Other Video Archive Software

Discussion in 'Software' started by wolff000, 4 Jan 2010.

  1. wolff000

    wolff000 I am here to steal your secrets.

    26 Apr 2005
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    I am looking to digitize my massive movie collection. I literally have thousands of movies and I am tired of thumbing through binders to find the disc. I would like to move the whole thing over to my system and then just stream to my TV.

    I have plenty in place to do the streaming my conundrum is digitizing the movies. I can easily rip it to an iso but for streaming that doesn't do me any good. If I rip just the movie to a video format I lose all the extras but can stream. I want to preserve the menus and extras and still stream.

    Does anyone know of a way to digitize a dvd and keep all the extras? I am using windows media center for the streaming. I don't particularly like windows media center but I have a 360 and it just makes it easy. So does anyone know or or even if this is possible? Video and streaming is not my thing so I may be asking for the moon. Thanks in advance.
  2. yakyb

    yakyb i hate the person above me

    10 Oct 2006
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    there are plany of programs out there that can read from ISOs so i would rip them straight to ISO

    (BTW cant think of any off the top of my head other than VLC as i use MKV myself but i know quite a few media centre options can do it head over to XBMC.org to ask around )

    however your problem will then come in linking it to the 360 but if your archiving a few 1000 DVDs i would invest in a proper media centre (will probably only set you back ~ £400)

    also you may want top consider Storage i estimate about 5-6 TB for 1000 DVDs ripped to ISO

    in which case you may also want to condsider WHS its not cheap to overall your probably looking at an investment of about £1000 to archive all your movies but at £1 a DVD its not that bad really
  3. yakyb

    yakyb i hate the person above me

    10 Oct 2006
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  4. wolff000

    wolff000 I am here to steal your secrets.

    26 Apr 2005
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    Thank you all for information. I am going to research xbmc and probably go that route.

    As far as storage that is not really an issue as I have access to hds for pretty cheap through my work connections.

    Thanks again.
  5. Zoon

    Zoon Hunting Wabbits since the 80s

    12 Mar 2001
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