aw man, the lack of console taint is so evident. the UI feels sharp and responsive, visuals look crisp and modern. plays bloody nice as well
It listed around 90 minutes to unpack, took 20. Well worth the wait though, I'm loving the concealment and the rangers are possibly a touch OP but oh so much fun!
Yeah, got my code about an hour after I posted. They are probably only allowed to release the code on the day of release (though I recall preordering before and getting the code a few days before release). Also doesn't help that they'd probs had thousands of orders which would have clogged their mail system. Only played an hour or two so far, full graphics settings (minus 1 or 2 ******** options turned off like blur / lens flare kinda crap). Game ran smoothly for the most part. Thought at one stage that input was being delayed by low fps, but it was just the tutorial mission going through the dialog... me ->
6 hours played so far, no performance issues that I've seen but I have had a couple of "odd" animations, a little bit of clipping through terrain and such, but that's it.
Found one irritating bug but it has a workaround. Sometimes I can't select the skill I want for promotion from the mission debrief screen. Continuing past it and selecting from the Armory fixes it. It seems only to be on the rangers though *shrugs*
Grr. Simple things like real life and a huge backlog of games means I'm not going to pick this up right away. I wonder if they'll do an add-on a la Enemey Within?
Really want to play this game but my Steam keeps pausing the download and saying Scheduled download not got a clue what's doing it, i've downloaded the WOW client last night fine was getting 10mbs download but steam just won't let me download as of late, played with all the settings reset it all still keeps stopping downloads. Online says try swapping from wifi to lan but that's not doable for me I guess i'll have to sit n dream of playing this game in the 2-3 weeks it might take to get the sodding thing if steam don't sort itself.
played this way too much at the weekend that i feel it went too quickly. Had a few FPS issues but i am running a 7950 so in need of an upgrade. loving the extra tactical flexibility and i dont feel like ive explored enough of it yet to grasp whats best. the pacing feels a bit weird as i havent investigated the codex brain thing yet and i have plasma weapons ???
Started a game on XCOM this weekend, definitely liking it so far, so will probably be keeping an eye out on this to maybe pick it up when it drops in price.
Anyone know how to turn "Save Scumming" on? Sick and tired of my entire squad missing an 80+% shot and reloading to retake the shot does nothing.
You're halfway there already, you've got plasma As long as the timer doesn't run out you can research almost anything prior to completing the objectives. The rest is down to play style, team composition and mission type. If you're starting stealthed then maybe a couple of sharpshooters so one moves while the other covers (double killzone is brutal though ), heavy on the rangers if you're starting exposed and heavy on grenadiers if you're against mechs. Psi ops are good for a giggle as well but the worst part is the six man cap so you can't just take two of each... @DLDeadbolt: Haven't seen it yet, been busy digging through the ini files as well and no reference to it so far.
Ive found the specialist using the combat tree is pretty effective as some of the hacks can provide some great boosts to the team. (on 1 mission i hacked a comms/screening tower thing and mind controlled an Advent officer, i proceeded to drop a grenade at my feet with 4 others around him) Yeah but i can only run it @1080p on medium settings otherwise i get around 30fps with drops to 20ish when it heats up
Improved Acid grenades from the launcher just makes me giggle like a child. Nothing like hitting a pod with one and watching them all get melted
I keep forgetting which ones of my Specialists are specc'd for combat, and which is medic. I've got 2 of each (from my main group of ~15 soldiers), further sorted at 1 each of male/female. I keep meaning to change their appearances / setups (so the combat guys are NOT carrying med packs, which is where my main fudge up occurs).
Your hacker should have the Spoiler brain spike too, as that gives a hacking bonus. My troopers are colour coded / shaded based on class / Role, Red as grenadier, Blue as specialist (Light Medic, Dark Hacker), Yellow as ranger and Green as Sniper and finally Pink for the Psi Op.
I use similar colour coding - red grenadier, blue hacking specialist, white healing specialist, black ranger, green sniper and pink psi ops. It makes it easy to tell at a glance before you launch what the team composition is. The only time I come a cropper with this is that if they don't make sergeant then they aren't worth my time to customise so I occasionally get confused with a newbie or two.