The story... (Heres a direct quote from the link for you lazy people...) And for you curious few, heres the video of it all... (I'd just like to warn you that its pretty disturbing.) *sigh* I don't even know where to begin with this one... The video makes me sick to my stomach.
Whilst I will agree that the police in this matter handled the situation incorrectly, it does have to be said that the man involved in the incident had ample opportunity to show his id and stop the situation escalating.
A few points: He was leaving the building when they grabbed his arm. Most people shot with the stun part of the taser won't be able to stand up immediately. Shocking him again because he didn't just makes the matter worse. When was he EVER a threat? Tasers should be used for self defence or to subdue violent subjects. And threatening to tase someone who is simply asking for your badge number is tantamount to assault. I really hope these cops either face serious disciplinary action or get fired.
Ohh shizzle, just after watching the vid. I genuinely frightened to go to the US now, jesus they guys was making a scene and they tazer his ass. WTF? couldnt they just throw him to the ground and handcuff him? its not like hes a threat to national security.
So let me get this straight...they tazered this guy five times, just because he didn't have student ID... ...well that's totally stupid, i'm glad that sorta stuff doesn't happen over here.
It's University policy to restrict access to the library after 11pm to students only, to ensure their safety. He either refused to show his ID when asked or just didn't have it on him (depends whose story you want to believe), so he was asked to leave by a Community Service Officer. He didn't leave immediately, so the CSO called for the UCPD. UCPD officers arrived as the guy was walking towards the exit, and then we see what happened on the video. He was even tasered while handcuffed!
Holy ****. That is the most seriously ****ed up thing I've heard about in a long time. What the hell did he need tazering for the first time? He was simply resisting someone trying to drag him out when he's already walking. Un-necessary. Then they expect him to get up and walk out once he's been tazed? That in itself is ridiculous - anyone who's witnessed someone get tazed knows that's almost impossible, that's the idea behind the damned things. So these "trained" officers who are supposed to be tazed themselves to know what it feels like (although at a reduced setting) completely ignore common sense and get all trigger-happy. Ridiculous. No other word for it.
Tazers should be used as a threat, its very rare they're used in this country, even when you have criminals that do not co-operate.
Video starts "Don't touch me, don't touch me" officer says "stand up, get up"- thats the sound of the subject resisting- then later he gets the first taze. After the first tazing the subject was clearly still resisting based upon what he says, and then before the next tazing the officers again tell him to stand up- based upon what I saw I believe the guy was a pretty hostile subject. I won't yet claim the officers actions were entierly justified- but I do believe the subject is at fault for some of what happened. L J
Colonel: You try standing up after you've been tazered, the whole point of them is to drop someone to the floor
We are talking about at least 5 cops. They could have an extremity each and still have a spare man to open the doors to throw him out of. I'm sure a little patience would have gotten the required results, if not picking him up would have. Having been tazered I can assure you that getting up is probably the last thing you want to do in a hurry. This in some contries could be considered Grievous Bodily Harm, and militarily it is considered torture.
Yeah, and I'm sure not stepping foot in England. After all, I might get shot in the head while trying to ride the tube. Or, I could choose not to generalise and rake the entire country across the coals for the actions of a few police officers. Considering how many different versions of the events are bound to surface, I prefer to suspend my judgement until investigators determine as many facts as possible. -monkey
Absolutly no justification for that, you don't tazer someone for refusing to stand up. I thought for one second the students were about to rush the cops, but meh, they didn't
now now monkeh, well all know since 9/11 the whole law enforcement have become OTT in ur neck of the world.