Keys have gone out for the private beta of The Division 2 happening this weekend (09:00 Thursday 7th of February - 16:00 Monday 11th of February 2019):
I'm in. Got through the first mission ok, but having some graphical glitches now. Can't adjust the settings either. It will let you select them and say it'll apply it when you next restart, but is then always on 'custom' when you restart. Also getting thrown out a lot.
Just copying across what I wrote up over on Overclockers: Had an hour or so tonight and liking what I have been able to play so far. Got 4-5 disconnects during the first proper mission though which was a little frustrating. Performance seems ok in DX11 mode (70-90 FPS average with 8700k/1080Ti @ 1440p "Custom" settings (basically Ultra with one of the shadow settings turned down to high and everything else maxed out)). DX12 thoughs feels odd to me. I noted when doing a quick search that some people were suggesting G-sync isn't working when the game is set to DX12. This kind of makes sense based on what I was experiencing. The framerate was fine but the game felt, well, choppy. Hopefully most of the issues that are impacting the ability to play the game and the overall performance optimisation will be sorted for launch. Overall it feels just like a expansion / carry on from Div 1 which in my mind is absolutely fine.
Skills are a bit awkward. I've chosen new ones to see what they're like: Simper Turret and Bombardier. The operation of them both is incredibly clunky and too player involved. With the sniper turret you have to select a target and then tell it when to shoot, so you might as well just have shot them in the first place. Bombardier is also very awkward to use, having to select a target an area 5 times before it'll go and bomb anything. i get they want it to have a carpet bombing type effect, but then just have a start and end point, not have to select each individual bombing spot. Aaaand crafting now also costs money as well as materials. What was that Khabib? Couldn't agree more. Edit: Turns out bombardier does work as a 'click first point, choose direction, click again', but the controls are quite unresponsive at times. Sometimes i'll deploy it and it won't even give me the target icon, it just flies above me doing naff all.
I'm playing his on the XBone and whilst I enjoy it the audio problems [known issues] seem to becoming more prevalent. I played most of the Invaded mission without audio last night.I even restarted the Xbox because it persisted, hoping the patch would make a difference . Over all I am enjoying the game,yes controls aren't as smooth as they could be and I have found a few graphical errors.I like the fact you can give resources away to help improve the communities, in the Division 1 you just seem to hold on to these forever. Have yet to try out the Dark Zone, so that may be fun.
One of the most annoying glitches I've had so far is that sometimes while in the inventory screen, my character will constantly do a quarter turn left then back again, along with accompanying foot movement sounds. I could cope withtbhe moving but the sound is really grinding.
Took me a few hours to get back into The Division but I ended up really enjoying it and just couldn't stop playing the beta - just one more nearby event! Compared to the Anthem demo, the world in TD2 is nice and busy with lots of stuff happening to keep you occupied. I would fly around in Anthem desperate for something other than wildlife to shoot!
The open beta will be from Friday 1st of March to Monday 4th of March 2019. Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date
I was in the technical test and with it being so close to launch it's a little worrying. I think it plays pretty well but there are still worrying issues - Delta errors / the sound often dropping out in gun fights being the worst. I didn't really notice much of an improvement over the closed beta; yes they had tweaked gun balancing and opened up a couple of extra skills but apart from that nearly all of the issues I mentioned in their feedback forum were still there. I'm looking forward to giving it another go tomorrow and finding out if they've improved anything. As I've put over 1700 hours into the first one, I'm just hoping this one is just as good. I might even dry the Dark Zone's - I detested the original one with every fibre in my body so I'm not holding out much hope of enjoying them this time
I was part of the closed beta and I actually quite enjoyed it, bugs aside I'm actually looking forward to it.
Well I managed to get quite a few hours in over the weekend - all on PvE. They have definitely improved the game, I didn't get a single disconnect or drop in sound (which I know some others did). There are still quite a few bugs, but nothing major now for me. The game plays well and I'm really looking forward to playing the full version on the 12th.
Yeh technical test wasn't great, but much improved on the open beta. I was however getting a weird graphical glitch where my screen went black&white, but would rectify itself after a bit of alt+tabing. Not great in the middle of a firefight though. I've booked Friday off for a full day of divisioning. Hopefully I'll have my rig back up and running by then though I didn't often engage in pvp in the dark zone, but I LOVED going in there. It added a whole new dimension: sneaking around, taking out landmarks solo, watching the map for where rogues were to figure out the best extraction point, extracting it without getting mowed down. It was exhilarating when you got stuff out in the middle of a fire fight, even if you died right after it was a win. Sometimes you'd get ganked, sometimes you'd find yourself a partner and have a great time, or there'd be a few solo players who just banded together to take out a rogue squad who'd been griefing everyone and moments like that made it great. It was like the rest of the division on speed. Sometimes it could be awful if you had a couple of hackers in there or whatever, but I'd just leave and go do something else.
Looking forward to the full version now Mrs also looking to pick it up now as her Vega 56 just chewed through it. Also tweaked my case a little so I am getting ~ 10 degree drop in temps. This also means my 1080ti holds ~1825mhz instead of 1797mhz as well.
Avoiding Twitch and YouTube today since most of the big streamers have been given access to it a day earlier than those of us who bought the version that gives us access tomorrow. When I get home from work tomorrow, I will be jumping on it straight away.
I've got the pre-load done and getting ready for 11pm tonight. I have work tomorrow so will only be able to play for an hour or so, but have Thursday and Friday off to give it a good long run. Really looking forward to it. I've also avoided watching any of the streams as I want to find out the story myself rather than knowing what's coming. I've also been tweaking my system, my 1080ti will boost to 2012 without the need for any modded bios's for extra voltage.
Although I've got early access, I've got Friday off for a full day of gaming and probably won't be playing before then. Had only planned on getting the base game to start, but ended up joining up a couple of deals to get the ultimate edition for just over £60. I might have a bash on Thursday night as I've played the first part of the game 3 times now through all the tests, but depends if I get my rig upgrade finished by then. Got mayhems blitz part 2 in there now, gotta rinse it out, strip it down and give the whole thing a clean tomorrow, then put the new block and backplate on the 980ti, make a new bracket to support the card and pci riser, redo all the tubing, fill and bleed the loops, do some testing/overclocking/bios-modding/more testing on the new card and then I'll be ready. Yeh probably won't be playing till Friday afternoon. Interesting video from Marcostyle on tactics for leveling up quickly, or more efficiently at least. Spoiler: Video synopsis In short, save the Side missions till later as their XP rewards scale with level, where as main missions do not.
Good luck getting your machine up and running! I have to say that if you loved the first one / beta then you are in for a treat. I've managed to get in about 5hrs since launch and I'm still in the zones that I played through in the beta. I have to say that they have got rid of all the bugs that annoyed me - it works so much better now. There are still several things I don't think they have done as well as in the first game when in the menu's, but the general game play is excellent. I'd forgotten what it was like to try missions when not geared up correctly only to get wiped out in one shot - I'm loving it, it's a challenge again. I'm ignoring all of the streamers for now - I want to experience this for myself for a few days. Much more fun to me than knowing what to do before I even play it. I'm really looking forward to the next two days when I can get some quality playtime and start working my way through lots of new missions.