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SketchUp The MNPCTech Case Design Competition, part II: Scratch Build

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Xtrafresh, 14 Jan 2009.


This thread is made of pure:

  1. Win

  2. Win

  3. Win

  4. Epic design Win!

  5. Cheesecake

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    As Bill is a bit short on time, he's decided to allow me to moderate the second edition of this competition. Thanks mate!

    Pay attention people, because this concerns you! Welcome, welcome people, you have just entered the:

    MNPCTech Case Design Competition, part II:
    Scratch Build

    For those among you that missed the first one, here's a fast way to get there: [thread=156072]clicky[/thread]

    Peter Kani, one of Bills friends and jungle modding expert has created this sweet sweet promo video for us:

    Go see more of his videos over at his youtube channel, it's certainly worth your time!

    The Prizes

    As with the previous competition, MNPCTech has graciously vowed to provide some sweet prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners! :clap:
    Quickly skip ahead to the next post to see what they are! More prizes will be added over time to keep everybody motivated.

    The Task

    So you want to know how to enter and lay your claim to these great prizes and eternal fame the way Dark~3nergy did the first time with his winning entry?

    Design a 3D model of a PC case, from scratch.

    That's it! Use all your creativity, find all those ideas that have been lurking in your head for years, close doors and windows, and unleash your crazy side!
    We greatly recommend using Googles free program Sketchup, as it is easy to learn, easy to use, and gets you good results fast. It's also recommended to use the sketchup component collection to get great and accurate models of all kinds of hardware. However, if you decide to be stubborn, feel free to use any 3D program you like.

    The Rules
    As this edition is all about letting your creativity run wild, we have decided to impose even less restrictions on entries then last time. Sadly, there still are some:
    • Start your design from scratch. You are allowed to import a limited amount of models to fill your case with hardware, but the feature of your entry should be the case that you designed from scratch!
    • No rendering! To keep the playing field even, we will not allow fantastic renders to enter, or even to be posted in this thread. Your entry should be screenshots of the actual 3D model ONLY.
    • Final entries are to be announced in this thread. They should contain one main picture and up to 4 images from other angles to show off various features. Supplying the 3D model for download is also allowed.
    • The deadline for your entry announcement will be april 1st, 12:00 AM (noon) GMT
    • Voting will be done via Social groups. For further details on voting procedures, scroll down.
    • Only one entry per person allowed
    • To generate as much publicity for the competition as possible, we will use the 5 images of your entry to make a video presentation to be posted on YouTube.
    • In case of a tie, both contestants will receive the same prize.
    • Prizes will be shipped globally, so the competition is open to all!
    • Feel free to post images of your progressing designs in this thread for discussion, but please keep it relatively clean. I hope the mention of "common sense" will cover the usual array of boring rules, so here goes: common sense, use it!
    • Make MNPCTech your homepage. Or add to favorites. Or just go have a look, they have some great stuff! :clap:
    • Have fun! We will be checking very strongly on this point, as rumours have come to our attention that one of the previous winners in fact faked having fun in order to qualify. Concider yourself warned! :D

    The Voting
    Since it looks like we will have more then ten contestants (the maximum number of options in a poll), i needed to come up with an alternative plan. It is based on the social groups functionality that was recently added to BT. This is basically it:
    • After April 1st, i will create social groups for each contestant that entered in the thread. From that moment on, you have two weeks to get as many members of your social group as possible.
    • The voting will be announced in one post, and formatted such that groups can be joined with one click from inside that post. Possibly i'll start a new thread for this.
    • You can vote for a case by joining the group.
    • you can vote on a maximum of three cases. If you vote on more (join more groups) all your votes will be deleted. You dont need to use all three votes by the way, and you cannot give them all to one guy either.
    • I also appeal at the common sense rule again. This includes multi accounts, blank accounts coming from nephews etc, and all other forms of raud. Remember this is a community competition, keep things fun please!
    • You are free to change your mind as many times as you like (leave group, join another).
    • More details when we come up with them!

    *Terms and Conditions: Items may vary from those shown in the images. Items will only be sent if the winner is willing to accept them. Postal insurance is available for a small additional charge. This promotion is not associated with www.bit-tech.net, or its affiliates, and they cannot be held liable for any damages as a result of this competition, and neither can MNPCTech. MNPCTech reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions, and rules whenever they choose.
    I (Xtrafresh) will enter and moderate at the same time. My task will be purely to keep the thread nice and organise things slightly. If you see a conflict of interest, feel free to PM Xtrafresh or MNPCTech.
    Last edited: 19 Mar 2009
  2. mnpctech

    mnpctech bit-tech sponsor

    21 Apr 2003
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    edited 5/04/09

    The Official MNPCTech Case Design Competition II Winner Announcement!

    1st Place is Scooby! for his awe-inspiring "Jenova" design


    2nd Place is jrs77! for his ultra cool "Bent Radiator" design


    3rd Place is Dark~3nergy! for the very small & stunning "The Tiny One" design


    Heres Scooby's 1st Place Prizes!

    120mm Blow Hole Kit by Mnpctech.com



    Set of 4, Machined Billet Computer Case Feet made by Mnpctech.com




    This custom DDC pump top made by Cheapskate!




