While the bookface app is a welcome addition, it's a bit pants... and buggy as hell... [or at the very least inconsistent], main annoyance is the messages/chat bit scrolls the opposite way to normal [and the opposite way to the rest of the app]... I'll stick to the website for the moment...
i came back and it was already being installed, oh well. id have like to have saved it first, will post after i've used it more to see whats new
you got it wrong ! I still wanna use a password for my local account and keep using it to log in etc. tried that only hope to make new account and this means i have dual accounts which is crap I noticed when LOGIN with Microsoft account it auto convert the current local account to Microsoft and it screw things up no more sky drive for me...
From a post on the Microsoft forums.. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-windows_install/windows-81-download/38e45323-8b20-4448-8a3b-b2bdb5fd69b3 So it looks like they have no plans (yet) to release a network install version. I cant see admins being pleased with having to DL over 3Gb for 30+ PC's EDIT: just to add, it seems they may have updated the MSDN and TechNet versions
totally stupid strategy bro, dunno who is behind this plan... imagine having to DL over 3Gb for 30+ PC's I will check dreamspark copy again Edit still the same old RTM copy no change on the downloading iso...
To get the ISO of Windows 8 http://www.redmondpie.com/download-windows-8-iso-x86-x64-file-directly-from-microsoft/ Companies and school have direct access to the ISO.
thx,. I hope they'll be one available soon from somewhere. I now seem to have about 40 Unknown Devices in my Network Adaptors tab in device manager, and they won't uninstall
I got 99 problems but mass re-downloading of identical updates ain't one; if you're having patch troubles, I got WSUS for you son. (With apologies to Jay-Z.) Seriously: back when I used to sysadmin Windows networks (shudder) I swore by WSUS, the Windows Server Update Service. Each update was downloaded by the WSUS server for my approval, and once I hit the 'go' button following testing hit client devices from my local WSUS server rather than Microsoft's remote server. One 3GB download, regardless of the number of clients on my network.
unfortunately 8.1 comes via the store app not windows update, so that won't work, haven't checked if win server 2012 wsus downloads 8.1 yet though.
Outlook on my Surface RT --ace. Many refinements and some minor speed improvements --nice. Synced Skydrive folder in Explorer --excellent. All apps still work --nice. Jailbreak is broken though. Hope that gets fixed soon --I rather like having Quake, Audacity, 7Zip and Paint.Net on my Surface RT.
My soundcard is Asus so no problem here. Is that a Microsoft problem anyway? Surely Creative need to pull a finger out?
You can switch to log in using a 4 number pin code if you wish. Would that be a solution you'd be happy with?