamba's weight, scrollwheel, side buttons, and mouse buttons, to the Deathadders'. It feels a lot more refined than my Deathadders.

    The 5,600DPI takes a little while to get used to, but it makes me sad whenever I have to use a Deathadder with it's 1,800DPI. That said, I absolutely love the Mamba's accuracy, speed, and smoothness.

    Wireless mode is great, feels and performs exactly the same as wired mode minus the cable (which btw, doesn't seem to get stuck on stuff on m desk like other mouse wires do).

    Really loving it. Worth the 120$ I paid for it at BestBuy (for comparison, I bought my Deathadders for 80$ back when they came out).

    I do kinda miss having the razer logo on the Mamba light up like on the Deathadder, but oh well, saves battery life I spose.

    Lovely mouse either way

    (It also looks positively sexy on it's charging stand, which has a lit up blue base)

    It's an improvement over the Deathadder, not an imitation.
  7. Wolfe

    Wolfe What's a Dremel?

    7 Sep 2003
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    Crack that sucker open, and tell us what they're using.

    Unless razer is selling these in large enough quantities to warrant an ASIC, they're likely using some variety of off-the-shelf wireless transponder IC. I'd be interesting to know what.

    The "Gaming Grade" thing is marketing BS, And DSSS is an established signal modulation technique. They certainly didn't come up with it (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct-sequence_spread_spectrum). On the other hands, it is fairly robust against interference. I wonder how much of their other claims are bunk.

    I'd wager that "we chose to work with some of the technology leaders in their respective fields" probably means "we bought a generic Wireless PHY from one of the big IC manufacturers".
    Last edited: 12 Apr 2009
  8. Denis_iii

    Denis_iii What's a Dremel?

    1 Jan 2007
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    I purchased the Deathadder when it was first released as believed the reviews and thought the exorbitant cost of 60quid was worth it.
    Sounds like they've fixed quite a few issues as mine sucked ass major.
    1. The base wasn't flush so it was always scraping on the mousepad.
    2. The thing overheated making my hand sweat, wierdest thing ever.

    I would still be suffering with it but was stolen with my laptop which sucks but I've got a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 which is awesome, far better the Deathadder for me and half the price.

    And now they have the Mamba, at 120quid!!!! I'd def want to try one for a good month before purchase, so I'll def not purchase it even at 60quids. I agree wireless is the way to go but not at that price. My money will be going towards a sidewinder X8, G9 though most likely a Logitech G7
  9. Denis_iii

    Denis_iii What's a Dremel?

    1 Jan 2007
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    Last edited by a moderator: 12 Apr 2009
  10. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    You do know there's this SHINY edit button right? [​IMG]
  11. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    That's Robert Krakoff. He's a ****ing genius mate - I've sat there and asked him questions before, and listening to his business expertise on understanding the gamer is lightyears ahead of most of the industry. It's why Razer has grown massively in such a few short years.

    Wolfe - I would, but it would mean breaking it and I LOVE my Mamba too much :blush:
  12. flibblesan

    flibblesan Destroyer

    27 Jul 2005
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    I do, but I've lost the receipt from PC World.

    Not at all. I suspect it's bad build quality on Microsofts part, but I expected a Razer branded mouse to be well made.
    Last edited by a moderator: 12 Apr 2009
  13. leexgx

    leexgx CPC hang out zone (i Fix pcs i do )

    28 Jun 2006
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    but that means haveing to goto the fourms to get to it

    i need an new gameing mouse the mx1100R i have got, its to slow goes to sleep to offen as well

    Razer mice do seem to not last long as well, best mouse i ever had was the MS 2.0 mouse opticle (the base was all red and lit up red as well) i should maybe look at MS new mouse
  14. OWNED66

    OWNED66 What's a Dremel?

    2 Sep 2007
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    i got the mamba about 1 week ago and its the best mouse ever !!!
    i dont know why its expensive in the uk
    but i got a it at 120 dollars
  15. Rich_13

    Rich_13 What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2003
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    It's a lovely mouse but I wouldn't dream of paying over £50 for a mouse...

    I think people get too involved in the stats of these mice and make them selves believe they make a massive difference when they really don't.

    Pair a logitech mx revolution and a good gaming surface and you can easily play any FPS etc out there with no noticable disadvantage what so ever!
  16. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    It's such a great looking mouse, I've been eying it up for a while now but it's just too expensive. to justify. I'll stick with my DeathAdder for a while longer and see if the price drops.
  17. Cadillac Ferd

    Cadillac Ferd What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2005
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    I want this mouse! I wish they had a non-wireless version though. I really don't want the extra weight, hassle and expense. I own and use both a Copperhead and a Lachesis and absolutely love them but paying more than what I paid for both of them combined for a wireless mouse doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

    I'm really hoping they take the 5600 DPI guts of the Mamba and package it in to the Lachesis (ambidexterity Cheesecake!) shell, I'd definitely be interested in buying that. The jump from the 2000 DPI speed of the Copperhead to the 4000 DPI speed of the Lachesis was pretty nice, I'm really interested in seeing how well 5600 works.
  18. Cupboard

    Cupboard I'm not a modder.

    30 Jan 2007
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    I managed to break the left mouse button on my Microsoft mouse too.

    The thing which confuses me about this mouse is that if the wireless is as good as they say it is, why do they need to transmit data down the USB cable when it is plugged in? This is almost as if they are saying it is on one hand but then admitting that it isn't on the other.
  19. badders

    badders Neuken in de Keuken

    4 Dec 2007
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    I've spent seven months agonising over whether to replace my 7-year old Microsoft intellimouse optical with a Logitech MX Revolution, but can't bring myself to spend £32 on a mouse. :/
  20. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
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    The Intelli Optical is a gen of a mouse. You don't want to be replacing that till it literally croaks on you.
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