    Brand new! Liteon 20x DVD Writer with Lightscribe DH-20A4H08C, donated by bit-tech member, jhanlon303


    2nd Place Prize for jrs77!

    CNC Milled window by Mnpctech.com
    3/16" thick acrylic. It has beveled edges with countersunk fastener holes for #8 socket head screws and holds 4x 120mm fans




    3rd Place Prize goes to Dark~3nergy!

    Mnpctech T-Shirt

    Mnpctech.com on the front the blueprint for the modern extreme machine on the back.


    Thank you to everyone who entered, contributed by commenting or just watched from the side lines. You all helped make this 2nd sketch-up competition a success.

    Big Thanks to Cheapskate for helping keep everything moving! :rock:

    Thank you to bit-tech and all of the staffers for allowing this competition! :thumb:

    Lets do it again this summer, I promise to have even better prizes :D I owe everyone who entered their design a beer if we ever meet someday.

    PM me your shipping address, I've got all of the prizes including Cheapskate and jhanlon303's donations.
    Last edited: 4 May 2009
  3. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Good rules, and good luck ladies!
  4. scooby

    scooby Minimodder

    3 Mar 2004
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    Awesome!!! Let the games begain!!!

    Good Luck to all;)

  5. Dark~3nergy

    Dark~3nergy what was dat sandvich ?

    14 Jan 2007
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    :( no 3d rendering.

    has anyone started yet ?

    edit. can you be more precise on this rule :
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2009
  6. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    I presume this is the bit that matters:

    Xtrafresh likes this.
  7. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    what he said!

    To elaborate on that:
    Just don't go crazy. *points at common sense rule*

    The reason for this rule is that it's a bit lame to make your design more awesome by sticking an i7 build in there. Use the models you import to support and showcase your own designs. If you need a drivecage and dont want to spend a year designing one, by all means import it. As long as your own scratch build designs take center stage, it's fine. :thumb:
  8. Dark~3nergy

    Dark~3nergy what was dat sandvich ?

    14 Jan 2007
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    nope, i mean this part
    does that mean we don't have the right to use as many components as we want ?
  9. Diosjenin

    Diosjenin Thinker, Tweaker, Et Cetera

    14 Jul 2008
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    April 1st... I might be able to make that work. Depends on how busy college keeps me this semester (probably very busy).

    Still, I have the removable bays done already. If I can keep myself off of Mass Effect and figure out a way to make the PCI retention mechanism without resorting to actual screws, I might actually be able to pull it off...

    You're not going to screw us over by waiting until April 1st and then saying it was an elaborate April Fool's joke, are you? ;)

    - Diosjenin -
  10. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    umm dude, ending credits was replying to you, not rephrasing your question ;)

    Answer to your question: sure you do. Use as many as you want, as long as the general design stays withing the assignment. If you want to build a huge storage array shaped like the Big Ben, feel free to use 500 models of drivecages and HDDs to illustrate what it does.

    Remember though, we are designing a case, not a system.

    This is also why i dont want to put an absolute number on it. One guy might need to use 30 fittings for an elaborate waterloop, and still have a very original own scratch build design, the next will import one Lian-Li case and end up with basically a modded case.
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2009
  11. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    One way to find out... :naughty:

    I'm not sure what you are talking about, but i really would like to see what you are up to. Compartimentalised PC that can be put together like LEGO? You have me intrigued ;)
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2009
  12. wolfticket

    wolfticket Downwind from the bloodhounds

    19 Apr 2008
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    Concider yourself spell checked :thumb:
  13. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    oooh scratch build. :D

    so can I enter something that I've started working on before today? it's not finished, as I will add a crapload more stuff to it now. :dremel:

    no render eh? dang it, and I just got vray setup real good. after the comp I'll post vray images then,
  14. jezmck

    jezmck Minimodder

    25 Sep 2003
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    If people could let me know (via PM) which SU components they use (if any) from the collection that'd be interesting.
  15. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    Hey jezmck!

    I see that i forgot to send people to your excellent site! I'll fix that soon if that's ok with you ;)
  16. Dark~3nergy

    Dark~3nergy what was dat sandvich ?

    14 Jan 2007
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    Nah sorry, my Swiss way of thinking kicked in, I thought it meant "you can't use more then X models from the scc" :duh:
    and i missed his reply sry ending credits :(
  17. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    I have used a number of them to copy and make simple boxes instead of having the complex design of the components. Keeps file size down (especially from motherboard and video card).

    not sure I could remember all the ones I use.
  18. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    The reason he's saying limit your imports is because it would be very easy for someone to import a model of The Empire State Building, import a motherboard, and say, 'done'.

    If you would have to purchase the part, It's probably OK to import it too. You wouldn't be fabricating hardrives from scratch, just the mounting system for them.

    Bill, yer gettin' PM.:D
  19. Dark~3nergy

    Dark~3nergy what was dat sandvich ?

    14 Jan 2007
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    hey Xtrafresh, the link to mnpctech in the first post doesn't work. ;)
    Xtrafresh likes this.
  20. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
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