Right then everyone. Here at bit-tech we've recently been trying to grow our social media and things are going pretty well. We have Alex @Maki role producing some great content for our YouTube channel with myself and @Dogbert666 (mainly Matt now to be fair) focusing on the Instagram and Twitter side of things. If you could all go and follow/subscribe to them it would help a lot. Also tell us what you want to see .
I totally would... If I had a twitter, facebook or instagram account. I can subscribe on youtube, though!
Thanks. I didn't think most people here would have a ton of social media but thought it was worth a go.
I do follow B-T on most of these platforms, however, I'm planning to purge them and get off a few of them. Youtube and Instagram should stick around though (just need a way to reduce the amount of ads on Instagram on the phone).
If you're an Android user, I can heartily recommend DNS66. Sets up a local 'VPN' connection and blocks domains in a filter list. It's basically AdAway except you don't need root. Not sure if it'll work for Instagram adverts, though, 'cos I don't use Instagram. Certainly works for almost everything else!
Thanks G. I'll definitely look into this once Amazon and TNT get the bloody heads out of their asses and finally deliver my bloody phone. ARhhhhhggggggggggggg
Think I'm already following on Facebook and Twitter, I'll add YouTube to my list. I've never used Instagram and probably wont ever. Out of all of those, I probably look at Twitter the most during the day... have to say though, I almost never notice the Bit-Tech posts in my feed as they seem a bit low key and often have a similar design that I think makes them fail to stand out in a swarm of other technology posts.
Our news stories sort of do I guess but the images posted over from Instagram shouldn't. How would you recommend we stand out then?
Perhaps mix things up a bit between links to articles by sharing images from project logs on the forums and some more interactive stuff.
A picture of Maki lounging over his new CNC mill in the style of Burt Reynolds, wearing nothing but that finely coiffed moustache.
I definitely, don't, and won't ever, do twitter, instagram or youtube. In fact these days I'm so jaded and couldn't-care-less about social media that I pretty much only keep it because my kid's school post their stuff there.
As long as you so the social media gubbinz as well as rather than instead of doing stuff on the the site/forum... than... whatever... ...not for free
+1 for PiHole, 25%-35% of all DNS requests in my house get blocked by PiHole, we have been an ad-free house for a while now, can't recommend it enough, simply install it and forget it. One thing to remember though, it is extremely jarring when you leave the house and see internet adverts again...
How does PiHole work in relation to websites that won't work if you run a browser based adblocker, or display an intrusive warning?