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Gaming Red Dead Redemption Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 28 May 2010.

  1. Sifter3000

    Sifter3000 I used to be somebody

    11 Jul 2006
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    DRC™ likes this.
  2. Fayez Butts

    Fayez Butts What's a Dremel?

    28 May 2010
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    Marsden, eh? Pretty sure it's 'Marston'.
  3. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I can't help but feel that this game is over hyped. Just because it is good at what it is does not mean it is the best that can be done. My point being that just because it is the best at what it is right now doesn't mean it deserves such high scores, especially with such fundmental issues as basic controls. Bit-Tech's game reviews seem to be getting more and more inconsistant in comparison to each review but they are also following a familier pattern of other console biased review sites. Nearly every PC game reviewed gets knocked down scores while game after game on for the console market gets a consistant 8 or 9.
  4. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    Console reviews pha
  5. Jack_Pepsi

    Jack_Pepsi Clan BeeR Founder

    24 Apr 2006
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    PC version please!

    I'm lovin' the bugs in this game so far.
  6. Apexgun

    Apexgun What's a Dremel?

    28 Apr 2010
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    One reason most new PC games get bad reviews is the simple fact that their usually shoddy console ports cut and paste with not much effort put into it.
    As for this review I don't agree with some of it maby because I have the game on the superior console (xbox) :p I didn't find the controls to be much of an issue only exception being the mash A to go faster, Aim was already on expert for some reason but no complaints from me and I can't why anybody would want to shoot from horseback without using dead eye if only for a challenge go try killing bears with your knife.
    Story wise it was pretty good and well told in my opinion it didn't feel too long as a matter of fact I didn't finish the main story till a day and a half of play time because I was so involved in the side challenge of becoming a legend, the strangers can't be quite strange, weirdest of all in my opinion the flower collection mission for the old man at still water. The only thing that let this game down for me where the bugs I can't say they spoiled it for me on the contrary I found them quite humorous and they didn't bother me much because they where few and far between other people might have a different view on that.
    On the whole their have been very few games that draw you in like this and 9/10 is a very well deserved score.

    Also I thought GTA IV was really mediocre I didn't find it that fun it felt like more work than play, Saints row 2 for me did the sandbox modern day much better for me.
  7. billysielu

    billysielu Minimodder

    12 Jun 2008
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    Grand Theft Horse?
  8. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    But you cant compare a game to a future release which you have not played. By your reasoning every game should get a low score as there is always the potential to make a better one.

    I am enjoying the story and i thought the main character lived up to Rockstars strengths as they are exceptionally good at writing witty, likeable characters. Some of the NPC's i have encountered so far have been hilarious, Seth in particular stands out and the dialogue between Marsden and Irish actually made me lol. My highlight so far:

    Irish: "How do you say c*** in Spanish?"
    Marsden: "You should now you've probably been called it a few times."

    To me this a superior game to GTA4 as it has a real sense of style and place like Vice city and San Andreas did which GTA 4 lacked. The combat is far superior in this than any of GTA games and the controls only get annoying when you are trying to move in a confined area or climb ladders. The slower pace fits the game and time period well imo.
  9. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    @ Da_Rude_Baboon

    I'm tired of seeing so many console games get 8, 9 or 10 with the review then mentioning several or even severe faults with the game. I don't like it when scores seem to outweigh the review for PC games either but they are so often marked down anyway unless they are PC only titles and they too seem to get the obligatory 8, 9 or 10.
  10. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    Grand Theft Equine would have worked better ;) I might give this game a look if it goes on sale somewhere. Not my thing, but a 9 out of 10 can't be sniffed at.
  11. Er-El

    Er-El Minimodder

    31 May 2008
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    I've got a 360 to play this on but would rather play something like this especially on PC to really enjoy the vistas with no texture pop-ups & such. Any idea when the PC version is coming out? The first one, Revolver, didn't come out on PC in the end so I'm not sure whether it's worth waiting.
  12. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I wouldn't classify any of the problems mentioned in this review as severe. The controls can be a bit fiddly, but that's not reason enough to drop a score from a deserved 9 to a 7 when the rest of the content is so good. The main character is, I thought, a bit predictable and familiar, but it's not something which actively hurts the overall experience.

    End of the day, the reason that a lot of console releases get better scores is because they are made better. There's more money on consoles, so they attract bigger developers. Devs know the hardware, so can ensure a more stable experience. It's a closed system, which provides more control. Etc. Inverse is usually true for PC.

    That's not to say that consoles are better - they have disadvantages for consumers too. It's not a hard-set rule either - some genres are better on PC and there are some big devs which do very well on PC. There are strings of games which get great PC reviews.

    On the other hand, sometimes the reason that a game is better on PC isn't something that can be laid at the foot of the design. A shooter on consoles might get praised for having a very fluid control system that makes it easy to play with a controller (not by me, but this is a loose and common example). The same shooter might control better on the PC, obviously - but you couldn't say that that's because the dev has definitely made the game better on PC. It's because there's a mouse, which provides finer aiming regardless.

    That's a very loose and hole-ridden example admittedly, but it serves a purpose. Personally, I don't tend to consider the platform debate much of an issue. A good game is a good game regardless of what platform it is on - and Red Dead Redemption is a good game. If it came out on PC first then it would get many of the same complaints levelled against it and would get a very similar, if not identical score.

    And yes, to clarify, I personally do want it on PC too because that's the platform I have the most fun with and investment in.
  13. bob

    bob What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2009
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    now that's some bugs they shouldn't remove!
  14. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    GOTY 2010 IMO, i hated GTA series, was blown away how immersive and life like the world, wild life is, I am mainly a PC gamer but this game is outstanding. from the wild life, graphics, great characters, loads of things to do in the game world (i spent hours just playing Texas Holdem).

    This game is NOT overhyped at all, GTA was over hyped, this game is much better then GTA. This is the way a sand box game should be. Not a rockstar fan at all, never liked their games much until I played this.
  15. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    Dont get why the reviewer said the slower pace as a negative, that is one of the reasons why this game is better thern GTA, it fits the era and nature of the sandbox game perfectly.

    Ill get this again if it comes to PC for mods, graphics, it already looks great on PS3.
  16. pimonserry

    pimonserry sounds like a party.

    20 Dec 2008
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    As a sandbox game, is it better than Just Cause 2?
  17. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    It's way better then JC2, in fact, I'd say its the best sandbox game for me ever.
  18. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I admit that these vids are funny as hell but after watching them I had a look to see what others there are... and there are loads... all different. I'm sorry but a game this blatantly glitchy ON A CONSOLE (inspite of all the arguements about consoles being more stable... blah blah blah) is just rediculous... and you give this game a 9/10?
  19. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    Your basing that off of you tube videos? LMAo, I have logged 100 hours, found one little glitch, geez, people and their knee jerk reactions.

    You can find you tube videos about every game like that no matter how stable, please.
  20. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I never saw a single bug.
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