I have two at the moment. One bigger one that I need to start using and a cheapo Elegoo one. Dont know about the wires yet. The small lights in the middle, I guess I am just running the wires directly under the front grill. For the two bigger lights I am thinking about drilling a small hole. Have to have a look once all details and the fenders are in place.
Moving on with the details for the hood and roof. For the hood, I included a little space already in the 3D model. So I could easily glue the first part into pace. The second part is just placed on top, but will be removed for the paint job and then later guled on. Makes things just a little more comfortable. Small details were also added to the roof. Looking good so far.
Now I started to work on the back of the mod and the exhaust system. This is a mixture between filament and resin printed parts. First, I sanded down all the resin parts and glued them together. Then all the filament parts were processed and also glued. I already included a small opeoing for the power plug at the back. And as always, a quick test if everything fits so far.
Next, I worked again on the fender. I already included a slot for the front fenders in the 3D model. So it was easy to just glue it in place. For the back fenders, I needed to pull some cables through before attaching them. I cut in a small channel which was filled up again, after the cables were put into place. Unfortunately, I only realized after putting the outer shell together, I forgot the slot for the rear fenders. So I needed to cut them in before gluing them into place. Now all, but the rear wing is attached to the outer shell.
Next up, I filled in all the gaps with a two part epoxy putty. Afterwards evetything was covered with multiple layers of spray filler. Now all scratches and imperfektions were vidible. I used some glazing spot putty to get rid of all the small pin holes and hairline scratches. Also the detail parts were covered with sprayfiller.
Today just a small update. I made the final part of the outer shell, the wing for the rear. Everything was sanded, glued together and then smoothed out with some body filler. Finished with a couple layers of spray filler.
Yet another short update Started with the wheels. Unfortunately they didnt fit on my smaller resin printer, so I had to cut them in half. Didnt want to use my bigger printer cause its just a mess to clean everything up. And glued both halves together. Gaps were filled and finished with a couple layers of spray filler. Next, I will make a silicone mold for the right and left tires.
So this update took a little longer, but I started a new hobby But now for the update. After the wheel was done processing, I built a cardboard wall around it. For the silicone, I choose a softer one so the details will not tear apart the form. Just guess why the color of the silicone changed. To get all the air out of the silicone and assure a proper mold, I degassed it in my vacuum camber. Slowly poured it in and then waited for 6 hours to let it cure. For the resin, I chose Smooth-Cast Onyx Slow, cause it cures black and is very durable. So I dont have to paint the casting afterwards and it will hold the entry weight of the mod without a problem. Cause the pot life is only 5-6 minutes, degassing the resin was not an option. Instead I put it in my pressure chamber and added 60 PSI pressure to eliminate possible air bubbles. About 2-3 hours later the first wheel was cured. Sanded back the excess material and it was done. Now I will build a mold for the left side tires as well.
Finding the right size and profile would be nearly impossible and takes too much time. Also I can design everything the way I want it to look like.
Firestone's new line of bracelets for the auto enthusiast. It's fun to see your tool set grow and imagine where it will take your builds. When do we see your first printed mold resin pump top?