aye, a crying shame, still, a lot of the old timers still arse about on IRC. bit doesn't feel like the same old tigh-knit group that it used to, ah well, times change i guess
I'll take it upon myself to be Penski's spokesperson Originally he stopped posting cos his net was teh gay, and bt was banned at work. He then moved on to ocuk and never looked back, he gets good reaction to half nekkid pics of himself and feels the ocuk crew give him the love bit-tech simply could not* In other news, he's been through a few jobs and resides in a yuppy flat on the wrong side of the tyne with his gf. Last time I saw the ******* he happy kicked me in the middle of town. Fookin' yob. * = may not be true.
I thought there had been a bit of a drop off of the old regulars. Mind you I don't get the time to peruse the site like I used to (my nephew and niece seem to take most of my time these days, and when I'm not looking after them I'm trying to get through my game collection that is slowly building up). Bit did get blocked in work for a while, so I shifted to Hexus and Hard OCP while in work to get my tech news (but now I've had a new PC and Bit's back )
"back in my day" all of us then... umm 14 year olds?! used to spend our summer holidays posting on bit-tech, people like hazza, xen0 murdoc, dom_ etc etc. Like bigz said times change and people move on, heck this is my first post in how many months, personally I read more than I post as I feel I fgt better quality answers from reviews, articles, pod casts (dl.tv) than I do from forums. EDIT: I still see variations of my original treasure hunt treads are going :s